9665 results found for 'waterkant'

9665 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 23 October 2017
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, R&D

    India has taken another step forward in its effort to develop offshore wind projects off its coast as the FOWIND Consortium launched a report looking at grid integration issues for offshore wind in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.

  • 11 November 2016

    The East of England Energy Group (EEEGR)’s new Offshore Wind Supply Chain Special Interest Group (SIG) has launched a campaign to secure a “footprint” for the East of England’s vast business expertise for new offshore wind farm developments in the UK and worldwide.  The project will also help developers fulfil their UK and local content targets. […]

  • 21 April 2016
    R&D, Wind Farm Update

    DONG Energy and MHI Vestas Offshore Wind have jointly installed a V164-8.0 MW wind turbine test tower and foundation onshore to test several installation and commissioning procedures, and to act as a critical training tool before the commencement of Burbo Bank Extension offshore installation. In order to further test installation and commissioning procedures, the interfaces […]

  • 14 October 2014

    The 25th anniversary of the successful wind fair is being celebrated in Husum today with high-calibre guests from the fields of politics and business. Guests will include Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister-President Torsten Albig and minister for economic affairs Reinhard Meyer. A limited edition wind chronicle is also being launched during the celebrations, charting a quarter of a […]

  • 7 August 2014

    Kirk Tudhope, employment lawyer and partner with the UK North East law firm Ledingham Chalmers, said that the European Court of Justice (ECJ) is currently considering whether being substantially overweight is a “protected characteristic” under EU and therefore UK employment legislation. He said: “If the answer is yes from the ECJ then employees who are […]

  • 5 March 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D

    Nova Scotia and the United Kingdom will work together to advance tidal research to help the future development of the industry.   A memorandum of understanding between the province, the Offshore Energy Research Association of Nova Scotia and the United Kingdom’s Technology Strategy Board will encourage joint research in order to improve the technology required […]

  • 11 February 2014
    Business & Finance

    A new initiative is under way to encourage businesses to make even greater use of the OrbisEnergy centre in Lowestoft. After marking the fifth anniversary of the five-storey landmark centre, there is a drive to attract a more diverse range of clients to sample its conference and event facilities. The centre is widely recognised as […]

  • 19 March 2013
    Grid Connection

    Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cable systems industry will be present at and strongly supporting “Supergrid 2013”, the second edition of the annual conference of “Friends of the Supergrid” (FOSG) that will take place in Brussels, today March 19. After the success of “Supergrid 2012”, this second conference aims at continuing […]

  • 10 January 2013
    Grid Connection

    Global renewable energy company Mainstream Renewable Power has finalised negotiations with UK’s National Grid for 5,000MW of “firm” access to be delivered to the UK National Grid from 2017 to 2020. The company’s Board today approved the second payment at a meeting of its Risk and Investment Committee. Since first announcing its “Energy Bridge” export […]

  • 21 July 2011

    Oil, gas and renewable energy services company CLS Offshore today unveiled its new headquarters in Great Yarmouth. A total investment in the region of £300,000 has been made modernising and upgrading the former council offices off Malthouse Lane, further developing the quayside site and centralising its operations.  “The new office facility gives us significantly more […]

  • 30 November 2022
    Wind Farm Update

    Irish energy provider and renewable energy developer, Energia Renewables, has finished seabed surveys for the South Irish Sea offshore wind project, located off the coast of Wexford and Wicklow. The geotechnical and geophysical surveys, carried out over several months between April and October 2022, following the granting of a Foreshore Licence in 2021, measured important […]

  • 7 November 2014

    A joint venture between national construction, asset management and project investment firm GRAHAM and civil engineering and building contractors Lagan Construction Group, has been awarded a £100 million contract to carry out construction at the Green Port Hull site on Alexandra Dock. The work was awarded to the GRAHAM Lagan Construction Group Joint Venture (JV) […]

  • 29 July 2014

    JDR, a leading provider of technology connecting the global offshore energy industry, opened a new offshore engineering technology centre in Cambridge. Building out from JDR’s global HQ in North Cambridgeshire, the new centre will put JDR at the heart of Cambridge’s growing oil and gas innovation community as energy research seeks to exploit reserves in […]

