8462 results found for 'hai long'

8462 results found for 'hai long'
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  • 13 February 2014

    The announcement of the cancellation of the proposed Argyll Array on 11 th December last year, following on from similar news two weeks previously, concerning the Atlantic Array, in the Bristol Channel, both principally due to adverse ground conditions, has highlighted the critical importance of necessary, but ever-more cost effective, site investigation solutions for these […]

  • 19 October 2010
    Business & Finance

    – Ebitda rose 25.3% and net earnings by 25.2% due to diversification and solid assets   – Ebitda rose 19.4% driven by an increased contribution from wind, higher production and capacity, as well as greater efficiency, offsetting the negative impact of gas   – Installed capacity exceeded 12,000 MW while operating capacity stood at 11,434 […]

  • 15 December 2014
    Authorities, Environment

    A new 2015 agreement on climate change, that will harness action by all nations, took a further important step forward in Lima following two weeks of negotiations by over 190 countries. Nations concluded by elaborating the elements of the new agreement, scheduled to be agreed in Paris in late 2015, while also agreeing the ground […]

  • 3 October 2013

    Pat Rabbitte, Irish Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources this morning addressed the Irish Wind Energy Asssociation (IWEA) Conference with the following speech:  Thank you for your invitation to deliver the keynote address at today’s Autumn Conference of the Irish Wind Energy Association on the occasion of your organisation being in operation for 20 […]

  • 26 October 2012

    Project managers from ScottishPower Renewables met today with more than 90 potential suppliers in Dunstaffnage near Oban as the renewable energy company progresses with its plans to develop a tidal power array in The Sound of Islay, potentially the first of its kind in the world. ScottishPower Renewables was granted permission to install up to […]

  • 14 July 2011
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance, R&D

        The president of ACCIONA Energy, Carmen Becerril, and the CEO of Navantia, Luis Cacho,signed a co-operation agreement in the field of offshore wind power. Both companies are committed to developing projects and industrial and technological activities with different institutions aiming to contribute to the launching of an offshore wind industry with great growth […]

  • 3 January 2012

    Delegates of the EWEA OFFSHORE 2011 conference in Amsterdam were left in little doubt that an offshore super grid has to be the way forward if European ambitions are to be realised. But while a super grid may be coveted by the industry, there are still a number of major hurdles to overcome. And if […]

  • 4 March 2019

    By Mr. Giordano Toninelli – Area Sales Manager – Faccin SPA Introduction Wind energy business has an historical background in Europe due to the high number of wind farms installed in the Old Continent, but in recent times the focus of offshore wind investments is starting to shift from Europe to Asia. Wind energy business […]

  • 13 June 2012

    A new report launched today by the industry-led Offshore Wind Cost Reduction Task Force shows that the UK is on course to reduce the cost of electricity from offshore wind substantially over the next seven years. The report builds on detailed evidence in a study by The Crown Estate, also published today, to show how […]

  • 2 February 2021

    By Dario Mulazzani, DAVI Product & Market Specialist Wind Energy & Heavy-Duty Division. Located in such a dynamic and extremely powerful element as the sea, foundations represent one of the main elements of any offshore wind farm, accounting for over one-fourth of the total equipment cost. As they must support the wind turbines, absorbing all […]

  • 1 June 2015

    Dutch offshore wind solutions provider Seawind has developed a novel 6.2MW two-bladed upwind turbine with a 126 metre rotor diameter, plus additional technology for bottom-fixed and floating installations together aimed at driving down the cost of energy decisively. Offshore WIND spoke with chief technical officer Silvestro Caruso about product design philosophy, dedicated technology features and […]

  • 9 April 2012

    Diving support is an essential activity in the offshore wind industry. From initial survey work, through installation work and on to yearly inspections, repair and maintenance programs (IRM) there are an abundance of tasks that can only be conducted by diving operations. Over the years this has led to highly specialised and experienced teams and […]

  • 23 April 2015

    When NAM/Shell UK decided to invest in a ‘Walk-to-Work’ (WTW) offshore vessel for use with unmanned gas platforms, they requested Royal Niestern Sander (RNS) to make the preliminary design. The challenge was to design and build a stable platform for the transfer of personnel and equipment, to efficiently support the gas production platforms in the […]

