1009 results found for 'beacon wind 1 '

1009 results found for 'beacon wind 1 '
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  • 6 February 2013

    Offshore wind deals are happening and project developers that need money are getting it, but sometimes this is overshadowed by a cloud of negativity from banks and the utilities, which complain all too often that the project finance markets are broke or the regulatory frameworks insufficient.  Jérôme Guillet, Managing Director of Green Giraffe Energy Bankers, says: […]

  • 13 July 2011
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D

      The establishment of a UK centre of excellence to support the development and commercialisation of offshore renewable energy technologies across the country drew closer as the Technology Strategy Board announced that it is seeking expressions of interest from organisations that might lead or form part of a new Offshore Renewable Energy technology and innovation […]

  • 3 April 2012

    The one sector of the whole offshore wind energy industry where the British Isles stand in a commanding position is in the building of wind farm support vessels, of all shapes and sizes. The name “British Isles” is used because it includes the Republic of Ireland, and the yards there, including Arklow Marine, and Safehaven Marine, are just as much […]

  • 15 August 2013

    Renewable energy developer Renewable Energy Systems Ltd (RES) started over 30 years ago and nowadays the company has around 1,000 employees working world wide from 100 offices, in 10 different countries. The company’s portfolio includes 127 projects, both on and offshore, worth 7.5GW. Most of these projects are done in joint ventures but 700MW is […]

  • 3 February 2013

    The port services provider Cuxport has issued an upbeat assessment of its business operations in 2012. The company handled about 1.6 million tonnes of goods that entered or left the port. Cuxport particularly enjoyed high growth rates in its automobile logistics operations. But it was also able to expand its business in project logistics for […]

  • 6 August 2012

    In April 2012 the French Government under President Sarkozy announced the results of the first round for offshore wind energy licences. Companies and consortia had been invited to tender for the licences following the terms and conditions set out by the Commission of Energy Regulation (CRE). The tenders were for a total maximum power of […]

  • 1 February 2011
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection

    American Superconductor Corporation (NASDAQ: AMSC), a global power technologies company, today reported record financial results for the third quarter of its fiscal year 2010 ended December 31, 2010. Revenues for the third quarter of fiscal 2010 increased 42 percent to $114.2 million from $80.7 million for the third quarter of fiscal 2009. Gross margin for […]

  • 22 July 2011

    Cape Wind, the offshore wind farm famous for its 10-year fight against Cape Cod’s most prominent NIMBYs, will likely be the first U.S. project in federal waters. But there are three smaller pilot projects slated for state waters off Rhode Island, New Jersey and Ohio that are more likely to settle regulatory, permitting and finance […]

  • 8 February 2021
    Business & Finance

    Europe confirmed a record amount of EUR 26.3 billion of investments in 2020 that will finance 7.1 GW of new offshore wind farms to be built in the coming years, WindEurope said. For comparison, EUR 6.1 billion was invested in four offshore wind projects in 2019. This represents an increase of over 330 per cent […]

  • 22 October 2012

    As voters contemplate who will occupy the White House and Congress in the years ahead, The Center for the Next Generation and the Center for American Progress released “Regional Energy, National Solutions,” a new report that argues that the United States needs a long-term strategy to achieve climate stability, economic prosperity, and energy security using […]

  • 15 August 2012
    Ports & Logistics

    The port of Emden is one of the largest ports in the federal state of Niedersachsen in Germany and located furthest west on the German coast, strategically near the deep waters of the North Sea and easily accessed by road and rail. Its main activities are the import and export of automobiles, forest products and […]

  • 1 December 2014

    The coalition’s industrial strategy amounts to “little more than economic tinkering” and cannot possibly tackle the structural problems facing the UK economy, a Civitas report warns. According to the think-thank the objectives set out by Business Secretary Vince Cable are too easy to achieve and fail to address important issues that must be overcome if […]

  • 29 July 2011
    Authorities, Business & Finance, R&D

    When the Rhode Island Supreme Court issued a ruling earlier this month upholding a long-term contract for the sale of power from Deepwater Wind’s proposed wind farm off Block Island, it was a green light for the company to resume work on the project. As the case dragged on for nearly a year, with the […]

