9665 results found for 'waterkant'

9665 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 3 February 2011
    Grid Connection

    Prysmian, one of the leading worldwide players in the energy and telecommunications cable industry, is to showcase its latest technological innovations, specifically designed to support the development of smarter and greener power grids, at MEE 2011, the electrical industry’s largest tradeshow in the Middle East, taking place in Dubai from February 8th to 10th, 2011 […]

  • 20 March 2012

    A newly released NOAA study will help New York state officials make advances in managing their coastal waters and guiding future development of offshore wind energy projects. The study, A Biogeographic Assessment of Seabirds, Deep Sea Corals and Ocean Habitats of the New York Bight, will help the state identify favorable wind energy development sites […]

  • 12 July 2023
    Collaboration, Contracts & Tenders, Outlook & Strategy

    Equinor and RWE are to continue their collaboration on the development of a bottom-fixed offshore wind farm in the Sørlige Nordsjø 2 zone offshore Norway after Hydro Rein decided not to participate in this competition round. Hydro Rein has justified its decision by saying that it will be setting other priorities in its portfolio and […]

  • 21 June 2023
    Business development, Collaboration, Outlook & Strategy, Research & Development

    Portuguese energy company Galp has decided to join forces with French energy major TotalEnergies to explore the potential development of wind projects offshore Portugal. The partnership combines Galp’s knowledge of the Portuguese market with TotalEnergies’ expertise in large-scale offshore wind projects, according to the press release. The partners said that they intend to contribute with […]

  • 22 May 2023
    Authorities, Innovation, Wind Farm Update

    All five innovation projects selected in Scotland’s INTOG (Innovation and Targeted Oil & Gas) leasing round have now signed exclusivity agreements with Crown Estate Scotland, which allows the developers to start offshore wind development work while Marine Scotland’s planning process for the INTOG Sectoral Marine Plan (INTOG SMP) is completed. The INTOG leasing round has three key […]

  • 2 November 2022
    Ports & Logistics

    Vattenfall has opened its new international central warehouse at Port of Esbjerg in Denmark which will serve not only Danish but also Dutch and British offshore wind farms. Vattenfall’s new international central warehouse facilities cover a 2,220 square metre indoor warehouse and an outdoor storage facility of approximately 10,000 square metres. Vattenfall’s warehouse at Esbjerg […]

  • 5 October 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The 3,500-tonne offshore substation topside has been installed on its jacket foundation at the 759 MW Hollandse Kust Noord offshore wind farm. This new construction milestone took place in the night from Monday to Tuesday at 18.5 kilometres off the coast of Egmond aan Zee with the help of DEME’s installation vessel Orion. After a […]

  • 4 August 2022
    Vessels, Wind Farm Update

    Ping Petroleum UK has brought some of the Arthurian legend into the offshore energy sector after renaming its floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel Sevan Hummingbird to Excalibur. The FPSO will be deployed at the company’s oil field in the UK Central North Sea which carries the same name as the island from the […]

  • 21 June 2022
    Industry, R&D

    Offshore Wind Consultants (OWC) has developed a market study that has identified 54 territories as potential floating offshore wind markets. “This study provides an insight into the where, when and how floating offshore wind can develop to become a global industry, and hence plays a critical role in delivering a global net-zero. The study pinpoints […]

  • 17 June 2022
    Contracts & Tenders

    The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) has announced upcoming calls for tenders through which the Dutch Government will procure geophysical surveys and archeological assessment of new areas that have been designated to accommodate the country’s increased offshore wind target. Around 24 June, RVO plans to open a tender for several wind farm zones in the Dutch […]

  • 24 May 2022

    The Crown Estate has launched consultation with developers on proposed pre-consent survey requirements for floating wind projects in the Celtic Sea with plans to support the funding and delivery of the new approach to help fast-track the deployment of floating wind. After developers have shared their views and the outputs of the market engagement exercise have […]

  • 21 February 2022
    Business & Finance

    RWE Renewables and India’s integrated power company Tata Power have entered into a partnership to explore the potential for a joint development of offshore wind projects in India. The partnership was forged after Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Power, and RWE Renewables GmbH signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), […]

  • 18 June 2021
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Existing Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges in Great Britain could “deal a blow” to Scotland’s ambitions to increase the installed offshore wind capacity tenfold by 2030, according to Scottish Renewables CEO Claire Mack. Northern Great Britain is being “penalised to the tune of tens of millions of pounds every year” by outdated rules […]

