8542 results found for 'Lincs'

8542 results found for 'Lincs'
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  • 10 November 2015
    Business & Finance

    Scottish Development International (SDI) will lead a trade mission to Japan from 16-20th November to explore the opportunities in subsea mining and renewables across East Asia. The trade mission will expose several British companies to detailed market insights and connect them with the key players in the industry, as they look to exploit the export opportunities […]

  • 26 March 2015
    Business & Finance

    Since entering the renewables market, H&Askham has been extremely active at a number of GROW:OffshoreWind events, taking full advantage of the advice and strategic support available. Claire Cooper, Business Development Manager, said: “Over time, the programme has really picked up momentum and become increasingly more useful for us as a business. The events hosted and facilitated […]

  • 7 October 2014
    Business & Finance

    Zeeland Seaports recently made a start on work to extend the Westhofkade. BOW Terminal, Zeeland Seaports will extend the existing 300-metre quay by around 175 metres. The quay is expected to be ready for use in mid-2015. The Zeeland ports occupy a prominent position when it comes to the storage and handling of project cargo […]

  • 17 July 2014

    Royal HaskoningDHV and ECN have formally kicked off a collaboration for the joint development and construction support services of wind farms. The collaboration will provide a comprehensive, unique and high value service for wind farm developers and owners. The team has set out initially to focus on designing the most efficient and cost effective offshore […]

  • 30 June 2014

    Houlder’s TAS (Turbine Access System) has taken a step closer to meeting operator requirements by completing a trial period within the Carbon Trust’s Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA) programme on the Vattenfall’s Thanet Offshore Wind Farm, Kent. The system has been installed on CWind’s Coastal Knight 20t composite crew transfer vessel throughout June 2014. During this […]

  • 26 June 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    The 2014 Crown Estate Scotland Report, published today, shows a 13.6% increase on net capital investment to £5 million, with a significant proportion of overall investment over the year supporting Scotland’s emerging low-carbon energy industry.  The total capital investment in Scotland over the last four years now totals £33.1 million. In 2013/14, £5.7 million was […]

  • 23 June 2014

    The Maritime Offshore Group GmbH (MOG) from Bremen (Germany) performed successful the first stability calculations together with the Technical University of Central Hessen, “Civil Engineering and Architecture” (Professor Dr. Christine Doebert) for a gravity base offshore foundation in a new lightweight design. Although the combination of characteristics may not make any sense, the new foundation […]

  • 27 February 2014
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

    British company Sure Wind Marine Ltd. has taken delivery of its second Damen Twin Axe Fast Crew Supplier – the Sure Swift – in a little over a month after the first joined the company’s fleet. Established in 2009, Sure Wind is a specialist in the German offshore wind market and now has 10 dedicated […]

  • 6 January 2014
    Wind Farm Update

    RWE Innogy has revised plans for the proposed Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm project, which is being developed off the Lincolnshire Coast in the North Sea. Work on the site design has resulted in RWE Innogy deciding to progress the development with a reduced capacity which ranges between 600 and 900 megawatts, rather than the […]

  • 29 November 2013
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    The European consortium comprising EDF Energies Nouvelles and wpd offshore today submitted two bids for French offshore wind projects: the Tréport and Ile d’ Yeu/Ile de Noirmoutier. These two projects fall within the framework of the second call for tenders for French offshore wind energy projects, representing total new capacity of 1,000 MW to be […]

  • 15 October 2013

    CTruk scored a hat-trick with the delivery of its 12th 20T multi-purpose catamaran, CWind Challenger. As well as being the first of these popular offshore wind support vessels to be designed, built and classed to Bureau Veritas (BV) rules, the 18.5m multi-role workboat is also the first Category 1 vessel built by the company under […]

  • 9 September 2013
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection

    UK Offshore Transmission Operator, Transmission Capital Partners has announced the appointment of renewable energy consultancy Natural Power to deliver NP /ControlCentre services including: 24/7 alarm monitoring, voltage control, access control, emergency de-energisation, emergency response management and liaison with National Grid (working as National Electricity Transmission System Operator) and the Distribution Network Operator. Services will be […]

  • 18 July 2013
    Authorities, R&D, Technology

    As part of the offshore wind test and demonstration leasing programme launched in June, The Crown Estate today issued a call for expressions of interest (EOI) in non-grid connected (off-grid) projects and variations to existing offshore wind projects. The Crown Estate manages the UK seabed, investing alongside renewable energy developers to facilitate the growth of […]

