9667 results found for 'waterkant'

9667 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 17 April 2019
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Six French coastal regions and the offshore wind industry have called on the French government to increase offshore wind ambitions in the Multiannual Energy Program (Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie (PPE)). As reported earlier, France plans to tender up to 6GW of offshore wind and floating wind capacity from 2019 to 2028. The country’s operating capacity is expected to […]

  • 11 September 2017
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Statkraft and innogy, the developers of the 860MW Triton Knoll wind farm off Lincolnshire, England, plan to take the Final Investment Decision (FID) on the project by mid-2018.

  • 28 July 2017

    Three companies have been chosen as the preferred bidders for the Galloper Operations & Maintenance (O&M) base in deals totalling over GBP 7 million, innogy announced today (28 July).

  • 18 March 2015
    Business & Finance

    Global expenditure for wind turbine Operations and Maintenance (O&M) will rise from $9.25 billion in 2014 to an estimated $17 billion by 2020, driven by increasing numbers of installations and aging turbines, according to research and consulting firm GlobalData. The company’s latest report states that on average, offshore O&M is two to four times more […]

  • 22 August 2014
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Bladt Industries will manufacture an offshore substation (OSS) for the Sandbank offshore wind farm in close cooperation with their long term partners on the fabrication of substations – Semco Maritime and ISC. Bladt Industries has signed an EPCI contract for the fabrication of the OSS for the upcoming Sandbank Offshore Wind Farm. The contract is signed with the […]

  • 24 July 2014
    Business & Finance, Environment

    1,800 jobs and up to £500,000 are just some of the benefits expected if the construction of a major offshore wind farm off the coast of Lincolnshire goes ahead. RWE Innogy UK has announced new details of the socio-economic benefits which could arise from the construction of its Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm. The project […]

  • 7 May 2014

    Dalby Offshore Services Ltd. has taken delivery of its latest offshore wind farm crew transfer vessel, ‘Dalby Wharfe’. The vessel is the first of a two boat order that includes the ‘Dalby Swale’ to be delivered to Dalby Offshore Services Ltd. at the forthcoming Seawork exhibition at Southampton on Tuesday 10th June. The Alicat Workboats built the 21m […]

  • 25 April 2013

    Forewind invites Teesside residents and members of the public interested to learn more about the Dogger Bank Teesside offshore wind development to a series of one-to-one discussions (Friday 17 and Saturday 18, May). Dogger Bank Teesside will comprise four offshore wind farms, each with a maximum installed capacity of 1.2 gigwatts (GW) and located more than […]

  • 20 June 2012

    The last foundation for Lincs Offshore Wind Farm off the east coast of England is now in place. MT Højgaard is EPCI contractor for the giant foundations. All 75 offshore wind turbine foundations for the 270 MW Lincs Wind Farm off the east coast of England is now in place. MT Højgaard has designed, produced, […]

  • 1 July 2011

    Five years have passed since Elsam, Energi E2, DONG, Nesa, Københavns Energi and Frederiksberg Forsyning merged under the name of DONG Energy. A merger process that began already in 2003 and on 1 July 2006, it culminated in the birth of DONG Energy, the largest merger in Danish history. “Five years later, we can conclude […]

  • 18 October 2022

    On 17 October, Scotland’s First Minister presented a new paper on the plans for independence from the UK, which addresses numerous administrative and economic aspects of an independent Scotland. Among the resources that Scotland already has or is set to have is offshore wind, which will become the largest part of the Scottish renewables sector […]

  • 31 May 2022

    German and US officials who attended the meeting of the G7 climate, energy, and environment ministers in Berlin last week signed a joint declaration on partnering in the area of climate and energy, after forming four working groups earlier this year in preparation for the partnership, two of which are specifically dedicated to offshore wind […]

  • 31 January 2014
    Business & Finance

    Trade through Belfast Harbour rose by 16% during 2013 with record tonnages of almost 23 million passing through the Port. Over half the increase, 1.7m tonnes, was fueled by an increase of over 150% in coal imports. This reflects a new service through Belfast to supply AES Kilroot power station which generates c.30% of Northern […]

  • 19 November 2013

    ExxonMobil Fuels & Lubricants announced that more than 300 new wind turbines are now protected by the high performance gear oil, Mobilgear SHC™ XMP 320. Four North Sea offshore wind farms have recently expanded their arsenal of wind turbines all of which are run using the Mobil-branded gear oil. This latest milestone is an example […]

