9665 results found for 'waterkant'

9665 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 11 November 2010

    Floating wind turbines producing at least 20 MW each: this is the vision that is to be explored in an exciting new collaboration between DTU and international partners from both industry and the research community. The 4-year project called DeepWind has a €3m grant under the European FP7 programme for future emerging technologies. DeepWind was […]

  • 3 April 2014
    Wind Farm Update

    On Friday 14th March 2014, it was confirmed that FoundOcean had completed grouting operations on the 48th turbine, of RWE Innogy’s 295 MW capacity Nordsee Ost Offshore Wind Farm. The wind farm is located 35 kilometres north-east of the island of Helgoland in the German North Sea and sits in water depths of up to […]

  • 5 September 2019
    Business & Finance

    The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and Energinet are hosting a market dialogue in November for potential bidders and investors in the coming tender for the Thor offshore wind project. The market dialogue, which will be held on 25 November, aims to optimize the tendering material in order to ultimately obtain the lowest possible bid price. The main […]

  • 21 November 2023
    Floating Wind, Innovation, Offshore Platforms, Operations & Maintenance, Research & Development, Transition, Vessels

    The global energy landscape is undergoing a significant transformation as the demand for clean, renewable energy sources continues to grow. Wind power, in particular, is playing a pivotal role in this transition. Offshore wind farms have proven to be a highly effective means of generating electricity. To facilitate the expansion of offshore wind energy, efficient, […]

  • 10 May 2012

    Umeco will be exhibiting its Structural materials and Tooling prepreg technologies for the renewable energy market on Stand F89 at the 2012 All-Energy show in the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre – Bridge of Don, Aberdeen on the 23 and 24 May. The stand will feature a 1/72 scale model of the Sea-Spider, Renewergen Ltd’s […]

  • 9 October 2019
    Business & Finance

    The Crown Estate has held a Bidders Information Day for the recently launched Offshore Wind Leasing Round 4. The event hosted more than 130 industry representatives who are potential participants in the Round 4 leasing round and their advisors. Participants were provided with details on the tender process set to open later this month with […]

  • 27 September 2022
    Business & Finance, Technology, Wind Farm Update

    A.IKANBILIS, said to be the world’s first underwater inspection vehicle featuring adaptive autonomy, has completed trials at the Nordsee One offshore wind farm in Germany. Trials of the hovering autonomous underwater vehicle (HAUV) were conducted by Nordsee One and supported by manufacturer BeeX and European partner Subsea Europe Services this month. The team tasked A.IKANBILIS […]

  • 17 January 2013

    Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur has secured the ranking member position on the Energy and Water Subcommittee of House Appropriations. Congresswoman Kaptur called the subcommittee position “a good fit” for Ohio’s Ninth Congressional District, which stretches along the Lake Erie coast from Cleveland to Toledo. Among other areas, the subcommittee has jurisdiction over: renewable energy initiatives nationally […]

  • 28 June 2011

    The Clearwater Project will generate tidal stream energy from the Eastern Scheldt barrier using tidal stream turbines. Tidal stream energy is a highly sustainable and environmentally friendly form of renewable energy. Above all it is a proven technology, with several projects on the way around the world. The Clearwater Project is remarkable, because it will […]

  • 27 May 2015

    Offshore WIND’s photo of the day: Block Island offshore wind farm foundations at the Gulf Island Fabrications construction site in Louisiana. The construction phase of what is to be the first US offshore wind farm commenced last month. Specialty Diving Services is one of the contractors which will manufacture components of the foundation substructures. The […]

  • 13 May 2020
    Business & Finance

    Ideol has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kerogen Capital to assess the benefits of using offshore wind to power oil & gas platforms. Ideol stated that the focus of the initiative will be to combine the Damping Pool, its floating offshore wind solution, with Kerogen’s international offshore oil & gas expertise and […]

  • 7 May 2015
    R&D, Technology

    ETI Offshore Renewables Programme Manager Andrew Scott presented at the Offshore Wind 4: Floating Turbines session at All-Energy 2015 on ‘the 2050 potential for floating foundations in UK waters’. In his presentation, Scott said that floating wind concept is not about going far offshore, but about making best use of good wind resources close enough […]

  • 23 February 2011

    Members of the state’s congressional delegation are pressuring the U.S. Department of the Interior to listen to fishermen as the agency… (ack) [mappress] Source: ack, February 23, 2011

  • 11 June 2021
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders

    The US Department of the Interior has announced a proposed sale for offshore wind development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the New York Bight. This would be the first competitive offshore wind lease sale for the Biden-Harris administration. The proposed lease areas are located in shallow waters between Long Island and the New […]

  • 3 April 2017
    R&D, Technology

    The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult is installing a new test rig, designed to simulate the erosion caused by the impact of water droplets on a wind turbine blade during operation, at its National Renewable Energy Centre in Blyth.

