136 results found for 'WindFloat Atlantic '

136 results found for 'WindFloat Atlantic '
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  • 17 March 2022

    Portugal plans to organise an auction for floating offshore wind this Summer, according to Reuters, which reports that between 3 GW and 4 GW are planned to be auctioned in the country’s Atlantic Ocean waters. The procured projects are expected to enter operation in 2026, Reuters says Portugal’s Environment and Energy Transition minister João Matos Fernandes […]

  • 10 September 2018
    Contracts & Tenders, R&D, Wind Farm Update

    The WindPlus consortium has signed a firm order with MHI Vestas to provide three V164-8.4 MW turbines for the WindFloat Atlantic project situated near the coast of Northern Portugal.

  • 16 November 2021
    Contracts & Tenders, Technology

    Ocean Winds, a joint venture between ENGIE and EDP Renewables, has entered into a collaboration agreement with the floating wind technology developer Principle Power, which will see the two companies cooperating on the design of the floating platforms for France’s first commercial-scale floating wind tender. In September, the French government selected Ocean Winds and several […]

  • 26 January 2022
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Ocean Winds and the Banque des territoires have reached the final investment decision for the Eoliennes Flottantes du Golfe du Lion (EFGL) floating wind project offshore France. This step will allow the signing of contracts with the main industrial and financial partners and the launch of the project’s actual implementation phase, the developers said. The […]

  • 19 October 2018
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Windplus S.A. will receive around EUR 96 million from the European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU’s NER300 programme and the Government of Portugal to build the 25MW WindFloat Atlantic floating wind farm.

  • 8 January 2015

    In 2014 the WindFloat prototype (WF1), Demowfloat’s first installation in Portugal, reached another milestone, it passed the 10GWh mark and has now delivered 12.02GWh of renewable electricity to the grid. The prototype has been in operation for over 3 years and will continue to operate for some time in the future. During 2014 Principle Power […]

  • 29 September 2016
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D, Technology, Wind Farm Update

    Principle Power has announced the successful decommissioning of WindFloat 1, the company’s 2MW prototype that had been deployed off the Northern Coast of Portugal. The project, originally installed in 2011, was a full lifecycle demonstration of the features and benefits of the WindFloat floating offshore wind foundation concept, and featured a Vestas V-80 2MW turbine. Fabricated […]

  • 19 July 2016

    Principle Power and KIC InnoEnergy have entered a partnership which includes a EUR 4 million investment from KIC InnoEnergy in bringing Principle Power’s WindFloat to the market. The partnership encompasses advanced technology development and commercialisation, including engineering, third party analysis and certification, business development and dissemination. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2018, following a […]

  • 7 October 2019
    Wind Farm Update

    MHI Vestas Offshore Wind has been selected as the preferred supplier for the Groix & Belle-Île floating offshore wind project in France. MHI Vestas will provide its 9.5MW units, which means that the number of offshore wind turbines at the demonstration project will be reduced from four to three. “Installing the 9.5 MW machine for […]

  • 18 November 2020
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Aker Offshore Wind has increased its ownership in Principle Power Inc from approximately 20 per cent to an expected 39 per cent, after exercising an option to buy further shares in the floating wind technology company. “Principle Power is established as the industry leading provider of floating wind foundation technology, with more than 100MW of […]

  • 26 September 2023
    Floating Wind, Foundations, Supply Chain, Technology

    Principle Power has launched a new flat panel, pontoon-based floating wind foundation, called WindFloat F, designed for ultra-shallow wind turbine integration in ports. Having its existing WindFloat tubular design, now called WindFloat T, already proving its mettle offshore and building upon it to bring WindFloat F, Principle Power has now expanded its WindFloat product portfolio […]

  • 8 December 2017
    Authorities, Ports & Logistics, R&D

    The European Commission has approved the acquisition of joint control over the Portuguese WindPlus consortium by Chiyoda Generating Europe (CGE), Diamond Generating Europe Limited (DGE), EDP Renewables, Trustwind and Repsol NE.

  • 7 February 2018
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, R&D

    Aker Solutions has purchased an initial 5% stake in Principle Power, forming an alliance that brings its offshore oil & gas engineering expertise into the floating offshore wind market.

