10000 results found for 'norther'

10000 results found for 'norther'
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  • 7 September 2017
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Energinet.dk and National Grid Viking Link Ltd. have invited tenders for unexploded ordnance (UXO) survey, inspection and removal services along the route of the Viking Link HVDC interconnectore between Denmark and the United Kingdom.

  • 28 August 2017
    Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Vattenfall is seeking crew transfer vessels (CTVs) to assist during the construction and operations and maintenance of the 406MW Horns Rev 3 wind farm in the Danish North Sea.

  • 19 June 2017
    Wind Farm Update

    GeoSea has awarded Sif the production of all monopiles and, in joint venture with Smulders, all the transition pieces for the EnBW Albatros offshore wind farm in Germany.

  • 29 July 2016
    Grid Connection

    Transmission system operator TenneT will hold a ground breaking ceremony for the 1.4GW NordLink, a subsea HVDC power cable which will connect Norwegian and German power grids, in Wilster, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, on 16 September.  Stretching over 623 kilometers, the NordLink interconnection is rated at ±525 kilovolt (kV), and it will be the first direct power link between the […]

  • 10 May 2016
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The foundation for the offshore substation of the 332MW Nordsee One offshore wind farm was installed in the German part of the North Sea on 9 May. After loading the piling hammer, the foundation was transported to the construction site approximately 40 kilometres north of the island of Juist, where a floating crane placed the jacket foundation weighing over 1,400 […]

  • 8 December 2015
    Operations & Maintenance

    The new Colchester head office of offshore wind services provider CWind Ltd was officially opened by Harwich and North Essex MP Bernard Jenkin last week. CWind moved to its new offices in the APEX 12 Business Park north of Colchester after outgrowing its previous premises in Westside, now occupying 6,800 sq ft of floor space […]

  • 15 December 2014
    Business & Finance

    In October Pontis attended two events hosted by British Ambassador Sir Geoffrey Adams. The first of which was the fourth annual UKTI Investment Awards Dinner, and the second was an Anglo-Dutch Offshore Wind B2B & Networking Event hosted at his Residence in The Hague. Pontis lead engineer Darren Ellam says: “The UK is actually a […]

  • 3 October 2014

    As a result of the intense wind farm activity around the shores of the UK, Tidal Transit’s personnel transfer vessels (PTVs) are being kept fully employed. Within a week of finishing her contract in the seas off North Wales and returning to the UK’s east coast, Kitty Petra will begin work on Westermost Rough Wind […]

  • 19 September 2014
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Swire Blue Ocean A/S has signed a key contract with an EPCI contractor, Van Oord Offshore Wind Projects bv and will provide a wind farm installation vessel to work together with Van Oord’s own wind farm transport and installation vessel Aeolus on the installation of the 150 foundations and wind turbine generators on the Gemini […]

  • 13 May 2014
    Authorities, R&D, Technology

    Craig Loughlin of the Marine Management Organisation’s (MMO) offshore marine licensing team discusses their recent approval of a wave energy development off the north coast of Cornwall: Our team’s work includes regulation of development in the seas around England. In terms of offshore projects this includes determining applications for renewable energy developments, including the construction […]

  • 28 February 2014
    Business & Finance, R&D

    Over recent weeks, Associated British Ports (ABP) have been working with Able UK to identify ways in which Able’s Able Marine Energy Park (AMEP) and ABP’s Immingham Western Deepwater Jetty (IWDJ) projects can proceed alongside each other without damaging the job creation opportunities presented by both projects and the other benefits both projects can bring […]

  • 29 December 2013
    Authorities, Grid Connection, R&D, Technology

    The Crown Estate has invited developers interested in bringing forward renewable energy trading projects to provide details of their plans. The data provided will allow The Crown Estate, as managers of the UK seabed, to consider the spatial effect of possible cable infrastructure from proposed renewable energy trading projects, thereby establishing a better understanding of […]

  • 3 September 2013

    Continental Energy Corporation (the “Company”) an emerging international energy investment company, announced that its affiliate, VTT Maritime AS (“VTT”), has been awarded a contract by Germany’s BARD group to provide engineering services pertaining to the conversion of the offshore oil and gas construction vessel Edda Freya into the Ocean Zephyr and new duty as a […]