  • 4 November 2013

    Effective sharing of marine construction experience, safe methods of working and recommended practice for offshore installation will lie at the heart of presentation by Alan MacLeay at EWEA Offshore 2013 in the ‘Synergies with other maritime technologies’ session on 20 November in the ‘Industrialising the supply chain’ track. The offshore wind energy industry does not […]

  • 1 May 2013

    Emergency services from North Wales and the North West took part in a major simulated exercise at Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm yesterday. Exercise ARGO is using dummies instead of real people to test rescue procedures and recovery times for the 160 turbine site, which is more than eight miles offshore in Liverpool Bay. […]

  • 5 February 2013
    Environment, Wind Farm Update

    Deepwater Wind and Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) have announced an agreement that will further protect endangered North Atlantic right whales during the construction of the Block Island Wind Farm. After extensive discussions with CLF, Deepwater Wind has agreed to voluntarily adjust its planned construction period to minimize potential impacts to migrating North Atlantic Right Whales. […]

  • 16 October 2012

    Players from Denmark and abroad are now signing up for the international B2B event for the offshore wind sector, OWIB 2012, on November 14-15 in Esbjerg. Over the course of a few years, Offshore Wind International Business2Business has grown into one of the leading events in the global offshore wind sector. Among the businesses who […]

  • 17 September 2012

    A programme, created to cultivate and promote the energy sector across the eastern region, is building momentum towards its ultimate goal of attracting £31 billion of investment to the region over the next 8 years following a string of financial successes across regionally based energy businesses. The East of England Energy Zone was launched back […]

  • 5 June 2012

    The United Kingdom’s track record of expertise and leadership in the wind energy industry is demonstrated this week during WINDPOWER 2012, the world’s largest annual gathering of wind power professionals. The UK – the world leader in offshore wind power capacity – will lead two panel discussions, while a number of British wind companies will […]

  • 11 November 2011
    Business & Finance

    ACCIONA obtained a net profit of 314 million euros in 9M 2011, tripling the 101 million euros reported in the same period of 2010. Group EBITDA amounted to 934 million euros, a 14.8% increase vs. 9M 2010 and revenues grew 5% to 4,796 million euros. EBITDA growth was mainly due to the positive performance of […]

  • 25 August 2011
    R&D, Training & Education

      The world’s demand for safe and clean energy continues to grow, with renewable sources playing an every greater role. Wind power generation, having expanding offshore, is now not only looking out but up. International renewable energy consultancy, GL Garrad Hassan, has issued the first market report which analyses the burgeoning new industry of High […]

  • 8 September 2023
    Business development, Operations & Maintenance, Research & Development

    The seabed surveys have been completed for this year in the areas of Sørlige Nordsjø II (Southern North Sea II) and Utsira Nord offshore Norway. Over the past two years, seabed surveys have been carried out in the open areas of Southern North Sea II and Utsira Nord. The Utsira Nord surveys began in summer but due to technical […]

  • 8 September 2023
    Wind Farm Update

    The Formosa 2 offshore wind farm has officially entered commercial operation, becoming the first Round 2 offshore wind project in Taiwan to achieve commercial operation date (COD). This project, owned by JERA, Green Investment Group (supported by its portfolio company Corio Generation) and Synera Renewable Energy (SRE), has entered the operations & maintenance (O&M) phase […]

  • 11 July 2023
    Wind Farm Update

    Seaway7 has completed the full engineering, procurement, construction, and installation (EPCI) cables scope on the Seagreen wind farm offshore Scotland, a joint venture project between SSE Renewables and TotalEnergies. The inter-array cable team completed the termination and testing last weekend and the trenching was completed yesterday, said Seaway7. This follows less than six weeks after […]

  • 4 October 2023
    Authorities, Fixed-Bottom, Outlook & Strategy, Planning & Permitting

    The ORLEN Group has received the Minister of Infrastructure’s final decision awarding licences for five new offshore wind farm development sites in the Polish Baltic Sea. The decision marks the initiation of the project’s preparatory phase. The ORLEN Group’s forthcoming five offshore farms are planned to have a capacity of approximately 5.2 GW, generating sufficient […]