613 results found for 'East Anglia One'

613 results found for 'East Anglia One'
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  • 16 September 2022
    Environment, Wind Farm Update

    Poland’s PGE Baltica, a PGE Group company, has entered the stage of environmental surveys for the Baltica 1 offshore wind farm located approximately 80 kilometres from the Polish Baltic coast. The research will be carried out by a consortium of the Gdynia Maritime University and MEWO S.A., which will also prepare an environmental report and […]

  • 22 February 2022
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders

    Polish Ministry of Infrastructure has launched a procedure for granting concessions for three more offshore wind areas after launching the same procedure for three areas on 21 January and for further three on 8 February. The Ministry has invited developers to submit applications within 60 days of the announcement which, for the last three areas, […]

  • 30 November 2011

    Typhoon Offshore, the independent energy innovator, has opened an office in London to enhance its presence in one of the world’s largest, and fastest growing, markets for offshore wind power generation. This announcement follows Typhoon Offshore’s earlier announcement that it opened an office in Seoul, South Korea. The UK office, located in the City, will […]

  • 19 December 2016
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Energinet.dk has invited tenders for burial and protection of 150kV subsea cables at Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution (CGS). The works include burial and protection of approximately 2 x 24km of submarine cable route, which is to be divided into trenching and jetting work for the Krieger’s Flak CGS connection. The contract will also cover, inter alia, boulder […]

  • 2 December 2010

    New Jersey is leading other East Coast states with its plans for offshore wind energy, but the federal government still needs to expedite its permitting process for those projects to move forward, said members of a new national pro-wind power coalition. New Jersey’s offshore waters have enough reliable wind to power “more than every household […]

  • 10 May 2011

      Red7Marine’s newly-acquired offshore support vessel DP Reel has sailed into Great Yarmouth port to mark a milestone moment for the rapidly growing company. The £5m investment means the highly versatile vessel will be available to support work for clients in the renewable energy and oil & gas sectors. It comes less than three years […]

  • 13 June 2014
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

    Whitby Harbour Board has issued an early information about a tender for early planning of Endeavour Wharf reconstruction works in Whitby Harbour, which would be used to support Dogger Bank offshore wind farm development. This may include the construction of a berthing pontoon to be used as an embarkation point for staff and equipment on […]

  • 26 November 2014
    Environment, R&D

    A consortium of five international energy companies has taken the initiative to launch the DEPONS (Disturbance Effects on the Harbour Porpoise Population in the North Sea) research project, which aims to study how the population of harbour porpoises in the North Sea is affected when new offshore wind farms are built. Spearheading the consortium is […]

  • 20 April 2015

    Since research into the impact of offshore wind farms on the marine life started more than 15 years ago at Denmark’s Horns Rev 1, there have been several multi-year research and monitoring programmes in Denmark, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. A large part of it funded by the wind farm developers themselves, and governments also […]

  • 11 October 2012

    The bulk of the current plans for European offshore wind power are intended for construction in the relatively shallow North Sea. However, many European countries, including Portugal, do not border shallow seas. Their sea beds have steep descending slopes and much greater water depths not suited for current techniques. If a viable technique can be […]

  • 3 February 2017
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    On 31 January, the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) approved more than EUR 7.8 billion of new financing which, inter alia, includes EUR 57 million (GBP 50 million) for the offshore transmission network of the Burbo Bank Extension offshore wind farm in the UK.

  • 12 October 2022
    Technology, Wind Farm Update

    Marine Power Systems (MPS) and WavEC, one of the co-managers of the Aguçadoura test site offshore Viana do Castelo, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on deploying MPS modular floating platform technology, PelaFlex, at the Portuguese test site. The news comes shortly after MPS signed a collaboration agreement with RWE which will, inter alia, […]

  • 24 May 2012
    Business & Finance

    Iberdrola is committed to promoting offshore wind power as one of the basic pillars in its future growth. It is determined to spearhead the development of this technology, which it considers to be the second revolution in renewable energies, just as it did in the case of onshore wind power, where it is the world […]

  • 16 January 2013
    Authorities, Environment

    The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), RSPB and Angling Trust told the House of Commons Energy & Climate Committee they all supported tidal energy development in the Severn, but that the current proposal lacks detail and claims that it would not unacceptably damage wildlife and large areas of habitat are not realistic. As well as […]

  • 22 June 2017
    Contracts & Tenders

    This year Offshore WIND Magazine will be looking at the offshore wind hub ports. These are ports that have either become newly established as offshore wind ports or existing ports already serving the industry that grown beyond most people’s expectations in the past seven years. These hubs can be either a single port or a group of neighbouring ports able to provide the complete base support for range of services from project pre-construction surveys to wind farm operation and maintenance.