  • 1 June 2012

    After almost a decade of public hearings on the proposed Nantucket Sound wind farm, the last one was held on Wednesday before utility regulators in Boston. However, according to CapeCodOnline news site, only the official part is over, since disagreements and discussions on that matter are still very intense. At the hearing, president and CEO […]

  • 21 February 2012

    North Norfolk District Council (NNDC) rejected the plans to place offshore wind farm power cables throughout the countryside and now a fine of £100,000 might be imposed on the Council in case it opposes the appeal filed by Warwick Energy. The council’s members stated that they do not have the financial assets necessary for proceeding […]

  • 25 January 2017
    Environment, Grid Connection, R&D, Wind Farm Update

    Swedish offshore wind developer Vattenfall has narrowed the underground onshore cable route for the 1.8GW Norfolk Vanguard offshore wind farm following public consultation.  The potential development area for the proposed 60km underground cable route has narrowed from a 3-7km wide search area to a 700 metre corridor. The narrowing of the search area allows more focused ecological […]

  • 21 April 2016
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    DONG Energy and MHI Vestas Offshore Wind have jointly installed a V164-8.0 MW wind turbine test tower and foundation onshore to test several installation and commissioning procedures, and to act as a critical training tool before the commencement of Burbo Bank Extension offshore installation. In order to further test installation and commissioning procedures, the interfaces […]

  • 2 March 2015
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is calling on the UK Government to increase its ambition to develop offshore wind. Ms Sturgeon pointed to the fact that Scottish wind power is now substantially cheaper than nuclear, and said the lesson of the last decade of onshore wind development is that cost reductions require a meaningful long-term […]

  • 17 October 2012

    New research released today by the Carbon Trust has taken the most detailed look yet into the most suitable locations to develop wave energy for the UK. The findings have resulted in a ‘hot spotting’ of locations around the UK where the best balance of wave resource versus the cost of exploitation can be found. […]

  • 25 June 2012
    Business & Finance

    The Scotland Report 2012 is now available. Entitled ‘Investing in Tomorrow, Working Hard Today’, it outlines investment programmes in key sectors of the Scottish economy such as offshore renewables and marine leisure. The publication of the Scotland Report and the UK Annual Report have been brought forward to ensure that they are available before the […]

  • 21 May 2012

    As part of President Obama’s commitment to an all-out, all-of-the-above strategy for American-made energy, the U.S. Energy Department announced $500,000 available this year to test the technical readiness of technologies that can harness energy from waves to supply renewable power to highly-populated coastal regions. The funding will support one project to deploy and test a […]

  • 18 May 2012

    South Boats Special Projects Ltd. and MPI Workboats Ltd. announced that the two companies have signed a contract for the construction of four further vessels to join the existing eight South Boats built vessels in MPI Workboats’ fleet. MPI Workboats Ltd. is a wholly owned sudsiduary of MPI Offshore Ltd., which in turn is part […]

  • 12 December 2011

    The report from Reform Scotland, a well-established and respected think tank, has confirmed what the renewable industry has known for some time – that Scotland have the potential to play an internationally-important role in the development of the sector – and strongly contradicts recent critics. The report assesses renewable energy against the four key criteria […]

  • 20 October 2010

    The world market for wind turbines saw robust growth in the first half of the year 2010, with approximately 16 Gigawatt of new capacity added worldwide. Again China represents the by far largest market and added 7800 MW within only six months, reaching total installations of almost 34 Gigawatt. The USA, still number one in […]

  • 21 May 2014

    On Tuesday 20 May 2014, fire broke out in the engine room on the crew vessel Sea Gale. Sea Gale is deployed at the Meerwind Offshore Wind Farm in the North Sea. Firefighters extinguished the fire and Sea Gale is now being towed to Hvide Sande Shipyard. No people or environment were injured and an […]

  • 10 April 2013

    OutSmart’s Offshore Operations Centre in Emden is almost finished. The Operations Centre will be manned 24/7 to operate offshore wind farms in the German North Sea and coordinate all maintenance and logistic activities. Launching customer is Trianel for wind farm Borkum West II that is currently under construction. The construction of this centre began in […]