  • 25 June 2013

    Ruud Lievaart, owner of Netherlands-based Sima Charters, has inked the agreement for a second CTruk 20T multi-purpose catamaran during Seawork International in Southampton this week. For CTruk this important signing means that every client it works with has taken a second CTruk vessel. The new 18.5m composite workboat, to be named SC Falcon, is expected […]

  • 7 June 2013

    U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) responded to news reports that the U.S. Department of Interior will outline details of an offshore lease sale for wind energy in the Atlantic Ocean. In November 2012, Sens. Vitter and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) wrote a letter to former Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, noting that the agency will not allow […]

  • 20 May 2013

    Writing in France’s prestigious centre-left daily newspaper Le Monde, Peter Altmaier, the German environment minister, and Delphine Batho, his French counterpart, underlined the need for a 2030 renewable energy target and highlighed the importance of renewables in transforming the European economy, improving energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. “We want to make the energy […]

  • 24 April 2013

    Today the Crown Estate launched a new website to support industry collaboration in the emerging wave and tidal industry. The Wave and Tidal Knowledge Network will make it easier for organisations to share information with each other and help deliver industry growth. The coverage of the Knowledge Network is broad, and includes such topics as […]

  • 25 February 2013
    Grid Connection

    With the release of the “Federal Trade Plan for Offshore North Sea”, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) presented the first offshore network plan. The “Federal Trade Plan for Offshore North Sea” concretized and added Maritime Spatial Planning to the planning of electrical networks. It summarizes the planned and approved wind farms along with […]

  • 15 January 2013

    IHC Handling Systems, part of IHC Merwede, has delivered a pile guiding tool for the installation of 80 wind turbine foundations at sea. This innovative tool was designed and constructed by IHC Handling Systems, and then installed on board Seajacks’ new jack-up vessel, ZARATAN, in autumn 2012. The company was awarded the contract on the […]

  • 23 October 2012

    Bord Gáis and its Irish tidal energy partner, OpenHydro were awarded exclusive rights to develop a 100MW tidal energy farm off Torr Head on the north coast of Antrim. The project, potentially the first of its kind in the island of Ireland, is expected to be completed by the year 2020. The award was made […]

  • 1 October 2012
    Authorities, Grid Connection

    Dudgeon Offshore Wind Limited (DOW), a subsidiary of Warwick Energy Limited, has today received planning permission from Breckland Council to build and operate an onshore substation near Necton, Norfolk, together with an associated buried cable route spur. The substation is needed to connect the Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm (Dudgeon) project to the national electrical transmission […]

  • 7 June 2012
    Operations & Maintenance

    OutSmart opens the first offshore wind Operations Centre for the German market in Emden at the end of this year. The operations centre will be manned 24/7 to operate offshore wind farms in the German North Sea and coordinate all maintenance and logistic activities. Launching customer is Trianel for wind farm Borkum West II that […]

  • 18 May 2012
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    London Array achieved some of its final key construction milestones for the onshore substation at Cleve Hill. The North Wall was completed at the end of 2011, when it installed the final six steel and aluminium fins. In February this year, the London Array substation connected to the National Grid substation, so the wind farm […]

  • 1 May 2012
    Grid Connection, R&D

    National Grid and Denmark’s Energinet.dk have today announced the start of a study to look at the possibility of a first electricity power connection between Great Britain and Denmark. Work will start immediately with the aim to compete it by the end of 2012. This new ‘pre-feasibility’ study is a very early stage to examine […]

  • 11 April 2012

    MeteoGroup, Europe’s largest private weather forecasting company, is a leading player in the provision of wind and power forecasts for the renewables market and has doubled its market share in the past year. MeteoGroup has proven experience in the wind energy market and has supplied wind forecasts to major contractors throughout Europe for a number […]

  • 1 February 2012

    Highlands and Islands businesses are showcasing the region’s infrastructure and skills capabilities at Scotland’s largest ever Offshore Wind conference taking place in Aberdeen since yesterday. Attracting more than 600 of the most influential business leaders in oil and gas and renewable energy from across the UK and Europe, the two day Scottish Offshore Wind Conference […]