  • 11 October 2012

    Award-winning energy services company ROVOP has secured a series of contracts worth a total of £7million for work on major offshore windfarms across Europe. The increasing demand for the services of rapidly-evolving subsea business has also led the company to announce the strengthening of its management team with two senior appointments. ROVOP, which supplies high-performance […]

  • 25 March 2013

    Almost 200 senior figures from across the UK’s offshore wind industry descended upon Suffolk last week to debate the future of managing operational wind projects. Delegates assembled to hear what lessons can be learnt from pioneering wind farm operators off the East of England coast, and the sharing of experiences and thoughts from past and […]

  • 9 August 2011

     The French Energy Regulation Committee (CRE) on 11 July 2011 issued a set of rules, “Specifications of tender No. 2011/S 126-208873 on offshore wind power generation facilities in France”, that outlines the terms and conditions of the new tender process applicable to offshore wind projects off the French coasts. The new tender regime will facilitate […]

  • 23 September 2011
    Business & Finance

      AN ENERGY company developing a North Sea wind farm has signalled its commitment to local contractors by becoming the latest member of a networking organisation. RWE npower renewables, which is responsible for the Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm project, has demonstrated a wish to meet suppliers across the Humber and Lincolnshire areas through its […]

  • 17 October 2011

      Wind turbines operating in Spain show important seasonal behavior. Total electricity generated by wind power was more than 42,702 GWh. The promotion of renewable energies has been a stable national policy for several years. All political parties have similar policies regarding support of renewable energies. The main tools within this policy at a national […]

  • 7 May 2013

    The 1 May celebrations in Europe last week were tainted by historically high unemployment levels, a miserable macroeconomic outlook and a battered climate and energy policy.  Written by Thomas Becker, CEO at European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)  The challenges facing Europe’s economy are many. But it is beyond doubt that a thorough modernisation of our […]

  • 27 May 2016

    While the European wind energy association (EWEA) welcomes the landmark agreement achieved at the United Nations Paris Climate Summit – known as COP21 – whereby countries will aim to cut greenhouse gas emissions to a level that will restrict the global average temperature to a rise ‘well below’ a 2°C threshold, the new EWEA Chief […]

  • 23 March 2012

    PCS Power Converter Solutions GmbH continues to expand its portfolio of products for wind energy In addition to the state of the art PCS Green Line Power Converters, PCS now offers a total drive train system solution including generator, transformer and converter. PCS will present examples from the Green Line Family of full power converters […]

  • 23 August 2013
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander has today (23 August 2013) announced that next year’s Coastal Communities Fund will be worth £29 million, an increase of 5% from last year. The Coastal Communities Fund was launched in 2012 to invest in seaside towns and villages, helping them achieve their economic potential, reduce unemployment and […]

  • 4 February 2013
    Business & Finance, Technology

    On 30th January, Hafren Power – which plans to build an 18km (11 mile) tidal power station across the Severn Estuary to generate zero carbon electricity – pledged to work with all stakeholders to protect ports and wildlife. Tony Pryor, Hafren Power’s Chief Executive, said: “We will deliver green, safe, secure and ultimately the cheapest […]

  • 5 September 2013

    As part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to create American jobs, develop domestic clean energy sources and cut carbon pollution, the Interior Department completed the nation’s second competitive lease sale for renewable energy in federal waters, garnering $1,600,000 in high bids for 112,799 acres on the Outer Continental Shelf offshore Virginia. Virginia Electric and […]

  • 8 June 2015

    Grouting or bolting of the connection between monopile and transition piece belong to the past with the introduction of Dutch engineering company KCI’s Double Slip Joint. KCI is completely convinced about this after completing intensive research. The company introduced their new concept at the EWEA OFFSHORE event in Copenhagen last month where it attracted a […]

  • 22 February 2017
    Contracts & Tenders, R&D, Technology

    The Carbon Trust’s Offshore Wind Accelerator announced a new GBP 2.4 million project aiming to cut the cost of offshore wind by optimising the design of jacket foundations through improved fatigue standards and validation of faster testing and fabrication methods. Jacket foundations are set to become a more dominant design solution, as monopiles are unlikely […]