9665 results found for 'waterkant'

9665 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 8 March 2012

    The shareholders of the Antwerp-based specialist in hoisting on the water Scaldis Salvage & Marine Contractors NV have ordered an extremely powerful, self-propelled DP2 crane ship from Korean shipbuilders STX Offshore & Shipbuilding. The vessel will be built in STX’s shipyard in Dalian and finished in Xiamen, both of which are located in the People’s […]

  • 15 February 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    Smulders has loaded out and shipped off the first four transition pieces built for the Saint-Nazaire wind farm at its fabrication yard in Hoboken, Belgium. The transition pieces are headed to Maasvlakte at the Port of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where later this week they will be transferred onto SAL’s HLV Svenja, for transport to France. […]

  • 25 July 2017
    Wind Farm Update

    Following reports on the first turbine arriving at the site of the world’s first floating offshore wind farm in Scotland, Statoil today confirmed that the first of five Siemens 6MW turbines, mounted on a SPAR-type floating foundation, is at its designated location. 

  • 6 June 2011
    R&D, Technology

      Canadian firm Thin Red Line Aerospace is working on the first test deployment of its energy storage system for use with off-shore wind turbines. The Energy Bag provides power storage as “undersea compressed air energy storage” (CAES) to store compressed air deep underwater, and then release it again to drive generators when more power […]

  • 24 December 2020
    Contracts & Tenders, R&D, Technology

    Norway’s NEL Hydrogen ASA has won the contract to deliver the offshore electrolysis system for the PosHYdon project in the Dutch North Sea. The PosHYdon pilot is an initiative of Nexstep, the Dutch association for decommissioning and reuse, and TNO, the Dutch organisation for applied scientific research, in collaboration with the industry. Companies involved in the project […]

  • 8 August 2019
    Wind Farm Update

    His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Denmark is set to inaugurate Vattenfall’s Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm on 22 August. The wind farm will be officially launched with a reception at the Port of Hvide Sande, which will be used as an O&M base for the project’s 49 MHI Vestas V164-8.3MW turbines from 2024. […]

  • 12 April 2017
    Wind Farm Update

    DONG Energy has awarded Con4Mare with a contract to provide marine warranty survey services for the 450MW Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm in the German North Sea.

  • 23 February 2012

    While the Scottish Parliament’s economy, energy and tourism committee is considering to invite Donald Trump to give “wind farm evidence“, the US tycoon is giving his support to the anti-wind farm group. The tycoon’s staff, based at Trump Towers in New York, will be working on a daily basis with Communities Against Turbines Scotland (Cats), […]

  • 30 November 2020
    R&D, Technology, Wind Farm Update

    German energy company RWE will introduce the so-called ‘collared monopiles’ on the Kaskasi offshore wind farm in the German North Sea. Designed based on an RWE patent, the collars will be installed around three monopile foundations at seabed level. According to RWE, the new foundation technology will provide additional support for lateral loading, increase the […]

  • 23 June 2014

    The Maritime Offshore Group GmbH (MOG) from Bremen (Germany) performed successful the first stability calculations together with the Technical University of Central Hessen, “Civil Engineering and Architecture” (Professor Dr. Christine Doebert) for a gravity base offshore foundation in a new lightweight design. Although the combination of characteristics may not make any sense, the new foundation […]

  • 19 June 2015
    Business & Finance

    Escalating energy demand and improving wind turbine technologies are fuelling the wind energy market and encouraging wind turbine installations. In turn, this is boosting the consumption of high-performance and lightweight blade materials, such as fibre, resins and core foam materials that can be used to increase blade length while keeping blade weight low. New analysis from […]

  • 10 December 2013
    Business & Finance

    Exceptionally high-temperature resistance, a low installed thickness and low weight are just three key benefits of Morgan Advanced Materials FireMaster® Marine Plus blanket, which has been installed on offshore convertor platforms in the North Sea. The installation is part of a significant wind farm development providing power for homes and businesses in Germany. Electricity transmission […]

  • 5 June 2012

    The world’s biggest chemical company in the world, headquartered in Ludwigshafen, BASF, has launched two new coating material technologies for the wind energy industry: RELEST Wind Leading Edge and RELEST Wind RepKit. The new coating system RELEST® Wind Leading Edge improves the economic efficiency of wind turbines. It provides excellent protection of the front and […]

