870 results found for 'momentum wind'

870 results found for 'momentum wind'
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  • 4 July 2016

    The view at Kalmar Sound in Sweden has changed considerably since November of last year. The five NEG Micon 2MW turbines have been dismantled. It had been operational since 2001 and Vattenfall has had ownership since 2006 when DONG Energy handed over to them. Why was the Yttre Stengrund wind farm dismantled? Offshore WIND magazine delves deeper into this […]

  • 22 May 2015
    Wind Farm Update

    In December last year, Iberdrola awarded a €160 million contract to Spanish shipbuilding firm, Navantia, for work on Germany’s 350MW Wikinger offshore wind project. The contract, which comprises fabrication of 29 jacket foundations and two substation platforms, represents Navantia’s formal entry into the offshore wind sector. Offshore WIND spoke to Abel Mendez Diaz, the company’s […]

  • 23 July 2021
    Environment, Vessels

    Hydrogen-based propulsion systems, electric engines and battery technologies are still years away from being operationally effective in the offshore energy support vessel (OESV) sector. So what can OESV operators do to meet the growing demand for lower emissions today? According to Seacat Services (Seacat), it is all about using optimised, low-resistance hull forms and low-emission, […]

  • 21 June 2012

    The 27th of September a new application lab will be inaugurated in the port of Antwerp: the Offshore Wind Infrastructure Application Lab (OWI-Lab). Although we already have had an official launch of the OWI-Lab in January, the inauguration in September will focus on the test facility for wind turbine component testing. Other activities and services […]

  • 26 January 2015

    One of the major cost elements in developing an offshore wind farm is to be found in the area of cabling and grid connection. There are significant costs incurred with the production of the inter array and export cables, their installation and the related connection activities ensuring the transfer of the energy produced to the […]

  • 9 May 2012

    Installation of the first offshore components at Gwynt y Môr, one of the largest offshore wind farms in Europe, has begun off the north Wales coast yesterday. Work to install two steel jacket foundation structures was started earlier yesterday the Seaway Heavy Lifting crane vessel ‘Stanislav Yudin’, and is continuing approximately 10 miles off the […]

  • 30 May 2023
    Business development, Environment, Market Outlooks, Outlook & Strategy, Research & Development, Transition

    The world’s population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, and with it, global energy demand is projected to rise by as much as 50%. But as society continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, governments across the globe are looking to offshore energy to help meet these increasing energy demands while […]

  • 8 December 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    The first Vestas V164-10.0 MW turbine has been installed at the 1.1 GW Seagreen, Scotland’s largest and the world’s deepest fixed bottom offshore wind farm. The installation of the first Vestas turbine in the North Sea off the Scottish coast heralds the start of the turbine installation phase which will see a total of 114 […]

  • 8 December 2015

    Huisman recently delivered the cranes for the Seajacks Scylla, the new build wind turbine installation vessel for Seajacks UK Ltd. This jack up vessel is currently nearing completion at the yard of Samsung Heavy Industries in South Korea. The Seajacks Scylla, based on the Gusto MSC NG14000X design, has been specifically designed to meet the […]

  • 29 July 2011
    R&D, Technology

    Wind turbines are getting really big — some with blades as long as a football field — and more powerful, often generating 50 times more electricity than the first generation of wind power machines built in the 1980s. But scientists are also studying how to harness the wind in different ways that could help allay […]

  • 11 May 2021
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    Eoliennes en Mer de Dunkerque (EMD) and RTE, the French electricity grid system operator, have announced their decision to move forward with the development phase of the Dunkirk offshore wind farm. This decision was made after a series of public debates led by the CPDP, a commission set up to lead public debate, between 14 […]

  • 7 August 2013

    Offshore wind energy continues to experience an increasing share of the electricity generation market in Europe. Both the UK and Germany have set up ambitious goals to further expand their offshore wind energy capacity. Relatively smaller countries such as Belgium for example are also stepping up their offshore capacity and are investing in research projects […]

  • 19 October 2016
    Business & Finance

    Eric Finé, Business Development Manager at Smulders and one of the speakers at the “Supply chain in detail” session at the Offshore WIND Conference, has given his insight into the matters revolving around the offshore wind sector from the standpoint of an industry player focused on offshore wind farm substructures. Smulders is looking to capitalize […]

