934 results found for 'baltic 1'

934 results found for 'baltic 1'
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  • 23 February 2022
    Wind Farm Update

    Dutch marine engineering and offshore energy company, SBM Offshore, has taken the first step towards applying for a marine licence to build two floating wind farms offshore Northern Ireland. SBM Offshore, which has set up a company named North Channel Wind to develop and build the projects, has completed site characterisation and commenced a scoping […]

  • 1 December 2021
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    The Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities and the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) have announced that Thor Wind Farm I/S (owned by RWE AG, RWE Renewables GmbH, and RWE Renewables Management UK Limited) has won the tender for the 1,000 MW Thor project, Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm to date. Earlier this year, the Danish […]

  • 3 August 2020
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment, R&D, Technology

    Ørsted and its partners have secured funding for the Westküste 100 renewable hydrogen project in Germany. The partners received funding confirmation from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy as the first large-scale hydrogen project in Germany within the Reallabor (real-world laboratory) framework. The Westküste 100 project aims to research and develop an […]

  • 11 November 2014

    Researchers in the UCD School of Mathematical Sciences, in collaboration with Met Éireann, have created a new wind and wave atlas for Ireland for the period 2000-2012. The study was supported by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) through the Renewable Energy Research Development & Demonstration Programme. Ireland is uniquely placed in terms of […]

  • 28 December 2010

    Reviewing a year’s worth of work can focus the mind on important developments. That seems especially true for wind power, which in 2010 was embraced by, among other organisations, Ikea, Google, Bacardi and the US Army. With those eclectic endorsements in mind, here are 10 developments from 2010 that have stuck with me: 1. Thumbs […]

  • 24 August 2015

     North Irish Sea Array Sustainable energy company Oriel Windfarm Ltd. and renewable energy group Gaelectric Holdings plc have signed a MoU for the joint development of the North Irish Sea Array (NISA) offshore wind project in the north Irish Sea. NISA is located on the east coast of the Republic of Irelnad in relatively shallow waters with favourable sea bed conditions. […]

  • 16 October 2014

    Ballast Nedam was awarded the contract for the subsea inspection and maintenance of Offshore Wind Farm Butendiek by OWP Butendiek GmbH & Co KG, a company managed by German developer and wind farm operator wpd AG. The contract commences on 1 January 2015 and has an initial duration of 5 years. The contract comprises the subsea […]

  • 1 October 2010
    Business & Finance

    SeaEnergy PLC today announces its results for the six months ended 30 June 2010. Operational highlights: Offshore activity on SeaEnergy’s Round 3 Zone 1 site at Moray Firth has commenced, with geophysical, met-ocean and bird surveys all underway. A consent application along with an Environmental Impact Assessment is due for submission in 2012. Arrangements with […]

  • 25 March 2021
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders

    Crown Estate Scotland has completed the review of the option structure for the ScotWind offshore wind leasing round, raising the maximum fee that might be paid per square kilometre of seabed from the previous GBP 10,000 (around EUR 12,000) to GBP 100,000 (around EUR 116,000). The Scottish seabed manager announced the review in February, after […]

  • 7 February 2023
    Technology, Wind Farm Update

    Deutsche Windtechnik has won a new tender for the installation of an Aircraft Detection Light System (ADLS) on an offshore wind farm in Germany. After equipping the Nordergründe offshore wind farm with ADLS last year, the company will now do the same on the Butendiek offshore wind farm. The contract for Butendiek was signed at […]

  • 10 March 2021

    Deck cargo ship BigLift Barentsz has left the port of Rostock, Germany, with the first two main components of the Liebherr crane destined for OHT’s new wind farm foundation installation vessel Alfa Lift. The slewing platform and the A-frame of the upcoming heavy lift crane HLC 150000 are on their way to the shipyard of […]

  • 22 December 2020
    Contracts & Tenders, Ports & Logistics

    The Port of Rotterdam has awarded the Dutch construction company Van Hattum & Blankevoort with a contract for work on a quay at Sif’s site at the port. The contract covers quay wall construction, marine construction works, and dredging and pumping operations, which will be carried out at the 20-hectare port area for which Sif […]

  • 3 April 2020
    Contracts & Tenders

    Swedish energy company Vattenfall has decided not to participate in the tender for the Hollandse Kust (noord) offshore wind farm in the Netherlands, citing uncertainty over the COVID-19 pandemic as the reason. ”In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we have carefully evaluated our risk-reward balance against the remainder of our strong pipeline and the […]

