625 results found for 'ocean wind 1'

625 results found for 'ocean wind 1'
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  • 31 July 2011

    IBERDROLA has published its 2009-2010 R&D Report. The document includes the Group’s main initiatives and most significant milestones in R&D, in which it has invested over €220 million over the last two years. The Group considers R&D a strategic pillar of its activity when confronting with guarantees the challenges facing the energy sector, and to […]

  • 18 November 2022
    Business & Finance

    US-based companies Burns & McDonnell and Bay Ltd. are teaming up to provide engineering, procurement, fabrication, and construction of offshore substations. According to the new partnership, the aim is to help the US reach its offshore wind targets, as well as to address global supply chain challenges for the industry. Burns & McDonnell, which has […]

  • 17 May 2013

    During last week, Eco Wave Power’s founders, Mr. David Leb (Founder and CEO) and Ms. Inna Braverman (Co-Founder & Marketing Director) arrived to Kempinski Hotel in Beijing in order to sign an initial collaboration agreement between EWP and a Chinese Governmental fund. The agreement was executed in an official signing ceremony, attended by high ranked […]

  • 2 February 2011
    Business & Finance

    Today, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement Director Michael R. Bromwich delivered remarks at the Second Annual Offshore Wind Power North America Conference in Boston, Mass. Director Bromwich discussed the current status of offshore renewable energy projects, how the reorganization of the former Minerals Management Service will affect future offshore renewable energy projects […]

  • 2 January 2023
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders

    This year is set to be one of the busiest for offshore wind developers and governments around the world as a multitude of new sites are scheduled to be awarded for offshore wind farm construction. From the much longer list of auctions coming up in 2023, each bearing national and/or global significance, offshoreWIND.biz is bringing […]

  • 15 April 2021

    Irish Government is working on a new maritime planning bill that would remove the regulative and administrative challenges present under the current act and allow for faster realisation of offshore wind projects. The Maritime Area Planning (MAP) Bill will also establish a new agency, the Maritime Area Regulatory Authority (MARA), to regulate development in Ireland’s Maritime […]

  • 23 February 2022
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    This is an article following Day 1 updates of the New York Bight offshore wind lease sale. To read the updates from Day 2 and Day 3, or news on the final results of the lease sale, go to the articles below: The biggest offshore wind lease sale ever organised in the US is resuming […]

  • 3 July 2012

    As part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to developing the nation’s vast renewable energy resources, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar has announced yesterday that two major wind energy initiatives have completed important environmental reviews, clearing the way for public comment and final review. Onshore, Salazar announced the release of final environmental impact statements for […]

  • 1 October 2010
    Business & Finance

    SeaEnergy PLC today announces its results for the six months ended 30 June 2010. Operational highlights: Offshore activity on SeaEnergy’s Round 3 Zone 1 site at Moray Firth has commenced, with geophysical, met-ocean and bird surveys all underway. A consent application along with an Environmental Impact Assessment is due for submission in 2012. Arrangements with […]

  • 30 October 2014

    The Rt. Hon. the Lord Heseltine CH will be amongst the first to see some of the world’s most sophisticated marine modelling facilities in operation today (30 October) when he officially opens HR Wallingford’s UK Ship Simulation Centre and the Fast Flow Facility at Howbery Business Park in Oxfordshire. Developments in the ocean can be […]

  • 17 August 2012

    Wind power is the world’s leading source of renewable electricity, excluding hydropower, with 238,000 megawatts of capacity installed at the start of 2012. Thus far, almost all of this wind power has been tapped on land; worldwide just 4,600 megawatts of offshore wind farms were operating as of mid-2012. Offshore wind capacity is growing quickly, […]

  • 11 May 2020

    By Steelwind Nordenham. XXL-Monopiles have been successfully used for water depths of up to 40 metres. Now wind farm developers need monopiles “beyond XXL”. Evolution “At the beginning of this decade nobody could image that 10 MW turbines and XXL-monopiles will be state of the art in offshore wind foundations and now we are even […]

  • 1 February 2012

    PolycreteUSA President, Bruce Anderson participated in the launch of the Advanced Energy Economy of Virginia, an industry driven association dedicated to develop and grow Advanced Energy Industries throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. AEE Virginia’s strategy is to create a partnership between those who have a vested interest in advanced energy technologies and those who can […]