  • 29 January 2019
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Crown Estate Scotland has decided it will launch the next round of offshore wind leasing in Scottish waters in July 2019 at the earliest. The decision comes despite the announcement in November 2018 that the leasing round will be launched in April at the earliest. According to Crown Estate Scotland, the final timing of the […]

  • 1 August 2023
    Authorities, Floating Wind, Wind Farm Update

    The Italian authorities are currently processing a concession application for a wind energy project in the waters off Taranto, where the country’s first offshore wind farm was built. While the wind turbines now spinning near the Port of Taranto stand on fixed-bottom foundations, the new application is for a project that would be built farther […]

  • 8 April 2013

    It’s five years ago that SeaGen was deployed by the “Rambiz” crane barge in Northern Ireland’s Strangford Lough.  As it was a world-first, the event attracted global media interest and a large number of people made the visit to the Lough to see the deployment take place.  SeaGen’s installation was completed six weeks later, the […]

  • 18 March 2013

    Following an extensive review of displacement and relocation of a variety of seabed materials using controlled and mass flow techniques, Red7Marine has responded by developing the new SeaVex range of non-intrusive subsea excavation equipment for Pipeline, Cable & Umbilical Trenching/Deburial, IRM and Decommissioning services. SeaVex subsea equipment meets a wide range of applications utilising the […]

  • 15 January 2021
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Cloudberry Clean Energy and Downing LLP have signed the share purchase agreement (SPA) for the construction and ownership of a 100 MW nearshore, shallow-water wind farm in Lake Vänern in southern Sweden. In September 2020, Cloudberry acquired Scanvind2 AS, the holding company of the Rewind Vänern offshore wind project. A few months later, the Norwegian company entered […]

  • 27 March 2019

    A new research project is looking into ways to remove monopile foundations in a sustainable way. Currently, offshore monopiles are removed by cutting them off several metres below the seabed, which leaves behind tonnes of steel buried in the seabed. The Hydraulic Pile Extraction Scale Tests (HyPE-ST) project aims at developing innovative and smart technology […]

  • 27 October 2023
    Environment, R&D

    The Dutch-German transmission system operator (TSO), TenneT, has placed several artificial reefs at the Hollandse Kust West Alpha offshore transformer platform in the Dutch North Sea. The platform will connect the Ecowende consortium (Shell/Eneco) wind farm to the high-voltage grid. In collaboration with Equans/Smulders, TenneT placed two types of artificial reefs near the offshore substation […]

  • 9 January 2023
    R&D, Technology

    Sumitomo Mitsui Construction has participated in a feasibility study that concluded that the serial fabrication and delivery of floating concrete substructures can meet the ambitious expectations of Japan’s offshore wind market. The study was performed within the framework of a commercial-scale floating offshore wind farm using 15MW+ wind turbines co-developed by BW Ideol and a […]

  • 3 March 2022

    German renewable energy company RWE has joined forces with Commercial Rib Charters (CRC) to build an amphibious crew transfer vessel (CTV) for reaching offshore wind farms in shallow waters, for which RWE said was a world-first. The vessel, currently being built by Diverse Marine and set to be operated by CRC for RWE under a […]

  • 2 March 2022
    R&D, Technology

    Canada-headquartered Waterotor International Corp., a hydrokinetic energy company, has unveiled its Megarotor system design called “The Big Cajun” at the Floating Wind Solutions 2022 convention in Houston, Texas. The 20-megawatt Big Cajun is said to be the first hybrid ocean system that simultaneously extracts energy from slow-moving water and wind. According to Wateroror, the patented […]

  • 4 February 2013

    In January, Blue Water Shipping loaded the ro/ro vessel “Seatruck Pace” at the Port of Esbjerg with the first turbines for the Offshore Wind Farm Gwynt Y Mor in Great Britain where a total of 160 turbines are to be installed. Blue Water has been awarded the transport contract of 130 turbines from Esbjerg to […]