  • 5 November 2010

    Recently Damen Shipyards Gorinchem (Netherlands) received an order for a DFF 4212 for Seaspovill in South Korea. As Damen has this type of ferry on stock the vessel has a short delivery time. The vessel’s hull was already built by Afai Southern Shipyard Guangzhou (China) and thereafter it was transported to Damen Shipyards in Singapore. […]

  • 22 April 2013
    Business & Finance

    At its Shareholders’ Meeting in Zamudio (Bilbao) , Gamesa approved the financial statements and conduct of business for 2012. Gamesa Chairman Ignacio Martín provided shareholders an overview of the company’s results in 2012 and presented the outlook for 2013. In his presentation, he underlined the very complex commitment he made one year ago: to lay […]

  • 17 January 2023
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners’ (CIP) fund Copenhagen Infrastructure IV K/S (CI IV) and Statkraft have signed an agreement which will see CIP acquiring 50 per cent in Statkraft’s offshore wind portfolio in Ireland. Under the deal, the financial terms of which have not been disclosed, CIP will hold half of the stake in up to 2.2 […]

  • 9 November 2015
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    The provisional winners of today’s auction for the New Jersey offshore wind lease area are RES America Developments Inc. and US Wind Inc., the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) reported on its official website.  The area was auctioned as two leases: the South Lease Area, covering 160,480 acres, and the North Lease Area, which consists of 183,353 […]

  • 21 February 2014

    The Carbon Trust is working on a major offshore wind technology accelerator initiative focussed on reducing the cost of energy (GBP/MWh) from offshore wind by more than 10 %. This initiative, the Offshore Wind Accelerator (OWA), is funding large-scale research, development and demonstration (RD&D) projects to unlock technological barriers to advance the industry, and thereby […]

  • 1 January 2015

    Under-manning and fatigue threaten WFSV safety As offshore wind farm developments move further out to sea and demands on the vessels and crews that service them increase, a rising number of wind farm crew transfer vessel incidents has become a growing cause of concern. Marubeni and Technip to build Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm […]

  • 26 January 2022

    After winning the tender for the construction and operation of the 1 GW Thor offshore wind farm last month, RWE has now signed a concession agreement with the Danish Energy Agency (DEA) and the Danish Government. The concession grants RWE the right to build and operate the offshore wind farm for 30 years, during which […]

  • 1 October 2020

    DEME has launched its first ever Service Operation Vessel (SOV) at the CEMRE shipyard in Yalova, Turkey. The vessel, named Groene Wind, is of the Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull (SWATH) class and will be directly chartered to Siemens Gamesa for maintenance activities at the Rentel and SeaMade offshore wind farms in Belgium, once delivered […]

  • 12 January 2012

    The government is to invest over £10 million in new research and development to help demonstrate that wave and tidal energy can be generated at scale, and with lower energy production costs. Marine Energy – Supporting Array Technologies is a competition for collaborative R&D funding that will support the applied research, experimental development and demonstration […]

  • 3 January 2023
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    Updated on 1 February 2023: Our seven most read articles on Offshore Energy Premium were unlocked until 31 January. However, you can still read these and other Premium content by signing up for a yearly or monthly subscription on Offshore Energy. Or, if you are not already a subscriber, start with a free two-week trial. […]

  • 31 January 2018
    Business & Finance

    SSE informed that it expects its 2017/2018 capital and investment expenditure to be around GBP 1.6 billion, instead of previously anticipated GBP 1.7 billion. From 1 April to 31 December 2017, SSE’s capital spend totalled GBP 1.1 billion and has included, among other things, around GBP 355 million investment in on- and offshore wind. 

  • 2 August 2012
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    The Scottish Government has launched a smart grid strategy to capitalise on its expertise in this technology and to support the country’s transition to become a low carbon economy. The strategy plans to create 12,000 new jobs in this sector by 2020 by encouraging smart grid adoption and developing Scotland as a leading international provider […]

  • 30 November 2011

      Research and Markets announced new report “Offshore Wind. A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Offshore Wind Farm Installation” from Elsevier Science and Technology. Offshore wind is the new blue horizon for Alternative Energy. One small offshore wind farm can produce more power than a whole coal plant, or a nuclear reactor. However, very few people […]