9665 results found for 'waterkant'

9665 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 13 February 2023
    Business & Finance

    The Official Receiver of the insolvent Polish manufacturer of offshore wind foundations, ST3 Offshore, is putting the company up for sale once again. This is most likely the last time buyers are invited to take over ST3 Offshore as a complete entity, following several earlier attempts to sell the company over the past few years. The […]

  • 3 October 2014

    As governmental bodies are trying to protect the marine life, companies are facing more regulations and restrictions on the offshore installations. During the foundation installation, hydraulic impact hammers create a lot of noise harmful to marine mammals as well as to other sea life. Hamburg-based engineering and services company, Bilfinger Marine & Offshore Systems, developed […]

  • 12 June 2013
    Business & Finance

    RenewableUK and The Crown Estate have published a report highlighting a “once in a generation” chance to attract major companies to the UK to build factories to supply the fast-growing offshore wind energy sector. However, the study warns that unless the UK seizes this unprecedented opportunity, the manufacturing advantage will be lost to its European […]

  • 11 June 2013

    Two Cornish companies have won an international contract to work on a multi-million pound project to develop a floating wind turbine at Wave Hub, the offshore renewable energy test facility. The Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) confirmed earlier this year that Wave Hub had been chosen as its preferred location to develop, build and test a […]

  • 14 September 2012

    For 25 years the HUSUM WindEnergy conference has been attracting international experts and decision makers from the wind energy industry, giving them the opportunity to discuss new technologies, innovative products and future market trends. GL Garrad Hassan will be at HUSUM WindEnergy 2012, with experts giving presentations at GL Garrad Hassan’s exhibition stand 2G03, hall […]

  • 9 February 2012

    Energy Minister Fergus Ewing today welcomed the decision of the UK Technology Strategy Board to headquarter its ‘Catapult’ innovation centre for offshore renewables in Scotland. Mr Ewing said the choice of Glasgow for the headquarters of the new Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult – with the operational centre in Northumberland close to the National Renewable […]

  • 12 October 2011
    Business & Finance

      Pelamis Wave Power, the world’s most advanced wave energy company, has secured an agreement for lease from The Crown Estate to develop a wave farm, large enough to power some 7,000 homes on average – more than meeting the average electricity requirements of Stornoway. The 10MW lease is for a site located off the […]

  • 28 February 2011

    Vertical axis wind turbines could provide a credible alternative to traditional horizontal offshore turbines in some circumstances, according to a project commissioned by the Energy Technologies Institute. The £2.8m Nova project, a UK-based consortia of Wind Power Limited, OTM Consulting, Cranfield University, , the University of Strathclyde, Sheffield University, James Ingram & Associates, CEFAS and […]

  • 11 August 2010
    Business & Finance, Technology

    SeaEnergy is pleased to announce that it has signed an exclusivity agreement with Ampelmann, a high-tech offshore access solutions developer, to secure use of Ampelmann’s ship-based self stabilizing platforms. This agreement takes SeaEnergy an important step closer to the launch of a marine services business aimed at providing support services for the construction, commissioning and […]

  • 20 July 2010
    Business & Finance

    In the 1970s the UK invested about 0.15% of GDP each year in research and development (R&D) into providing cheaper and cleaner energy. Britain was putting more public money into nuclear power and other new sources of electricity than almost any other economy.

  • 29 March 2010

    Siemens Energy is to build a new production plant for offshore wind turbines in the UK. With the new plant Siemens wants to meet the growing demand for wind turbines for British offshore projects. As world market leader in the offshore sector Siemens has already successfully implemented eleven projects with a combined capacity in excess […]

  • 7 February 2023
    Technology, Wind Farm Update

    Deutsche Windtechnik has won a new tender for the installation of an Aircraft Detection Light System (ADLS) on an offshore wind farm in Germany. After equipping the Nordergründe offshore wind farm with ADLS last year, the company will now do the same on the Butendiek offshore wind farm. The contract for Butendiek was signed at […]

  • 26 July 2022
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    DEME Offshore has completed the installation of the final XXL monopile at the 257 MW Arcadis Ost 1 offshore wind farm in the German Baltic Sea. This was the first project executed by DEME’s new floating installation vessel, Orion, which installed the foundations using its DP3 system. Manufactured by Steelwind in Germany, the 28 XXL […]