  • 4 October 2012

    On 27 September, in the presence of 250 industrial players in the wind energy sector and a sizeable press delegation, the OWI Lab was inaugurated with the official opening of the climatic test chamber at Churchill Dock in the Port of Antwerp by Flemish Minister-President Kris Peeters. Naturally, the focal point of the inauguration was […]

  • 1 February 2011

    Research and Markets has announced the addition of the “Industry Primer: Wind Energy 2010” report to their offering. This comprehensive primer on the wind industry covers the entire wind value chain, from components manufacturers to wind farm owner/operators. The 122-page report is intended to help institutional investors, lenders and private equity professionals quickly get up […]

  • 28 January 2022

    Jump to: Making the Case for Offshore Wind Lease Sale 257 The District Court in Washington, D.C., has vacated the Department of Interior’s (DOI) decision to hold an offshore oil and gas lease sale following a lawsuit filed by four environmental groups, which argued that the environmental analysis that the administration relied on to hold the […]

  • 19 August 2010
    Business & Finance

    All-time high order intake. Results in line with expectations. Full-year guidance revised downwards. The second-quarter wind energy order intake was 3,031 MW, which was the highest level ever recorded and on a level with the order intake for the whole of 2009. Vestas generated second-quarter revenue of EUR 1,007m, a drop of 17 per cent […]

  • 21 December 2010

    Wind-energy projects are starting to pop up in New Hampshire, but people hoping to see off-shore wind farms are still treading water. And if coastal development ever does ever occur, it will come with a sizable price tag. Projects proposed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island are expected to cost billions of dollars to build, as […]

  • 13 January 2023
    Authorities, Grid Connection

    Scotland has 38 GW of offshore wind in its potential pipeline. When added to projects in operation, under construction and awaiting construction, this climbs to over 40 GW, the equivalent to producing enough electricity annually to power every home in Scotland for 17 years, or every home in the UK for over a year and […]

  • 16 June 2011
    Business & Finance

      The Alstom Board has approved a major reorganisation of the company proposed by Patrick Kron, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alstom. This reorganisation is effective on 4 July 2011. Alstom has undergone a period of strong growth, followed by the necessary adaptation to a tougher economic environment created by the crisis. As the […]

  • 8 August 2013

    Offshore wind power is about as pure as energy generation gets. However, it is frustrating that statutory regulations in a key area, the deployment of novel vessels that service the industry, muddy these crystal waters. While a wind farm is rooted to the seabed, generating clean energy for decades to come, owners and operators may wish to transport their valuable project experience […]

  • 11 May 2012

    Centrica has published an interim management statement. “Overall, Centrica is trading in line with expectations, with the benefit of higher wholesale gas and power prices upstream broadly offsetting the impact of mild weather in the first quarter on the downstream business. We are beginning to see a contribution from our recent acquisitions, in both UK […]

  • 9 May 2013

    Siemens, German multinational engineering and electronics conglomerate company, released a half-yearly report. Peter Löscher, President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens AG commented: “Results for the second quarter show a mixed picture. While we were able to clearly increase orders, we still have challenges regarding revenue and profit. Even more we’re focusing on the factors that […]

  • 5 January 2016

    Giant technology and scaling steps The world’s first close to shore offshore wind farm, Vindeby, built in Denmark in 1991, features 11 semi-standard 450kW Bonus B35/450kW turbines (now Siemens) and is still in operation today. From today’s perspective the look of these tiny three-bladed turbines in shallow water is largely similar with today’s 6 to […]

  • 15 July 2011
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D, Training & Education

      Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Director Michael R. Bromwich delivered opening remarks at the bureau’s Atlantic Wind Energy Workshop in Herndon, Va. The bureau hosted the three-day workshop as part of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of the Interior and the Deparment of Energy to coordinate environmental monitoring […]

  • 24 June 2011

    A growing number of global wind resource assessments have demonstrated that the world’s technical potential for wind power exceeds current global electricity production. The theoretical potential for wind, as estimated by the global annual flux, has been estimated at 6,000 EJ/yr (Rogner et al., 2000). The global technical potential for wind energy, meanwhile, is not […]