8536 results found for 'Lincs'

8536 results found for 'Lincs'
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  • 29 October 2012
    Wind Farm Update

    DONG Energy, E.ON and Masdar today announced that the first power had been produced at the London Array Offshore Wind Farm. The 630MW scheme, located in the Thames Estuary, will be the world’s largest offshore wind farm. The development has been under construction since March 2011 and 152 of the 175 turbines have now been […]

  • 23 August 2012
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Two German companies have joined forces to sustainably optimize electricity generation from wind energy. For the first time ever, PCS Power Converter Solutions from Berlin and VEM Sachsenwerk from Dresden are offering a thoroughly tested and perfectly integrated combination of full power converters and synchronous generators. A beer reception at the HUSUM WindEnergy trade fair […]

  • 17 August 2012

    The skyline of the Amsterdam harbours has been visibly altered in the neighbourhood of Shipdock, Amsterdam’s premier ship repair and conversion yard. The company has recently secured four major contracts for the upgrading and maintenance of the jack-up vessels GMS Endurance, GMS Endeavour, Seajack Leviathan and Seajack Zaratan. These vessels, equipped with elevating legs of […]

  • 23 July 2012

    RenewableUK, the trade and professional body for the wind and marine energy industries, has welcomed the publication of a report by the Energy & Climate Change Select Committee following its pre-legislative scrutiny of the forthcoming Energy Bill. The report by the ECCC highlights a number of concerns which a range of commentators, including RenewableUK, had […]

  • 11 July 2012
    Wind Farm Update

    The final blade of the eighty-eighth and last wind turbine at the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm was bolted into place marking one of the few remaining milestones in the construction of this 317MW project in the Greater Wash off the coast of North Norfolk.  The team on-board jack-up ‘Seajacks Leviathan’ completed the installation of […]

  • 14 March 2012
    Business & Finance

    AREVA announces the delivery of 20 M5000 turbines, out of a total of 40, to be installed in Trianel’s Borkum offshore wind park located in the German North Sea. The Borkum wind farm, situated 45 km away from the northern coast of the Borkum Island, is currently under construction close to “alpha ventus”, the first […]

  • 8 November 2011

    BTM Consult, a premier forecaster and data source for the international wind industry and part of Navigant’s global Energy practice, announced today that it has released International Wind Energy Development – Supply Chain Assessment 2012-2015. The 200+ page report is the fourth and most comprehensive Supply Chain Assessment report ever from Navigant’s BTM Consult team. […]

  • 31 October 2011

    The search is launched today for the brightest and best talent and achievements in the Energy industry over the last year.  The prestigious Offshore Achievement Awards, recently re-launched by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Aberdeen section with the support of main sponsor Taqa Bratani, are now open for entries. For the first time in […]

  • 28 March 2011

    MPI Offshore Limited (MPI) is pleased to announce the delivery  in Qidong, People’s Republic of China, of the MPI Adventure, the first of two state-of-the art wind turbine installation vessels to be built at the Cosco Qidong Shipyard. The second vessel, MPI Discovery, is scheduled for delivery later this year. The MPI Adventure is a […]

  • 30 July 2014
    Business & Finance

    Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. released its financial results for its Fiscal 2014 fourth quarter and full-year ended April 30, 2014 (“fiscal 2014”). David L. Keller, Interim Chief Executive Officer of OPT, stated: “Over the last several months, we announced the termination of both the Reedsport, Oregon and Victoria Wave Partners projects. Additionally, we are deferring our […]

  • 28 August 2012

    Two tidal energy and two wave power developers have entered into the race for Scotland’s £10 million Saltire Prize as the competition’s Grand Challenge phase begins. Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon welcomed senior representatives of the four teams to a Grand Challenge launch event in Orkney, where MeyGen was unveiled as the fourth Saltire Prize […]

  • 17 August 2012

    Hamburg has developed into Europe’s wind energy capital. It has attracted leading manufacturers and component suppliers, and other companies involved in the wind industry to settle in this international port and trading city. These companies are playing a major part in implementing Germany’s energy transformation. The international energy markets are watching Germany’s progress very carefully […]