  • 3 February 2020
    Business & Finance

    Principle Power has unveiled a new brand identity and logo as part of a rebranding initiative that embodies the company’s new stage in the deployment and commercialization of its floating wind technology.

  • 11 November 2020
    Wind Farm Update

    MHI Vestas has installed the first V164-9.5 MW turbine on a floating platform for the Kincardine offshore wind project. The first V164-9.5 MW turbine was installed on a Principle Power WindFloat platform at the installation harbour in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The turbine is the first of five such units to be installed at the Kincardine […]

  • 5 April 2022
    Business & Finance

    Madrid-based multi-energy company Repsol and Ørsted have signed an agreement to identify and, where appropriate, jointly develop floating offshore wind projects in Spain. According to Repsol, both companies have the ambition to together become a leading developer in Spanish floating offshore wind by combining their strengths. The alliance will combine Repsol’s experience as a global […]

  • 5 November 2021
    Contracts & Tenders

    Aker Offshore Wind, Ocean Winds, and Statkraft have signed a collaboration agreement to bid for, develop, construct, and operate a floating offshore wind farm and associated infrastructure for the Utsira Nord license area in Norway. The equal partnership will submit an application to the Norwegian authorities for the development of a commercial-scale floating offshore wind […]

  • 17 February 2020

    MHI Vestas has selected ABB’s Power Grids business to deliver its WindSTAR transformers for the Triton Knoll offshore wind project in the UK.

  • 15 August 2017

    The 66kV cable technology opens up new space within an offshore wind project’s supply chain as it brings some novel features, and this is especially true for floating wind.

  • 26 May 2023
    Business & Finance

    EDP has transferred its 25.4 per cent stake in floating offshore wind platform company Principle Power to Ocean Winds, a 50:50 joint venture between EDP Renewables and Engie. With this transaction and adding to its previous ownership, Ocean Winds now holds a total of 36.25 per cent of Principle Power. The transfer of EDP’s stake […]

  • 23 October 2018
    Business & Finance

    For floating offshore wind to move forward from the current demonstration phase, the industry needs to be cost-competitive, according to Clement Mochet, Commercial Director at Vryhof.

  • 22 November 2015

    DONG Unveils U.S. Offshore Wind Project Details DONG Energy has released project details for its offshore wind farm proposed to be built off Massachusetts, USA. 25MW Floating Wind Farm Planned off Portugal EDP Renewables (EDPR), Mitsubishi Corporation (through its subsidiary Diamond Generating Europe), Chiyoda Corporation (through its subsidiary Chiyoda Generating Europe), Engie and Repsol have announced […]

  • 17 January 2020

    INESC TEC and EDP have launched a project that will see the establishment of the first real-time maritime robot testing center for offshore wind in Europe. The initiative is part of the Atlantis – The Atlantic Testing Platform for Maritime Robotics: New Frontiers for Inspection and Maintenance of Offshore Energy Infrastructures project, which has the […]

  • 5 October 2020
    Wind Farm Update

    Qair, formerly known as Quadran Énergies Marines, has signed a preferred supplier agreement with MHI Vestas for three 10 MW offshore wind turbines for the EolMed floating wind pilot project in France. This will be the second floating wind project in which the company’s V164 turbine’s nominal capacity is brought to 10 MW, following Eoliennes […]

  • 26 June 2019
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    ABB has won an order from MHI Vestas Offshore Wind to supply its WindSTAR transformers for installation in wind turbines on the 950MW Moray East wind farm offshore Scotland. Under the project, 100 transformers manufactured in ABB’s transformer factory in Vaasa, Finland, will be supplied for Moray Offshore Renewable Power’s Moray East offshore wind project. […]

  • 22 September 2022
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders

    Portugal will offer 10 GW of capacity through the country’s first offshore wind auction expected to take place in 2023, according to Portugal’s Environment Minister Duarte Cordeiro. Portugal had originally planned to offer between 6 GW and 8 GW of offshore wind capacity in the first auction. The increase in the capacity target is part […]