710 results found for 'Triton offshore wind farm'

710 results found for 'Triton offshore wind farm'
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  • 6 October 2015

    The offshore wind industry is not really doing anything exceptional when it comes down to the basics. Wind turbine generators, WTGs, have been around onshore since one of the first electricity-generating wind turbines was built to power a holiday home in 1887 in Marykirk, Scotland. Offshore platforms were built in the early 20th century for […]

  • 12 April 2018

    By: Jason Deign, for New Energy Update The US offshore wind sector ended 2017 on a slightly ironic note. Plans for Cape Wind, which was supposed to have been the country’s first offshore wind farm, were finally shuttered after a long period of uncertainty.[1] But prospects for the rest of the market looked better than […]

  • 18 April 2012
    Business & Finance

    Electricity transmission operator TenneT has maintained a high security of supply in 2011, while transmission rates remained at a low level. TenneT also contributed to making the energy supply in north-west Europe more sustainable. Major investments have gone into strengthening and expanding the grids in the Dutch and German markets in order to meet increasing […]

  • 7 May 2015
    Business & Finance

    In 2014, the average price for a megawatt hour of electricity in the Netherlands amounted to 41 euros, down more than 20 percent from 52 euros in 2013, TenneT reported.  These developments mean that market prices in the Netherlands and Germany are gradually converging. Whereas prices were equal in both countries for 19 percent of […]

  • 18 May 2020

    Written by:Javier Lanfranchi                            Eng. Diego MorbiniArea Sales Manager                      Senior Technical Sales Manager Spanish wind tower manufacturer has recently installed two automated plate rolling lines and it is already in full production. A global leader in the wind power industry with headquarters in Spain offering a wide range of solutions for manufacturing wind towers for wind turbines and […]

  • 2 April 2019

    By Stefano Santoni – Product & Market Manager, Wind Energy & Heavy Duty Division – DAVI. According to the report of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the global offshore wind market experienced a growth of 4.49GW of new capacity in 2018. The Global Wind Report acknowledges that nowadays there’s a total of 23GW of offshore […]

  • 5 October 2015

    The concept of using vessels as hotels, or floatels, accommodation vessels, or recently, SOVs, or whatever name you give them, has been available in the market for a while. With some of the current and more future projects being built further at sea in harsher sea states this concept is now gaining ‘ground’. Not only […]

  • 30 August 2013
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to deploy every available source of American energy, the Energy Department today announced $16 million for seventeen projects help sustainably and efficiently capture energy from waves, tides and currents. Together, these projects will increase the power production and reliability of wave and tidal devices and help gather […]