  • 22 August 2019
    Wind Farm Update

    His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Denmark has inaugurated Vattenfall’s 407MW Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm at an event held in the Port of Hvide Sande. Mette Frederiksen, Denmark’s Prime Minister, and Dan Jørgensen, Minister of Climate, Energy and Utilities, also attended the inauguration of the wind farm. Located 25 to 40 kilometres […]

  • 1 February 2019
    Business & Finance

    The UK government should announce clear targets for offshore wind and commit to an extended pipeline of bi-annual Contracts for Difference (CfD) auctions of more than 2GW of capacity a year, a new report commissioned by the Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) suggests. “The UK Offshore Wind Industry: Supply Chain Review”, by the former McLaren Group […]

  • 18 June 2018
    Business & Finance

    LOC Renewables, a part of LOC Group, has acquired a 70% stake in the French marine energy engineering company Innosea.

  • 12 June 2015
    R&D, Technology

    The work of a masters student now working at Marine Power Systems (MPS), a Swansea-based company developing wave technology, has been recognised by MINES-ParisTech University, France. MINES-ParisTech University has requested that Jean-Baptiste Le Dreff, a specialist in computer modelling and design, presents his work and achievements in the institution’s quarterly newsletter. Only one or two […]

  • 8 January 2015

    Marine Renewables Industry Association (MRIA), an organization supporting the development of Irish marine renewables, has issued a discussion paper on maritime infrastructure development priorities to support Ireland’s future ocean energy industry.  Ireland’s wave energy resource is off the west coast. It should be possible to support the development of the resource, at least at the southern […]

  • 3 September 2014
    Training & Education

    Twelve more careers are taking off in the wind industry thanks to Maersk Training’s Diploma scheme. The Level 2 Diploma “Staying Safe in the Wind Turbine Environment” is to be showcased at Open Day on September 4th 2014 – Old Assembly Rooms, Fenkle Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Johnny Chung, Shane Taylor and Michael Weightman have […]

  • 18 August 2014
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection, Technology

    ABB has been awarded a contract by Atlantis Resources Limited to provide the onshore grid connection for Phase I of the MeyGen tidal stream project in Scotland’s Pentland Firth.  The MeyGen tidal stream project is at the forefront of world marine energy development and will harvest the tidal resources of one of the most energetic […]

  • 10 June 2014

    NAUTech seating by Jankel brings to the market a revolutionary approach to suspension seating for the marine sector, our latest innovation in protection solutions. Developed to properly protect against Whole Body Vibrations (WBV) and the severe loads on fast/rough conditions experienced by boat crew. This new protection solution will be launched at SeaWork 2014, Southampton […]

  • 10 April 2014

    Damen ARNO Dunkerque, part of the Damen Shiprepair & Conversion Group, has given a new set of ‘feet’ to the world’s first purpose-built offshore wind turbine installation and maintenance vessel, the 2003-built MPI Resolution. The yard has carried out upgrades on the feet or ‘spudcans’ of all the jack-up vessel’s six legs to give them […]

  • 26 March 2014

    Ex-serviceman and former prison officer Matt Knights is being seconded by EEEGR to Jobcentre Plus to help recruit much-needed workers for the East of England energy industry. Initially he will focus his attention on the Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft areas, trying to match the ability of people looking for jobs with an increasing demand from […]

  • 12 April 2013

    As DEME is moving forward with the construction of two Belgian wind farms, GeoSea has secured two new contracts: Westermost Rough in the U.K. and Borkum Riffgrund 1 in Germany. In Belgium, the works on the NORTHWIND offshore wind farm have started while those from C-POWER’S third phase are continuing. The DEME Group is utilizing […]

  • 26 February 2013

    Strategic Marine, the leading specialist shipbuilder operating in Singapore and Vietnam, delivered the Njord Curlew, a high-grade crew transfer and service vessel for Njord Offshore, the UK fleet operator specialising in supply services for the growing offshore windfarm sector. Today’s delivery is the third in a series of eight vessels for Njord Offshore, underscoring Strategic’s […]

  • 8 June 2012

    Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond and Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister David McAllister yesterday discussed co-operation opportunities in the developing European clean energy market. Mr McAllister arrived in Edinburgh yesterday, where he joined Energy & Enterprise Minister Fergus Ewing for the official opening of new premises for Germany’s largest wind turbine manufacturer, Enercon, which is headquartered […]