8535 results found for 'Lincs'

8535 results found for 'Lincs'
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  • 10 February 2015

    After a slowdown in 2013, the wind industry set a new record for annual installations in 2014. Globally, 51,477 MW of new wind generating capacity was added in 2014 according to the global wind market statistics released today by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). The record-setting figure represents a 44% increase in the annual […]

  • 16 January 2015
    Business & Finance

    With a new feed-in-tariff and increasing number of certified ongoing/future projects, Japan’s wind energy industry seems to be showing positive growth. To further facilitate the growth of the Japanese wind energy industry, Reed Exhibitions Japan will be holding WIND EXPO – Int’l Wind Energy Expo & Conference for the third time running, to serve as […]

  • 14 November 2014
    Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    Since October 2014, Liguori Offshore Consulting Corporation (LOC) has expanded their services by offering analyses and evaluations in the field of geotechnical engineering. Therefore, the experts of LOC have taken Exxon as a strong partner on board, who will contribute their technical know-how to future customer service relations. In addition to offshore management, on site […]

  • 10 November 2014
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Inspired by an ongoing increase in demand for its subsea connector products and advanced connectivity solutions, MacArtney has opted to formally unify its vast spectrum of offerings and competencies within this area under the wings of the new ‘TrustLink’ connectivity brand. Common to all TrustLink solutions is the combination of rugged design, advanced technology, reliable […]

  • 16 October 2014

    Ballast Nedam was awarded the contract for the subsea inspection and maintenance of Offshore Wind Farm Butendiek by OWP Butendiek GmbH & Co KG, a company managed by German developer and wind farm operator wpd AG. The contract commences on 1 January 2015 and has an initial duration of 5 years. The contract comprises the subsea […]

  • 10 September 2014
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Kyocera Corporation, Century Tokyo Leasing Corporation , and Ciel et Terre International has announced that they will begin construction this month on the world’s largest floating solar installation. Kyocera TCL Solar LLC will develop and operate utility-scale floating solar power plants utilizing Ciel et Terre’s Hydrelio© floating solar platforms in two installations, totaling 2.9 megawatts […]

  • 3 September 2014
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    More than half of the 160 turbines at RWE Innogy UK’s flagship offshore wind farm, Gwynt y Môr, off the North Wales coast, have been commissioned and are generating electricity.    The milestone was reached last week with the 81st turbine connected to the National Grid. Construction of the world’s second largest offshore wind farm […]

  • 6 August 2014
    Business & Finance

    Cape Wind has signed a contract with Weeks/Manson, a Joint Venture (WMJV) to serve as the lead construction contractor. The Boston & New England Maritime Trades Council, AFL-CIO, will provide skilled workers to WMJV to build Cape Wind.  WMJV is a partnership between two of the leading marine construction firms in the U.S., Weeks Marine […]

  • 7 July 2014

    Comer Industries will be participating at WindEnergy Hamburg, the international trade expo for global onshore and offshore manufacturers in the wind sector, to be staged at the Hamburg Messe exhibition centre in Hamburg, Germany, September 23 – 26, 2014 (Hall B6, Stand 339). With sound technical skills and a proven track record of installations on […]

  • 27 June 2014
    Training & Education

    The Lloyd’s Register Foundation has signed a heads of agreement with TWI to provide £15 million research funding to establish the new National Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC) nearing completion at TWI in Cambridge. The Foundation will become a Founder Sponsor and Board member of the newly-established Structural Integrity Research Foundation (SIRF), responsible for industrial […]

  • 14 May 2014
    Business & Finance

    3sun Group has secured a contract extension with Siemens to provide offshore wind turbine installation services in the UK until 2016. 3sun Group has been working with Siemens since 2009, on work totalling around £15 million in the UK. This two year contract extension further underpins the relationship, and involves the company providing technicians for […]

  • 23 April 2014
    Business & Finance

    MacArtney Group is significantly growing its presence and activities in all Asian markets for underwater technology, driven by a major strategic expansion of its operations in Singapore.  Over the next few months, MacArtney Singapore is securing several new staff members, implementing a major expansion of stock and workshop facilities and opening a dedicated slip ring […]

