5689 results found for 'galloper'

5689 results found for 'galloper'
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  • 15 March 2010
    Environment, R&D

    MIT analysis suggests generating electricity from large-scale wind farms could influence climate — and not necessarily in the desired way. Wind power has emerged as a viable renewable energy source in recent years — one that proponents say could lessen the threat of global warming. Although the American Wind Energy Association estimates that only about […]

  • 3 August 2022

    The Build Back Better Act, a comprehensive legislative package proposed in the US that also includes funding for governmental bodies to speed up offshore wind permitting and buildout, was introduced in the US Senate on 2 August. The package, which was first proposed to cost USD 3.5 trillion and later got cut to USD 1.7 […]

  • 2 September 2015

    The profile of Wales as a potential location for marine energy projects has increased dramatically over the past 12 months, demonstrated clearly by the growing number of developers from across the globe who are showing an active interest in developing projects in Welsh waters. Attracted initially by Wales’ excellent wave and tidal stream resource, the […]

  • 15 October 2018

    Are you ready for the new dawn in offshore wind? At the Offshore Wind Conference 2018 (OWC 2018), you can discover how you and your company can prepare for the new industry standards throughout several sessions that jointly aim to cover everything needed to get the full picture of what lies ahead. 

  • 19 September 2011
    Business & Finance

      A boat with suspension, a giant robotic arm and a vessel resembling a seahorse are just three of the innovative concepts shortlisted by the Carbon Trust as part of a competition to solve the problem of transferring engineers and equipment safely on to wind turbines as far as 300km offshore in wave heights up […]

  • 13 July 2011
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D, Technology

      The UK’s leadership in the development of wave-generated power continued apace as wave energy developer Aquamarine Power invited Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond MSP to unveil the Oyster 800, the company’s next-generation hydro-electric wave energy converter. 800kW device At a ceremony at Burntisland Fabrications’ yard at Methil, Fife, the First Minister welcomed the advancements […]

  • 28 August 2013

    The tradeoff between rising energy costs and the low carbon agenda continues to see policy makers retreating from traditional renewable energy support mechanisms; forcing the industry to look for innovative financing solutions. At the same time, energy mix optimization has come to the fore, particularly in emerging markets, with governments increasingly seeing the need to […]

  • 10 May 2013
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Training & Education

      A doubling of planned funding to improve oil and gas training facilities and develop other energy sector skills courses has been announced by the First Minister. Led by Skills Development Scotland and located at Robert Gordon University, Energy Skills Scotland (ESS) is being backed by an investment package worth £6.5 million – double the […]

  • 28 July 2011
    Business & Finance

    Progress in internationalisation together with efficiency and sustained performance in all business lines placed Gamesa in a strong growth position in the first half of 2011, with results in line with annual guidance in terms of volume, profitability and debt. Gamesa’s consolidated revenues amounted to 1,297 million euro (+26%) in 1H11, EBIT was 62 million […]

  • 23 March 2021
    Business & Finance

    The following article is a guest post by Peter Thompson, East Asia Energy Leader at Arup, a global engineering and consultancy company. The article discusses the growing offshore wind sector in Asia, applying and refining lessons learned from Europe, as well as the region’s potential in floating wind. Asia’s offshore wind market is expected to […]

  • 19 October 2022
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Floating Wind, Wind Farm Update

    The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has deemed 43 companies eligible to bid in the upcoming offshore wind lease sale in California, with the majority on the list being Europe-headquartered energy companies and floating wind technology developers, either as standalone entities or as part of joint ventures. Acciona, Hexicon and BW Ideol eyeing Californian […]

  • 7 June 2021
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

    The following article is a guest post by John Coultate, Head of Product Development, and Evgenia Golysheva, Head of Engineering, ONYX InSight. The article discusses asset life extension in offshore wind and the benefits of a data driven approach. Offshore wind is set for a golden age. For continued growth, the sector must plan ahead. […]

  • 18 January 2021

    Offshore heavy lifting: Why use power, if you have balance? The offshore wind industry is growing significantly and is moving towards larger wind turbine sizes and deeper water. This causes a rising demand for alternative installation methods besides the well-known and most commonly used jack-up vessels. One of the alternatives is installation by means of […]