  • 19 February 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Maximising the economic benefit from offshore wind is a key priority for the UK Government, reveals a new report. The Offshore Wind Programme Board (OWPB) annual report explains how the board is pursuing a comprehensive programme of real action to drive down costs and maximise benefits to the UK economy – tackling issues from skills […]

  • 24 January 2013

    In December Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) commenced test operation at its Yokohama Dockyard & Machinery Works of a large-scale wind power generation system that adopts a hydraulic drive train in place of the earlier gear-driven system. The test operation is a part of the project launched in September last year to develop a hydraulic […]

  • 14 December 2011

    In a general vote held December 10, 2011, the Haida Nation made the decision to pass on an opportunity to make a major equity investment in the NaiKun Project. As part of a 2009 agreement between NaiKun and the Haida Enterprise Corporation (HaiCo), HaiCo was entitled to acquire 40% of the project equity on best […]

  • 19 November 2012
    Business & Finance

    Lamprell, a leading provider of diversified engineering and contracting services to the onshore and offshore oil & gas and renewable energy industries, issues its latest Interim Management Statement in accordance with the EU Transparency Directive, which also provides a trading update in light of the previous announcement on 3 October 2012. The statement covers the […]

  • 28 June 2022
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has concluded three financing agreements, with the support of the European Commission, for installing and commissioning three floating offshore wind farms off the French Mediterranean coast. These facilities in the Mediterranean are the first floating offshore wind farms to be deployed in France, each using different innovative technologies, EIB said. […]

  • 22 March 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    A specially formed consortium between GE Renewable Energy’s Grid Solutions and New York-based BOND Civil & Utility Construction has been awarded an Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) contract to supply a digital onshore substation for Empire Wind 1 wind farm offshore New York, USA. Empire Offshore Wind, a joint venture between Equinor and bp, awarded […]

  • 3 June 2016
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell has announced the proposed lease sale of 81,130 acres offshore New York for commercial wind energy leasing. The proposed lease area, approximately 11 miles south of Long Island, is identical to the New York Wind Energy Area, which Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) identified earlier this year […]

  • 8 July 2014

    The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), in collaboration with local partners, has been awarded rights to areas of seabed in Harris, Islay and Orkney by The Crown Estate. The Crown Estate has awarded EMEC the rights to manage two seabed zones: one for the development of tidal stream, and the other for wave. EMEC, the […]

  • 16 June 2014
    Business & Finance

    Romax Technology, a specialist company in gearbox, bearing and driveline simulation and engineering, has officially opened the doors to its brand new £5.6m head-office at the University of Nottingham’s Innovation Park (UNIP). Marking its 25th anniversary in existence, the new, purpose built 3100m2 facility incorporates offices, a training suite and laboratory space and will also give […]

  • 7 March 2014
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

    The Dutch company Sima Charters successfully delivered a Multi-Purpose 66ft Tender, christened SC Amethyst. The tender features design and naval architecture by Vripack and is engineered for countless activities in the offshore sector. SC Amethyst has been designed by Vripack and Sima Charters, and built by Sima Charters together with Shipinstall. The SC Amethyst is […]

  • 24 May 2012

    Eco Wave Power has successfully installed a medium-scale wave energy power plant, in the Black Sea, during the month of April, 2012. The installation of EWP’s system, took place during that month in recognition of the international Mother Earth Day, celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. The Black Sea provided Eco Wave Power […]

  • 12 January 2012

       GDF SUEZ, VINCI and CDC Infrastructure submitted yesterday their bids to the Government to develop offshore wind energy, further to a call for tenders covering an expanse off the coast of France, encompassing 3,000 MW of wind energy, from 2015. They are bidding on four of the five zones identified by the State as […]

  • 28 September 2011

      The New York Power Authority (NYPA) Board of Trustees on Tuesday voted to end the competitive solicitation process for the proposed Great Lakes Offshore Wind Project (GLOW), without awarding a contract for project development. The estimated annual cost of GLOW and the current economic conditions were the reasons for the Trustees’ action. Evaluation of […]