900 results found for 'Baltic 2'

900 results found for 'Baltic 2'
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  • 7 November 2019
    Contracts & Tenders

    CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering (CDWE) has secured a contract for the transportation and installation of foundations at the Zhong Neng offshore wind project in Taiwan. The joint venture has also signed a Preferred Bidder Agreement (PBA) for the transportation and installation of wind turbines at the project. In order to implement the localization policy required by […]

  • 2 July 2012
    Authorities, Grid Connection

    RWE npower renewables proposed electrical network connections in East Lindsey has created numerous concerns among the Councilors of this area, Skegness Standard reports. The firm’s solutions to the connection of its offshore Triton Knoll wind farm with a substation in Bicker Fen could have disruptive impacts to the community. The company’s initial plans were to […]

  • 2 April 2014
    Authorities, Environment, R&D

    As part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to create American jobs, develop clean energy sources and cut carbon pollution, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) yesterday announced the publication of its environmental assessment (EA) of an application for a wind energy resource assessment lease offshore Tybee Island, Georgia. Southern Company would like to […]

  • 11 November 2014

    Researchers in the UCD School of Mathematical Sciences, in collaboration with Met Éireann, have created a new wind and wave atlas for Ireland for the period 2000-2012. The study was supported by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) through the Renewable Energy Research Development & Demonstration Programme. Ireland is uniquely placed in terms of […]

  • 22 December 2022
    R&D, Technology

    The full blade set for the Vestas V236-15.0 MW™ prototype offshore wind turbine has arrived to Østerild National Test Centre in Denmark where they will be installed. The blade set arrived at the port of Hanstholm on Sunday, 18 December, and was then transported to Østerild National Test Centre. The 115.5-metre blades for the prototype […]

  • 22 August 2013
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    RES Offshore has signed an Engineer Procure Construct (EPC) contract for the design and installation of a power performance met mast for the West of Duddon Sands Offshore Wind Farm for ScottishPower Renewables and DONG Energy. The power performance met mast will record weather data to support the construction and operation phases of the wind […]

  • 3 April 2023
    Business development, Technology

    Last week, three months after it was installed at the National Test Center for large wind turbines in Østerild, Denmark, Vestas’s V236-15.0 MW prototype wind turbine reached its nominal power rating of 15 MW. The company’s new flagship wind turbine produced its first electricity shortly after being installed in December 2022 and has started operating at […]

  • 23 October 2020
    Business & Finance

    Vineyard Wind has submitted bids to develop its Liberty Wind offshore wind project in New York in response to the state’s second offshore wind solicitation. Iberdrola, parent company of Avangrid Renewables which is the 50% owner of Vineyard Wind, announced its participation in New York’s second offshore wind solicitation on 20 October. The proposals include […]

  • 11 June 2021
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Transmission system operator TenneT has issued contract notices related to offshore grid connection systems in the German North Sea. In one of the contract notices, TenneT is seeking geotechnical and geophysical survey services at the BalWin platform locations. The contract covers the execution of geophysical and geotechnical soil investigations in order to obtain subsoil information […]

  • 12 March 2021
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance

    CWind Taiwan is set to return to Formosa 1 offshore wind farm this spring to deliver Inspection, Maintenance and Repair services. The company will deploy its technician team and a crew transfer vessel (CTV) to carry out the work on 22 of the Taiwanese wind farm’s turbines. Formosa 1 started commercial operation on 27 December […]

  • 23 March 2022
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Environmental Resources Management’s (ERM) ERM Dolphyn and Source Energie have entered into a partnership to jointly develop projects in the Celtic Sea that incorporate floating wind and green hydrogen production, with an aim to participate in the Crown Estate’s planned floating wind leasing round. Source Energie has been working for some time to identify both medium- […]

  • 20 April 2022
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Environment, Industry, R&D, Technology

    The Danish government has begun preparations for the development of new energy islands in an effort to secure the country’s and Europe’s independence from Russian fossil fuels. According to Denmark’s Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has left the EU in a new geopolitical situation and the need for sustainable solutions […]

  • 29 October 2019
    Business & Finance

    Vattenfall’s Wind Business Area saw an increase in net sales and the underlying operating profit during the first nine months of the year, mainly owing to new capacity and higher production due to stronger winds. In the last twelve months, Vattenfall commissioned two wind farms, the 29MW Slufterdam onshore wind farm in the Netherlands and 373MW out […]