  • 2 September 2020

    By Liviu Galatanu, BD&I Director, GLO Marine The apparently long-term decline in oil prices has undoubtedly hit the offshore oil & gas (O&G) industry hard. Suppliers of platform / offshore supply vessel (PSV / OSV) services to the sector in particular find themselves with excess assets and the need to either sell them or put […]

  • 2 April 2019

    Executive summary The development of offshore wind represents an interesting technology opportunity for the US. On one hand, offshore wind is a European invention, and early technologies will have to be almost exclusively imported from Europe. On the other, though, the rapid pace of technology development in offshore wind offers significant potential for the US […]

  • 15 December 2014

    In the very first edition of Offshore WIND we reported on access systems as the means for safe transfers of personnel to offshore wind turbines. At that time it was still a relatively new topic in this industry. We discussed the systems by Dutch company Ampelmann Operations B.V. and by Offshore Solutions. Now, five years […]

  • 27 July 2011
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Minas Basin Pulp and Power Co. Ltd. (MBPP) is paving the way for coastal communities in Nova Scotia to compete in a growing industry. In 2008, the provincial government gave MBPP, a Hantsport-based pulp and power production company, the go-ahead to develop North America’s first tidal power observation facility — a multi-million dollar project that […]

  • 5 August 2011
    Operations & Maintenance, Training & Education

      Vattenfall, Technip and Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), the joint venture (JV) partners behind a cutting edge Wind Deployment Centre in Scottish waters – the 11-wind turbine European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre (EOWDC) off Aberdeen Bay – have submitted their consent application to Marine Scotland. The application seeks permission for work to commence on […]

  • 8 February 2023
    Authorities, Industry

    Updated on 8 February at 14:51 with a comment from European Energy’s CEO. On 6 February, the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) announced that it had suspended the processing of offshore wind projects under the open-door scheme, saying that this permitting scheme was potentially in breach of EU law. It did not take long for the […]

  • 8 September 2014

    The most extensive science and engineering research project to take place in Caithness for many years is occurring this month (September, 2014) from a base at Gills Harbour, on the shores of the ‘s Inner Sound. Expensive high-tech equipment, under the TIME initiative, has been laid on the Sound’s seabed from the 25-metre-long ‘multi-cat’ vessel […]

  • 18 May 2020

    Written by:Javier Lanfranchi                            Eng. Diego MorbiniArea Sales Manager                      Senior Technical Sales Manager Spanish wind tower manufacturer has recently installed two automated plate rolling lines and it is already in full production. A global leader in the wind power industry with headquarters in Spain offering a wide range of solutions for manufacturing wind towers for wind turbines and […]

  • 6 February 2013

    Offshore wind deals are happening and project developers that need money are getting it, but sometimes this is overshadowed by a cloud of negativity from banks and the utilities, which complain all too often that the project finance markets are broke or the regulatory frameworks insufficient.  Jérôme Guillet, Managing Director of Green Giraffe Energy Bankers, says: […]

  • 7 December 2011

    They say that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. And for The Switch, this holds true. They’ve created every bit of their present success by working closely with their customers, shaping the industry by making permanent magnet generators the technology of choice in the wind power industry and then cutting […]

  • 22 December 2022
    Wind Farm Update

    SSE Renewables submitted the application for the 4.1 GW Berwick Bank offshore wind project to Marine Scotland on 9 December, kicking off the consent process with the Scottish Ministers. According to the developer, the project’s site in the Firth of Forth is the only remaining fixed-bottom site in Scotland that could bring forward this kind […]

  • 30 March 2015

    In the previous article we spoke about the importance of accurate wind measurement for an optimum wind farm design. But also underwater there are elements that need to be taken into consideration when designing the foundation and cable structures for each wind turbine. Waves and currents can cause erosion of the seabed around a fixed […]

  • 12 April 2013

    European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) spoke to Andreas Wagner, CEO of the Offshore Wind Foundation (Stiftung Offshore-Windenergie) and part of the team negotiating with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, trying to find out what is the future of German offshore wind power, as the country is said to be facing support cuts, besides the already known […]