  • 11 September 2015
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Wind turbine installation vessel, MPI Adventure, installed the final blade of the 80-turbine Amrumbank West Offshore Wind Farm earlier this week. This operation formed part of an ongoing, long-term charter-party agreement with E.On and followed a foundation installation campaign undertaken by another of the company’s WTIVs, MPI Discovery. After mobilisation and preparation of MPI Adventure in […]

  • 12 April 2013

    Partners DCNS and Nass&Wind presented their floating wind turbine development programme and shared ambitions for second-generation offshore windfarms at the Thetis Marine Renewable Energy show in Brest on 10–11 April 2013. 2012 was a big year for the DCNS/Nass&Wind floating wind turbine development programme as it saw the completion of the Winflo demonstrator design phase […]

  • 9 December 2021
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders

    The Finnish government’s Committee on Economic Policy has approved a proposal for an auction model to be applied to the leasing of public water areas controlled by Metsähallitus for the development of offshore wind farms. The first auction is expected to take place in 2023–2024 and will cover three to four areas suitable for offshore […]

  • 17 February 2017

    While the oil and gas industry is slowing down, the world of renewables, specifically offshore wind, is picking up. This leads to many companies diversifying their product portfolio where required. Not unlike Jumbo, who are venturing further into the offshore wind market.

  • 20 March 2020
    Business & Finance

    Norwegian investment company Magnora ASA has acquired a stake in a 500MW shallow-water offshore wind project in Northern Europe. According to Magnora, the final transaction agreements for the offshore wind project have been signed. The cooperation with the founders and the development of the project will now commence with Magnora obtaining an initial minority ownership […]

  • 15 April 2011
    Business & Finance

    Fundy Tidal Inc., a community-based marine energy developer, has entered into two separate agreements to develop in-stream tidal power…   By John DeMings (digbycourier) [mappress] Source: digbycourier, April 15, 2011;

  • 5 February 2018
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Environment, Grid Connection

    The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) of the US state of Connecticut has issued a Request for Proposals (RfP) seeking to solicit up to 825,000 MWh of offshore wind-generated power annually.

  • 15 June 2016
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    VBMS has been awarded a contract by Vattenfall Vindkraft A/S for the installation of 33kV inter-array cables for the 400MW Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm. The wind farm is located in the eastern North Sea off the coast of Esbjerg, Denmark. The works for VBMS are scheduled to be executed mid-2018 and will consist […]

  • 17 October 2014

    Research into the optimal design for ocean wave energy converters is set to enter the next phase thanks to a partnership between Perth-based Bombora Wave Power and the Australian Maritime College (AMC). In conjunction with Bombora’s financial commitment, a $256,000 Australian Research Council Linkage Program funding injection will support a significant increase in research effort, […]

  • 15 January 2013

    As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy to continue to expand safe and responsible domestic energy development, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has scheduled public seminars in Rhode Island and Virginia to explain how offshore wind developers can participate in upcoming auctions for renewable energy development in federal waters offshore Rhode […]

  • 29 November 2021
    R&D, Technology

    Barcelona-based Offshoretronic S.L. and its new Asian partner have unveiled a new fixed bottom foundation design which is said to be fully scalable and future-proof for wind turbines of over 20 MW capacity installed in water depths of up to 90 metres. The newly developed TRIPOD “PLUS ©” foundation is said to be adaptable to […]

  • 15 June 2020
    Ports & Logistics

    The Port of Taichung in Taiwan has completed the first of several tailor-made wharves that will be used for the offshore wind industry. Wharf No. 106, completed in mid-April, will soon be put into service receiving wind turbine parts and materials and shipping out assembled turbine components for installation. The vacant land behind the wharf […]

  • 12 May 2014
    R&D, Technology

    SSAB is entering into an agreement with Hexicon AB to develop far off shore platforms. The combined technology will offer advantages within the market for renewable energy. A first demonstration unit is planned for Swedish waters in 2017. Hexicon will together with SSAB optimize the steel material in the foundation of the wind platforms to […]