8534 results found for 'Lincs'

8534 results found for 'Lincs'
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  • 3 September 2020
    Authorities, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The Danish Energy Agency has sent a draft permit for preliminary offshore and onshore studies related to the Hesselø offshore wind project for consultation with the relevant authorities. The feasibility study permit will give the transmission system operator Energinet, which is to be responsible for the investigations, the right to collect relevant information about the […]

  • 7 March 2018
    Business & Finance

    Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference has an overall theme for the new year. The OEEC 2018 theme is “Explore. Inspire. Transform.” The theme gives guidance to the conference program and serves as a conversation starter at various meeting places on the exhibition floor.

  • 11 May 2017
    Wind Farm Update

    The Maryland Public Service Commission (PSC) today awarded offshore wind renewable energy credits (ORECs) to two projects to be built off the state’s coast, enabling US Wind and Deepwater Wind (Skipjack Offshore Energy) to install 368MW of capacity.

  • 8 May 2017
    R&D, Technology

    The Siemens-led research partnership in Denmark has demonstrated that there are significant benefits to gain from introducing a simpler plug-and-play connection for offshore wind turbines, Offshoreenergy.dk reports. To improve offshore wind energy competitiveness, Siemens Wind Power, Øglænd System and ALL NRG are working on a project that seeks to reduce the cost of offshore transformer modules by […]

  • 4 November 2016
    Authorities, Environment, R&D, Technology

    The international Paris Agreement to limit global warming to under 2oC this century compared to pre-industrial levels has come into force on 4 November, but UN has warned that even if the Paris pledges are fully implemented, the world is on track for a temperature rise of 2.9 to 3.4 degrees this century. The world must urgently and […]

  • 19 November 2015
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D

    German and Humber offshore wind and ports business developers are meeting today at the University of Hull as part of an inward trade mission organised during the UK’s first Offshore Wind Week. The participants will discuss the role of offshore wind for the UK energy system, the importance of offshore wind for the local economy, as well as the […]

  • 14 September 2015
    Wind Farm Update

    Work will begin this week at the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm, in readiness for the first foundation installation in January. This will include clearing boulders on the seabed along the cable route and around each of the 116 foundation positions to allow safe and effective installation. Chris Tomlinson, E.ON Development Manager for the Rampion Offshore […]

  • 12 January 2012

    The two Northern French ports of Le Havre and Dieppe are in line for an industry injection that can bring new 21 st century technology into their traditional maritime economies. Offshore wind energy is about to arrive on their doorsteps, bringing with it the complete supply chain for manufacturing, installation, operation and maintenance. Within the […]

  • 10 January 2012
    Ports & Logistics

    Every one working in the Port of Ostend is confident that renewable energy is the future. The port community is banking on the offshore wind sector as the promising alternative to the declining ferry market. “It does not mean that the port is likely to neglect ferries, but it is evident that after 160 years […]

  • 13 October 2014
    Operations & Maintenance

    DONG Energy has established a new task force of technicians, which will set out when a complex outage occurs to offshore wind turbines or if special inspections are required.   Offshore wind turbines must be spinning. Therefore, DONG Energy Wind Power monitors, services and works on the wind turbines every single day. Now and then, some situations […]

  • 21 August 2014
    Business & Finance

    A new paper released by the Clean Energy Council (CEC) shows that cutting the Renewable Energy Target to a so-called ‘real’ 20 per cent figure would reduce the amount of new large-scale renewable energy built by almost two thirds (64 per cent) and devastate investments already made under the policy. Clean Energy Council Acting Chief […]

  • 20 August 2014
    Environment, R&D

    Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) have recently completed two reports relating to marine renewable energy developments and their potential impact on the environment.  These reports offer a risk assessment of the interaction between marine renewable devices and the diving birds and megafauna in the area. The first report, Commissioned Report No. 773. A Diving Bird Collision Risk […]

  • 19 December 2013

    After the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in March 2011, Germany embarked on an unprecedented shift in energy politics: the German energy transition, Energiewende, put an end to nuclear energy and boosted renewable energy sources. Sabine Froning, Director Business and Stakeholder Relations at Vattenfall, has taken a look at four cornerstones of how Germany’s newly elected […]