  • 7 August 2012

    As part of President Obama’s ‘all-of-the-above’ strategy to responsibly develop America’s domestic energy resources, the Department of the Interior and the Department of Defense are teaming up to strengthen the nation’s energy security and reduce military utility costs. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar have signed a Memorandum of […]

  • 23 February 2012

    Fluor Corporation today announced financial results for its fiscal year ended December 31, 2011. Net earnings attributable to Fluor for 2011 were $594 million, or $3.40 per diluted share, compared with $357 million, or $1.98 per diluted share in 2010. Consolidated segment profit for the year was $1.0 billion, compared with $621 million in 2010 […]

  • 10 December 2015

    On 1 July the Dutch offshore wind farm Eneco Luchterduinen became fully operational. On 21 September this milestone will be celebrated with an official opening ceremony in IJmuiden, the port town from where the main construction activities have taken place and from where the wind farm will be maintained throughout its lifespan. The wind farm […]

  • 1 August 2023
    Business & Finance, Business development, Wind Farm Update

    BP and Equinor are in the process of renegotiating the power purchase agreements (PPAs) for their joint offshore wind projects in the USA, according to Reuters. The partners do not plan on developing the projects off the US East Coast unless they meet the ”return thresholds of 6% to 8%”, Reuters quoted bp’s CEO Bernard […]

  • 17 October 2018

    By Jon Harman, Head of Renewable Energy and Portfolio Director, New Energy Update Floating offshore wind may still be in the demonstration phase, but the success of early pilot schemes and the plunging prices of fixed foundation machines mean investors are already eyeing the vast new markets the technology will open. According to the latest […]

  • 2 August 2023
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Mammoet-Giant Taiwan, a joint venture between the Dutch company Mammoet and Taiwanese Giant Heavy Machinery Service, has been picked by Ørsted Taiwan to provide essential support for the 920 MW Greater Changhua 2b and 4 offshore wind farms. The joint venture has been entrusted with the marshalling and lifting activities for 66 suction bucket jackets. […]

  • 21 February 2023
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Seaway7 has been awarded a contract for the transport and installation of cables on the Hai Long offshore wind farms in Taiwan. Under the contract, Seaway7 will be responsible for the transport and installation of inter-array cables, the respective cable protection systems, and four export cables. The export cables will connect the offshore substation to […]

  • 13 December 2018
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    Three commercial wind leases offshore Massachusetts have brought in a total of USD 285 million in bids in the first 24 auction rounds, sending a strong signal that developers are committed to the US offshore wind market.

  • 30 March 2018
    Business & Finance, Vessels

    US-based liftboat specialist Falcon Global LLC and Fred. Olsen Windcarrier AS have reached a cooperation agreement to exclusively contribute vessels and marine/installation crews and operate a full spread of offshore wind installation and feeder vessels for the US offshore wind market.

  • 10 August 2017
    Authorities, Environment, R&D, Technology

    The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has completed the first of three years of data collection via aerial surveys of birds and marine mammals in the state’s offshore wind area.

  • 25 March 2015
    Authorities, R&D, Wind Farm Update

    The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has granted its first wind energy research lease for a 12MW offshore wind test facility off Virginia. The lease has been given to Virginia’s Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy (DMME), which partnered with Dominion Resources, Inc. to develop the Virginia Offshore Wind Technology Advancement Project (VOWTAP). The […]

  • 31 May 2012

    Global Information Inc announces two new reports exploring opportunities for private business in the Offshore Wind Power market.  Global Offshore Wind Energy Markets and Strategies: 2012-2025 Offshore wind finds itself in a “make or break” period up to 2015, by when the industry will either have positioned itself for sustained build-out, or rapidly decline as […]

  • 4 October 2010
    R&D, Technology

    Today marks the official start of production at Nordex’s newly built wind turbine manufacturing plant in Jonesboro, Arkansas. The plant’s first production crew will go to work this morning assembling a wind turbine nacelle, which houses the engine and other key components and sits high atop the turbine tower. “Two years ago, we announced our […]

  • 26 July 2010
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Consumers Energy has signed a contract with Vestas-American Wind Technology, Inc. to supply 56 wind turbine generators for the utility’s Lake Winds Energy Park in Mason County. The wind park is scheduled to begin operation in late 2012. The contract calls for Vestas to manufacture, deliver and commission the V100-1.8 MW turbine units. The total […]