  • 8 April 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    Governor of Texas Rick Perry has announced that the Texas Emerging Technology Fund (TETF) is awarding $2.2 million to the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Wind Energy Center for a collaborative project that brings together researchers from universities across the state to develop and increase the capacity of offshore wind energy technology, and help bring it […]

  • 26 March 2014
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Marking another major Cape Wind financing milestone, Cape Wind and The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (BTMU) today added Natixis and Rabobank to serve as the project’s Lead Arrangers, to work with BTMU to structure and arrange the syndication of the senior debt financing to additional lenders. The Lead Arrangers are expected themselves to make […]

  • 11 February 2014

    Alstom will introduce its latest technologies and wind power solutions, which aim to lower the cost of wind energy, during European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) annual event to be held on 10-13 March 2014 in Barcelona (Hall 6).  Onshore technologies: POWEROF3™ In onshore wind technologies, Alstom will present its upgraded ECO 100 platform, result of more […]

  • 6 August 2013

    The Humber LEP welcomes the publication of the Government’s offshore wind strategy. The strategy formalises and brings together the key strands of sector for the industry to strengthen the UK position, where there is already more wind operation than the rest of the world combined. The Humber is well placed to create a large proportion of the 30,000 jobs linked […]

  • 11 July 2013
    Authorities, Jobs & Recruitment

    On June 28, the House of Representatives passed the Offshore Energy and Jobs Act (H.R. 2231), which included language introduced by Representative Scott Rigell (VA-2) to pave the way for developing Virginia’s coastal energy. The House also passed an amendment by Rigell to move forward seismic testing in the Atlantic. The bill now goes to […]

  • 16 May 2013
    Training & Education

    Service personnel who are at or nearing the end of their military careers are being given an opportunity to capitalise on their engineering skills and retrain for a career in the wind energy industry thanks to a new joint initiative between Newcastle-based Maersk Training and 3sun Group, whose headquarters are in Great Yarmouth. The initiative […]

  • 3 April 2013

    CG, along with its consortium partners, has been awarded a $44 million contract for the construction of an offshore HV substation in the Netherlands from Van Oord Offshore Wind Projects BV. CG, in consortium with Cofely Fabricom and Iemants, will design, deliver and install the high voltage offshore substation for the Luchterduinen project. The Luchterduinen […]

  • 3 April 2013

    South Korea pursues ambitious goals in expanding renewable energies. By 2030 it plans to install 23 gigawatts in wind power capacity, around ten percent of the total demand for electricity. Three large test fields off the South Korean coast are in the planning phase. The BLG LOGISTICS GROUP is currently examining the opportunities on the […]

  • 8 March 2013

    After having earlier posted the programme for the offshore wind energy conference, the organisers of WINDFORCE 2013 now have another good piece of news to share: ALSTOM Grid and General Cable are the major sponsors of this year’s event. “We are very happy to welcome these two dedicated partners on board again in 2013 and […]

  • 25 January 2013

    Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cables and systems industry, has been conferred the prestigious Investor of the Year award, made every year by the British Government and UK Trade & Investment to prominent companies for investment and strategic projects in Great Britain. The awards ceremony will be held this evening in […]

  • 18 December 2012

    As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to expand domestic energy development, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced its finding that there is no competitive interest in an area offshore Maine where Statoil North America (Statoil NA) has requested a commercial wind lease. The decision clears the way under BOEM’s non-competitive leasing […]

  • 4 December 2012
    Business & Finance

    Munich Re has become the first insurance group to offer serial loss cover for offshore wind energy units. Corresponding cover for a North Sea wind farm has been signed by Marcus A. Wassenberg, Chief Financial Officer of manufacturer REpower, Dr. Thomas Blunck, member of Munich Re’s Board of Management, and Thomas Haukje, Managing Partner of […]

  • 6 November 2012

    International cooperation was the focal point of the second day of the Offshore Business Meeting and Conference (OBMC) 2012. The network agency windcomm schleswig‐holstein had invited a business delegation from South Korea to take part in the meeting and build up networks with European companies. The South Korean delegation included representatives from Daewoo Shipbuilding and […]

  • 31 May 2012

    As part of Secretary of the Interior’s Smart from the Start Atlantic Offshore Wind Initiative, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced that it is moving forward with the next step to consider commercial wind energy development on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) offshore Massachusetts. Together with the commonwealth of Massachusetts, BOEM has completed […]