932 results found for 'baltic 1'

932 results found for 'baltic 1'
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  • 5 December 2023
    Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    The Arcadis Ost 1 offshore wind farm is now supplying its full capacity to the German electricity transmission grid, according to the transmission system operator (TSO) 50Hertz. 50Hertz built the submarine and onshore cable connection to the Lubmin substation and worked with the wind farm operator Parkwind to construct the offshore platform. Parkwind’s 257 MW […]

  • 6 December 2023
    Contracts & Tenders, Fixed-Bottom, Supply Chain

    PGE and Ørsted have signed a contract with DNV for certification of components of the Baltica 2, which is the first stage of the Baltica 2 Offshore Wind Farm in Poland. The scope of work for DNV on Baltica 2 includes providing a design compliance certificate confirming the compliance of the technical designs with international […]

  • 13 December 2023
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Fixed-Bottom, Planning & Permitting, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    Ignitis Renewables, a subsidiary of the Lithuanian Ignitis Group, and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have secured the first of the two sites the Estonian government is auctioning off for offshore wind development by placing a EUR 1.7 million bid. The tender for the Liivi 2 area took place electronically from 7 December to 13 December […]

  • 11 December 2023
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders, Fixed-Bottom, Planning & Permitting

    The US Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) today published a proposed sale notice (PSN) for an offshore wind lease sale in the Central Atlantic for one area offshore Delaware and Maryland, and one area offshore Virginia.  BOEM says that the two lease areas have the potential to […]

  • 10 August 2020
    Grid Connection

    Siemens Energy Service has completed an upgrade on the offshore substation of the Baltic 1 offshore wind farm in Germany. The work, completed in July, included an upgrade on the existing gas-insulated switchgear to improve and safeguard the energy transmission. The pre-campaign started in March when the sub-distribution was assembled and the electrical wiring was […]

  • 6 April 2020
    Wind Farm Update

    On Friday, 3 April, EnBW marked the ninth year of operation of its Baltic 1 offshore wind farm.

  • 28 April 2011

    The opening of the Baltic 1 offshore wind farm on represents a milestone, according to the CEO of the energy utility Baden-Wuerttemberg (EnBW), Hans-Peter Villis. “As the first commercial wind farm in Germany, this project has a special meaning for the offshore wind sector, “ said Villis. Baltic 1 will produce power for about 50 […]

  • 26 December 2011
    Business & Finance

    The four-week break in the fall accident has marred the balance of the first German offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea “Baltic I”. “Generating electricity from the September 17th to October 15th was very good and was on schedule, “said the spokeswoman of the energy group EnBW, Friederike Eggstein. In November there was very […]

  • 23 January 2020
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    German transmission system operator (TSO) 50Hertz has awarded Heinrich Hirdes GmbH, a subsidiary of Boskalis, with a contract to provide backfilling of the subsea cable routes on the Baltic 1 and Baltic 2 grid connections. The services relate to the entire project period. In designated areas along the affected submarine cable routes, the coverage of […]

  • 2 July 2021
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders

    EnBW has issued a call for tenders for Operational All Risk Insurance Policies for two of its offshore wind farms in the German sector of the Baltic Sea. The developer is seeking Combined Property Damage and Business Interruption All Risks Insurance for the operational phases of the offshore wind farms EnBW Baltic 1 and EnBW […]

  • 17 November 2023
    Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    Parkwind and its partners have installed the final towers and wind turbines at the 257 MW Arcadis Ost offshore wind farm in the German Baltic Sea. The final three turbines of Parkwind’s 27-turbine Arcadis Ost 1 offshore wind farm were installed during the stormy autumn in less than eight days at the project site in […]

  • 21 September 2010
    Wind Farm Update

    Construction of Germany’s newest offshore wind park has recently been completed. The 21 wind turbines that make up the Baltic Sea wind farm – dubbed Baltic 1 – are now complete and set to enter the commissioning phase, the final step before energy production can begin.