  • 10 October 2013
    Business & Finance

    The UK Green Investment Bank (GIB) today announced a £58.6 million investment in the world’s largest offshore wind farm – London Array. The investment will refinance a significant portion of Masdar’s 20% equity stake in the project. GIB’s senior debt commitment is being made alongside co-lenders: The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd; KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH; […]

  • 27 September 2013
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Atlantis Resources Corporation has yesterday announced a new global partnership with Lockheed Martin. Having already worked closely together on a number of projects, the two companies have now signed an agreement covering a worldwide systems integration alliance, as well as design and engineering services, which will initially support the development and delivery of Atlantis’ new […]

  • 26 September 2013

    It is important to understand the status of marine mammals in an area prior to any development and understand potential impacts during and after development. Offshore wind developments may adversely affect species, including those protected by European and domestic law. Mitigation of such impacts forms an intrinsic part of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process […]

  • 5 August 2013

    Seacat Services, the class leading offshore wind transfer vessel operator, has successfully completed workboat charters and crew transfer contracts while operating in three European flag states. The milestone marks the first time that a UK charter firm that solely operates DNV-class certified vessels, has under taken work in three different European nations. A feat that […]

  • 26 June 2013
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    One of the UK’s leading renewable energy developers and operators today announced the preferred locations for the onshore infrastructure for the proposed offshore wind farm Triton Knoll. If built, Triton Knoll could generate enough clean energy to power hundreds of thousands of homes. It is also estimated that Triton Knoll could create 500 UK jobs […]

  • 27 February 2013
    Business & Finance

    Pelamis Wave Power has been awarded a £1.4m project from The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) to fund development work to enhance the cost-effectiveness of wave energy converter arrays in UK waters. The funding will support the first phase of work this year ahead of a larger demonstration programme if the results prove encouraging.  Gregory Barker, […]

  • 5 December 2012

    Jeff Beyer is representing the Carbon Trust at a number of events taking place alongside the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar, and reporting back with his own perspective on what is taking place: The production and use of energy are at the heart of the climate challenge. I attended a talk hosted […]

  • 25 October 2012
    Business & Finance

    On October 23, 2012, Technip’s Board of Directors approved the third quarter 2012 consolidated financial statements. Third Quarter 2012 Results: Order intake of €2.8 billion Record backlog of €13.5 billion, of which €6.1 billion in Subsea Revenue of €2.1 billion Operating margin of 10.3% Net income of €146 million Full Year 2012 Outlook: Group revenue […]

  • 1 October 2012

    Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, CEO of Masdar and United Arab Emirates Special (UAE) Envoy for Energy and Climate Change, addressed members of the International Peace Institute (IPI) – a New York-based independent, not-for-profit think tank dedicated to promoting the prevention and settlement of conflicts by strengthening international peace and security institutions. Climate change, energy […]

  • 25 September 2012

    Hamburg-based SAM Electronics, an L-3 company, has successfully completed supply and installation of a comprehensive assembly of electrical and other equipment aboard HGO InfraSea Solutions’ new offshore heavy-lift jack-up crane vessel, Innovation, as part of a consortium headed by Caterpillar Marine Power Systems and including thrust manufacturers SCHOTTEL and Zeppelin Power Systems. Built by Crist […]

  • 20 September 2012

    The Siemens Drive Technologies Division is showcasing Direct Drive Wind, its new gearless wind generator, at the Husum WindEnergy 2012 trade fair. Comprised of individual, preassembled generator segments, it is able to offer a high degree of flexibility in the implementation of a wide range of turbine solutions and system concepts. The generator, designed as […]

  • 6 August 2012
    Jobs & Recruitment

    The BlueGreen Alliance has announced that it is ramping up an ongoing campaign over the coming months to urge members of Congress to support immediate action in renewing three important job-creating policies — the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind power, the 48C Advanced Energy Project Credit and the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for offshore […]

  • 8 May 2012

    Alex Johnstone, North East MSP, expressed concerns that the construction phase of developments off the coast could have a negative impact on the lobster and crab population, reported the Courier. He called for a closer analysis of the environmental considerations raised in the University of Maine’s research from 2008.  University of Maine’s Lobster Institute uncovered […]