  • 21 December 2012

    On Wednesday 2 January 2013, Fendercare Marine announces the launch of a new division, Fendercare Marine Equipment and Lifting Services, located at their Great Yarmouth base. Fendercare Marine, one of the world’s leading suppliers of marine products and services, opened their energy support base in Great Yarmouth in July 2012, initially providing support to offshore […]

  • 10 May 2023
    Business development, Collaboration, Innovation, Research & Development, Technology

    Dutch start-up TouchWind, the developer of a floating wind turbine with a tilting, angled one–piece rotor, is installing a small–scale prototype at Fieldlab Green Economy Westvoorne, the Netherlands, for testing that is set to start this month. The field lab, located on the north bank of the Oostvoornse Lake in the southwest of the Netherlands, facilitates underwater and nearshore research for […]

  • 6 October 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    RWE has submitted a bid to build an offshore wind farm at the up to 1.5 GW site in the Polish Baltic Sea which the Polish Government has opened for competitive process for a seabed permit. The Germany-based developer has filed a proposal for the 53.E1 area offshore Poland, located around 75 kilometres off the […]

  • 2 September 2016

    At the time this article was being written, almost 45 per cent of the purpose built crew transfer vessels in the offshore wind industry were owned or operated by eleven British companies and one Anglo-Dutch company, with 74 of the vessels owned or operated by one of two companies, Turbine Transfers Ltd. and Windcat Workboats. Turbine Transfers is a wholly owned […]

  • 30 October 2014
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Grant programme, Supply Chain innovation for Offshore Renewable Energy (SCORE), has announced three new grant recipients, all whose projects illustrate the innovation and entrepreneurship thriving in the East of England’s offshore renewable energy sector. Working in collaboration with Cambridge University, Essex-based GreenSpur is developing a new cost effective generator design for the wind turbine market. […]

  • 24 May 2021
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    Anglo-American joint venture Hecate Independent Power Limited (HIP) has launched its HIP Atlantic Project for installing 10,000 MW of fixed and floating wind turbines in the North Atlantic connected to the UK grid. The long-length, high-capacity, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission cables which will connect the wind farms to the UK grid are to be […]

  • 30 April 2021
    Business & Finance

    With the global installed offshore wind capacity expected to exceed 250 GW by 2030, the combined capital and operational expenditure (capex and opex) for the decade is set to reach USD 810 billion (approx. EUR 670.2 billion), signaling an increasing shift of investments from oil and gas to renewable energy technologies, according to a report […]

  • 4 April 2018
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Siemens Gamesa has won a tender for the supply of gearboxes for Eneco’s ten-year-old Princess Amalia offshore wind farm (Prinses Amaliawindpark) that features 60 V80-2.0MW wind turbines delivered by Vestas and maintained by MHI Vestas, which will continue to carry out the regular preventive maintenance for the next five years.

  • 13 December 2010

    Van Oord has completed the Belwind Phase | Offshore Wind Farm off the coast of Zeebrugge, Belgium. On Thursday 9 December 2010 Belwind was officially opened. The Belwind Phase I Offshore Wind Farm was completed in the record time of 15 months and will now provide 175,000 households with green energy. Van Oord was responsible […]

  • 1 November 2019

      Over recent years, the focus of offshore wind investments has started to shift from Europe to Asia. Taiwan was able to capture the trend and thanks to his green friendly policies has become one the most dynamic hubs for the wind investments in Asia. Only the most important and fully equipped Taiwanese OEMs have […]

  • 9 May 2013

    ZF Services UK will showcase examples from ZF Marine’s range of propulsion products for tugs, wind farm support vessels, fish farm vessels, OSVs, other workboats and patrol craft at Seawork (stand A97). Products featured on the ZF Services UK Ltd stand include the ZF 3060V: 10° V-drive, remote mount marine transmission, suitable for fast patrol […]