  • 20 December 2021
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, Vessels

    EnBW is on the lookout for crew transfer vessels (CTVs) to be deployed at the company’s offshore wind farms in the German Baltic Sea. EnBW is in need of three CTVs to transfer technicians and cargo to and from the Baltic 1 and the Baltic 2 offshore wind farms on a daily basis. The bidders […]

  • 23 December 2011

      The Sassnitz will expand into a base port for a planned offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. The offshore terminal with a 410 meter long quay wall is planned to be completed by the summer 2012, port of Sassnitz said on Thursday. For the purpose of the project, a six-hectare area will be […]

  • 1 June 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, Ports & Logistics, Vessels

    EnBW has selected Njord Offshore and FRS Windcat Offshore Logistics to provide crew transfer vessels (CTVs) that will operate on the Baltic 1 and the Baltic 2 offshore wind farms in the German Baltic Sea. Njord Offshore will provide two 12-PAX CTVs for each of the wind farms, and FRS Windcat will supply one 18-PAX […]

  • 2 May 2011

      EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG has officially taken the first commercial windfarm in Germany into operation today. In the presence of the Chancellor, Dr. Angela Merkel, Minister President, Erwin Sellering, and numerous representatives from business and politics, the start signal was given on the Baltic Sea coast for the commercial use of offshore wind power […]

  • 23 April 2013
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The work for the network connection of the second German offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea, the EnBW Baltic 2, is in progress. The vessel Aura rinsed the first submarine cable section into the Baltic ground, on Saturday, 20 April 2013, for the connection of Baltic 2. A total of sixty kilometers of submarine […]

  • 19 December 2011
    Wind Farm Update

    EnBW Renewables GmbH has offered a briefing to public utilities and industrial companies, to participate in its second offshore wind farm EnBW Baltic 2. 19 municipal utilities had already participated in the first offshore wind farm Baltic EnBW 1. Stefan Thiele, CEO of EnBW Renewables GmbH, said that the completed financing for EnBW’s Baltic 1 […]

  • 18 April 2013

    After already manufacturing the foundations for the OWF EnBW Baltic 1, EEW Special Pipe Constructions GmbH has now also been appointed with the delivery of 123 Pin Piles (Lot 2) as well as 39 Monopiles and Transition Pieces (Lot 3) for EnBW Baltic 2. The MPs/TPs will be manufactured in a joint venture with Bladt […]

  • 5 December 2011
    Business & Finance

    Already since May 2011 the wind farm EnBW Baltic 1 has been delivering green power from the Baltic Sea – since Friday its long-term financing is also in place: a banking syndicate comprised of the European Investment Bank (EIB), KfW IPEX-Bank, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) and NIBC Bank N.V. will extend a loan amounting to EUR […]

  • 16 September 2016
    Wind Farm Update

    A Bremen-based company, OWP Gennaker GmbH, proposes to set up a new offshore wind farm in Germany, which would be located in the Baltic Sea and would comprise 103 Siemens SWT-8.0-154 turbines with Power Boost that will increase the maximum rated output of the turbines to 8.4MW.  The 865.2MW Gennaker offshore wind farm (Offshore-Windpark Gennaker) would be installed within a […]

  • 26 January 2011
    Grid Connection

    Nexans, the worldwide leader in the cable industry, has been called in by EnBW (Energie Baden-Wurttemberg) to use its specialized Capjet trenching system to protect the HV (high voltage) subsea power export cables for Baltic 1, Germany’s first commercial offshore wind farm. Nexans provides specialized trenching service for Baltic 1 offshore wind farm subsea power […]

  • 9 February 2015
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    50Hertz is in charge of connecting EnBW Baltic 2 to the grid.  The German offshore wind farm, being constructed 32 kilometers north of the Baltic island of Rügen, is four times as large as EnBW Baltic 1. With 80 Siemens SWT-3.6-120 turbines, it can produce six times as much power. The construction of EnBW Baltic 2 began in […]

  • 21 February 2012

    The investment offer for EnBW Baltic 2 offshore wind farm appears to be very popular: many municipal utilities, industrial companies and institutional investors from Baden-Württemberg and Germany are interested in participating in the second EnBW’s Baltic Sea wind farm. “We are delighted to be well received. In addition to partners who have already participated in […]

  • 4 February 2016
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    EnBW and Iberdrola have concluded a contract under which EnBW will provide services for the construction of the Wikinger offshore wind farm in the German Baltic Sea. The two-year contract covers services dealing with the coordination of shipping traffic, health and safety and environmental protection at the construction site. The EnBW Offshore Team will share their […]

  • 9 September 2022

    Wind farm owners/operators in Germany are retrofitting wind turbines to equip them with a lighting system that will switch on only after an aircraft is detected in a wind farm’s proximity, as new law on light pollution and aeronautical obstruction lighting systems will go into effect next year. As reported in August, Nordergründe is the […]