  • 2 April 2013

    On December 19, 2012, NMFS received an application from CWA for the taking of marine mammals incidental to high resolution survey activities. NMFS determined that the application was adequate and complete on December 31, 2012. CWA plans to conduct a high resolution geophysical survey in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts. The survey would occur during daylight hours […]

  • 24 September 2021
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Ports & Logistics

    Massachusetts’s Baker-Polio Administration plans to invest USD 100 million from federal COVID relief funding in critical port infrastructure to support offshore wind development. “To ensure we maximize the economic potential of this industry and build on assets like the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal, our Administration is proposing a significant investment in critical port infrastructure […]

  • 26 October 2018

    Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) 2018 brought together 550 exhibitors and over 10,000 unique visitors in halls 1, 2 & 3 of Amsterdam RAI. The conference and side events attracted over 1,000 delegates. The next Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference takes place on 7, 8 and 9 October 2019. Offshore Energy 2018 kicked off […]

  • 27 October 2022
    Authorities, Grid Connection

    The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) has selected an offshore wind transmission project proposed by Mid-Atlantic Offshore Development, a joint venture of EDF Renewables-North America and Shell New Energies US, and Jersey Central Power & Light (JCP&L) Company. Offshore infrastructure to be built by Shell and EDF Renewables, power delivered to JCP&L’s grid […]

  • 26 October 2012

    The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) Board of Trustees voted yesterday to authorize staff to begin negotiating potential power purchase agreements (PPA) for new generating resources consistent with LIPA’s Electric Resource Energy Plan. The Trustees also authorized actions related to diversifying LIPA’s resource portfolio, including efforts and investments to improve energy efficiency through the Efficiency […]

  • 29 April 2021

    The U.S. State of Maine has introduced legislation to establish a 10-year moratorium on new offshore wind projects located in State waters. Proposed moratorium would preserve State waters for fishing and recreation and prioritize offshore wind in Federal waters farther off the Maine coast, the Governor Janet Mills Administration said. The Federal waters of the […]

  • 29 August 2012
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Five marine energy developers will benefit from £7.9 million funding to further develop testing of new wave and tidal prototypes in the seas around Scotland, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced. The second round of WATERS (Wave & Tidal Energy: Research, Development & Demonstration Support) funding is to enable Scottish developers and supply chain […]

  • 13 March 2013

    New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will soon decide whether to approve hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in the state. To date, no alternative to expanded gas drilling has been proposed. But a new study finds that it is technically and economically feasible to convert New York’s all-purpose energy infrastructure to one powered by wind, water […]

  • 30 September 2012

    The effects of meteorology and oceanography (metocean) have a major impact on design and operations for all offshore industries – marine renewables, and offshore oil and gas. If users of metocean information are not aware of the implications that the weather, waves, currents and water levels can have on their operations or design work, then […]

  • 6 January 2012

    December 20th, significant wave heights of up to 3 metres, wind force 5. Perfect conditions to try Damen’s High Speed Service Vessel (HSSV) 2610 Marineco Mariah. Offshore WIND, along with (potential) customers, Siemens, DONG Energy, WindCat Workboats, Sima Charters, SeaZip, Vestas, Maritime Craft Services and Chevalier Floatels, just to name a few, and other press, […]

  • 27 October 2011

    The operating revenues for the third quarter were USD 93.4 million (2010: USD S8.0 million).The operating margin was USD 3S.7 million (2010: USD 19.S million) and the operating margin as a percentage of revenues was 38% (2010:34%). Operating profit was USD 12.6 million (2010:14.8 million) and includes depreciation and amortisation of USD 21.3 million (2010: […]

  • 20 December 2011

    Energy Minister Fergus Ewing has hailed 2011 as a ‘momentous’ and ‘ground breaking’ year for renewable energy in Scotland.The year to October 2011 saw a record breaking £750 million of investment in renewable energy in Scotland, and there is a pipeline of proposed projects with 17 gigawatts (GW) of generating capacity worth an estimated capital […]

  • 2 December 2012

    As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to continue to expand domestic energy production, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Tommy P. Beaudreau have announced competitive lease sales for renewable energy development in two wind energy areas (WEAs) in federal waters. […]