  • 25 June 2013

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are available in all sizes and are applied to various fields of services including aerial mapping, surveying, security, inspections, etc. When it comes to the wind energy market the UAVs or drones are already being used for blade inspections on land based turbines. The idea has been picked up by a few companies to apply the […]

  • 19 February 2013

    First Minister Alex Salmond has urged Scotland’s young people to join the country’s renewables revolution and take advantage of the “unparalleled opportunities” for employment being opened up in the sector. Speaking before a Strathclyde University event to mark the award of honorary degrees to six prominent energy figures, the First Minister said Scotland’s future industrialists […]

  • 31 October 2012

    On the second day of the Offshore Energy Exhibition and Conference held in Amsterdam RAI, one of our reporters made an exclusive interview with the project and sales director of MMT SE Mr. Nils Ingvarson. Hereby we are bringing you a part of their conversation. – What do your activities in the subsea world include? […]

  • 11 September 2014

    At the international maritime trade fair, SMM, one of our reporters made an exclusive interview with Martin Van Leest, Managing Director of ROG Ship Repair. Hereby we are bringing you a part of their conversation. How did it come to a cooperation between Serdijn Ship Repair and Zwagerman Offshore Services? I joined Serdijn Ship Repair […]

  • 18 September 2023
    Business development, Industry, Market Outlooks, Research & Development, Wind Turbines

    The rapid growth of wind power in North America is driving requirements for longer blades, particularly with the rise of offshore installations. Developing a local supply chain to meet these demands is critical to support the booming industry. Ken Lee, is a Fleet Engineering Manager at EDF Renewables, with years of expertise in Europe and […]

  • 21 March 2012

     In a study just published in Geophysical Research Letters, a team of engineers at Stanford has harnessed a sophisticated weather model to recommend optimal placement of four interconnected wind farms off the coast of the Eastern United States, a region that accounts for 34 percent of the nation’s electrical demand and 35 percent of carbon […]

  • 10 July 2013
    Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    The National Renewable Energy Centre (Narec) has established a £2.8 million public-private initiative to support SMEs in the North East of England to move into the rapidly developing offshore wind and marine renewable energy supply chain. The Renewable Energy Technology Accelerator (RETA) project will launch with three new collaborations, involving companies developing innovative technologies to […]

  • 11 May 2015

    Servicing around 2,200 wind turbines and 56 substations under fixed maintenance contracts, as well as repairs and assessments for a further 1,500 plants, Deutsche Windtechnik AG has experienced rapid growth since being established in 2007. Last year, the company experienced a near 40% in turnover, which passed the 70 million Euro mark for the first […]

  • 11 November 2021
    Jobs & Recruitment, Operations & Maintenance, Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    North Star Renewables, VARD, and Alicat have held steel cutting ceremonies to mark the start of construction of three service operation vessels (SOVs) and the associated daughter craft bound for the Dogger Bank Wind Farm offshore the UK. The hybrid-powered vessel fleet is specifically designed to support the UK’s growing offshore wind market and will […]

  • 28 August 2012

    Two tidal energy and two wave power developers have entered into the race for Scotland’s £10 million Saltire Prize as the competition’s Grand Challenge phase begins. Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon welcomed senior representatives of the four teams to a Grand Challenge launch event in Orkney, where MeyGen was unveiled as the fourth Saltire Prize […]

  • 29 December 2014

    While the industry is looking at ways to assemble a turbine onshore so it can be installed at sea in one operation, at the moment the common method still is to install it in several stages at sea. The foundations are installed first and followed by the tower and the WTG. Whether the foundations are […]

  • 1 June 2012
    Business & Finance

    BLG is 135 years old. “When you have managed to mold the experience and performance of 135 years into a successful concept for the future, you’re on the right path,” stated BLG’s CEO Detthold Aden at the Annual Shareholder’s Meeting in Bremen on May 31. The present-day BLG LOGISTICS GROUP AG & Co. KG as […]

  • 19 June 2013

    Currently most of the licences for offshore wind farm development zones are granted with a lease period of 20 to 25 years. As a consequence the turbines have to be built to last for at least that period. There are several elements that can affect the life span of a turbine once it is installed […]