  • 11 June 2021
    Operations & Maintenance, Ports & Logistics, Wind Farm Update

    Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) Offshore Wind Limited has appointed two Scottish-based businesses to construct its Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Base at Eyemouth Harbour in Scotland. Muir Construction, based in Inverkeithing, Fife, has been appointed to design and build NnG’s three storey, 1,040 square metre main O&M building and its two storey, 538 square metre storage […]

  • 9 February 2021
    Business & Finance, Jobs & Recruitment, Operations & Maintenance, Ports & Logistics, R&D, Technology, Training & Education

    The Scottish Government has awarded the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) a contract to explore opportunities for floating offshore wind and hydrogen supply chains in Scotland and France. EMEC will partner with French engineering firm INNOSEA and London-based Renewables Consulting Group (RCG) to carry out research to understand the technical status of floating wind and […]

  • 9 June 2016
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    US Democratic senators Edward J. Markey, representing Massachusetts, and Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island, have introduced The Offshore Wind Incentives for New Development (WIND) Act which would extend the 30 percent Investment Tax Credit for offshore wind through 2025. Last year’s omnibus bill extended the Production Tax Credit (PTC) and Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for wind until 2019, but […]

  • 3 May 2016

    New Jersey’s governor Chris Christie yesterday returned the bill S988, which would allow Fishermen’s Energy to build its offshore wind farm off Atlantic City, to the state’s Senate without his approval. The Senate passed the bill in March, after its predecessor (S2711), also approved by the Senate, had been dismissed by the governor. Sponsored by senators Bob Smith and Jim Whelan, the bill required New Jersey Board of […]

  • 1 September 2015

    DONG Energy and ESG have tested 28 piles on two different onshore sites in order to assist the development of new design methods for offshore wind farms. Initial results show great cost reduction potential. The testing has been undertaken by the joint industry project PISA and was performed to assess and validate a new design method […]

  • 19 January 2015
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Aberdeen based Hydro Group Plc, a designer and manufacturer of underwater cables and connectors for subsea, underwater, topside and onshore applications for the Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Defence and Aerospace Industry, has boosted its portfolio with state-of-the-art machinery, following a £300,000 investment. The company has installed and commissioned an advanced armouring line at its […]

  • 21 November 2014
    Business & Finance

    ReportsnReports.com added Offshore Vessels and Cables Market – Market Size, Competitive Landscape and Key Country Analysis to 2020 research report to its store. The industry research provides an understanding of the type of vessels required for offshore wind farm development and highlights major trends in the market. The report Offshore Vessels and Cables Market – […]

  • 12 June 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment

    On 12 June, EU Environment Ministers will meet in Luxembourg, followed by Energy Ministers on 13 June, to debate on two burning and linked issues ahead of the June European Council later this month: the EU’s energy dependence on Russia and an EU climate and energy framework for 2030 to be agreed in October.  On […]

  • 14 April 2014
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection, Technology

    At Heerema Vlissingen, one of the fabrication facilities of Heerema Fabrication Group (HFG), the HelWin bèta jacket was completed and sailed on Friday to its offshore location in the German sector of the North Sea. After the EPC (Engineering, Procurement & Construction) contract award by Siemens in 2012 and subsequent completion of the design by […]

  • 3 April 2014
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Gemini announced today that it has signed an off-take balance and services agreement with DELTA, an energy company based in the province of Zeeland, which as a result, will soon be the biggest supplier of Dutch wind energy. DELTA will purchase green electricity from Gemini, the biggest offshore wind farm in the Netherlands. This agreement […]

  • 3 September 2013

    In a written statement to the Parliament, UK Minister of Transport Norman Baker has announced that the deadline for the decision on Able Marine Energy Park is extended to 18 December 2013: I refer to the application made by Able Humber Ports Limited on 16 December 2011 under section 37 of the Planning Act 2008 […]

  • 3 July 2013

    With the addition of 44.9 gigawatts (GW) in new installations in 2012, world wind power capacity grew to approximately 285.7 GW, an increase of 18.6 percent in the total wind power installation base. Average annual growth over the past 5 years has been 17.8 percent, achieved during the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, even […]

  • 6 April 2012

    Wavewalker BV Business Managers’ Jelle Mens and Les Lugg performed the keel-laying ceremony at the Neptune Shipyard in Hardinxveld-Giessendam, the Netherlands. The keel-laying is the first milestone in the construction process. The innovative large walking jack-up barge, WaveWalker 1, is being developed by Fugro and Van Oord to move and operate in rough seas, surf […]