  • 5 January 2016
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    New Jersey may have lost the race to build the first offshore wind facility in the nation, but the potential for offshore wind power production is still highest off the Jersey Shore, according to a new report by Environment New Jersey Research and Policy Center report. Using data from the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, […]

  • 22 September 2023
    Business & Finance, Fixed-Bottom, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    Hai Long Offshore Wind Project, a joint venture between Northland Power and Mitsui & Co., has signed a credit agreement to secure TWD 118 billion (approximately EUR 3.4 billion) long-term over 20-year non-recourse financing for the 1 GW offshore wind farm in Taiwan. The non-recourse project financing will be provided by over 15 international and […]

  • 9 February 2012
    Business & Finance

    GDF SUEZ continued to report solid results for 2011, with EUR 90.7 billion in revenues, up +7.3% despite highly unfavorable weather conditions and the gas tariff freeze in France. EBITDA grew by +9.5% thanks to the contribution of International Power from February 2011, the commissioning of new assets in all business lines, very good performances […]

  • 22 February 2023
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Dura Vermeer, BAM Infra Nederland, and Visser & Smit Bouw have signed a framework agreement with Dutch-German transmission system operator TenneT for civil engineering works for the construction of the land-based stations for the 2 GW offshore projects in the Netherlands. From 2024, TenneT plans to realise the connection of offshore wind farms according to a new […]

  • 13 July 2023
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Industry

    Following the results of the latest German offshore wind auction, which went into the so-called negative bidding stage and ended up earning the State billions from the winning developers, WindEurope warned that this would be passed on to consumers and the supply chain, and called on the German government to avoid this approach in future […]

  • 16 December 2011

    Essen based renewable energy developer, RWE Innogy​, is looking for a contractor to design, fabricate and supply up to 54 foundations for Innogy Nordsee 1 offshore wind farm. The contractor will deliver at least 44 and maximum 54 certifiable foundations. Each foundation will consists of four piles, a substructure (jacket) and a transition piece. Contractor will […]

  • 17 November 2015

    Amrumbank MPI Adventure installed the last turbine blade at the Amrumbank West offshore wind farm in early September. The installation work started in February, with the vessels operating in water depths of approximately 25m. Amrumbank West is located approximately 35km north of Helgoland and 37km west of Amrum in the German part of the North Sea. The wind […]

  • 20 December 2022
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has published a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposed New England Wind offshore project in Massachusetts. The notice of availability will be published in the Federal Register on 23 December, which will open a 60-day public comment period that ends on 21 February 2023. The input […]

  • 16 March 2017
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment, Wind Farm Update

    The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) will today auction off 122,405 acres offshore North Carolina for commercial wind energy leasing. The monetary auction will start at 9 AM Eastern Time (2 PM CET) with Offshore WIND providing updates as the action progresses. Six developers are left in contention for the offshore wind lease area off Kitty Hawk, including AVANGRID […]

  • 27 June 2019
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    The UK government has passed the law to bring all its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. The UK has become the first major economy to pass the net zero emissions law committing to end its contribution to global warming by 2050. According to the government, net zero means any emissions would be balanced […]

  • 16 February 2017
    Grid Connection, Technology

    HSM Offshore has selected Iv-Oil & Gas to provide the design, engineering and procurement support as part of the Schiedam-based company’s contract to construct the offshore transformer station for the 700MW Borssele Alpha, with an option for the 700MW Borssele Beta project. Earlier this week, TenneT TSO B.V. awarded HSM Offshore with the contract for the construction of offshore […]

  • 13 February 2012
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    The marine and tidal energy sector is to benefit from £6 million in funding to further develop testing of new wave and tidal prototypes in the seas around Scotland. Scottish Enterprise is launching a second round of the remaining competitive funding from the initial WATERS £13 million fund, launched in March 2010. To reduce the […]

  • 10 June 2011
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders

    German Offshore Wind Farm developer, Trianel,  invites tender for development of Borkum West II. Contractor’s tasks will be: Provision of a vessel for traffic control and monitoring of the construction phase of the Offshore wind farm Borkum West II. Use of a vessel for traffic safety programme (VSF), including the necessary crew to secure safety […]