10000 results found for 'norther'

10000 results found for 'norther'
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  • 23 August 2018

    The offshore wind turbine market is expected to value more than USD 16 billion by 2024, according to the latest report by Global Market Insights, Inc.

  • 15 May 2018
    Contracts & Tenders

    ScottishPower Renewables has awarded Specialist Marine Consultants (SMC) with a client representative contract for the East Anglia One offshore wind farm in the UK.

  • 23 April 2018
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Environment, Wind Farm Update

    An 800MW offshore wind project is part of the Danish government’s coming energy proposal, the country’s Energy, Supply and Climate Minister Lars Christian Lilleholt was reported as saying.

  • 17 November 2017
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    Belgian offshore wind developer Otary has issued a tender for engineering, procurement, construction, and installation (EPCI) of high voltage substations on the Seastar and the Mermaid offshore wind farms.

  • 17 February 2017
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    The government of Kitakyushu City, Japan, has announced that a consortium comprising Kyuden Mirai Energy, Kyuden Corporation (Kyushu Electric Power), Hokutaku Renewable Energy Service, J-Power, and SAIBUGAS has been selected to install and operate an offshore wind farm off the Port of Hibikinada.

  • 15 November 2016

    Tidal Transit’s crew transfer vessel (CTV), Eden Rose, has completed its latest charter contracts for Dogger Bank and Hornsea offshore wind farm sites, where it supported upgrade works on met mast monitoring equipment. According to Tidal Transit, Eden Rose’s deployment on the two projects, which included five visits to the sites, has given the company a chance to prove […]

  • 14 July 2016

    German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is funding a new research project launched by Ramboll, Fraunhofer IWES and Leibnitz University Hannover to reduce the levelised cost of energy (LCoE) by improving the design of large monopiles. The TANDEM project (Towards an Advanced Design of Large Monopiles) aims to reduce design risks and cost of offshore wind turbine foundations. […]

  • 31 May 2016
    Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Siemens Nederland N.V. and EMS Maritime Offshore (EMO) laid the foundation stone for the offshore service base in the port of Eemshaven on 27 May. The general contractor for execution of the construction is the Dutch construction company Kooi from Appingedam. Siemens’ requirements have been implemented based on a draft created by the architects and consultants of […]

  • 19 May 2016
    Operations & Maintenance

    RES Offshore has been awarded a one year extension to the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services contract with the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult for the met mast installed approximately three nautical miles off Blyth. RES will continue to deliver scheduled maintenance, unscheduled maintenance and 24/7 remote operations for the structures, equipment and instrumentation systems […]

  • 28 April 2016
    Business & Finance

    Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Vestas will both continue to have 50 per cent stake in their joint venture dedicated to the development and supply of offshore wind turbines. Namely, when the companies teamed up to serve the offshore wind industry in 2013, they agreed on equity ownership ratios of 50 per cent for each of them, with […]

  • 16 December 2015

    Blue Water Shipping has signed a five-year terminal contract covering all logistics on Bilfinger Mars Offshore’s new fabrication site n Szczecin, Poland, including operation of a state-of-the-art gantry crane, handling of components and stevedoring. Bilfinger Mars Offshore, which provides offshore foundations to the wind industry, will use the site in Szczecin for serial production of […]

  • 20 May 2015

    Tuco Marine Group will supply its 11m ProZero Wind Farm Service Vessel daughter crafts to the two Ulstein X-stern vessels ordered by the German based Bernhard Schulte affiliate WINDEA Offshore GmbH. The daughter crafts, to be delivered in Q2 and Q3 2016, is from the newly developed ProZero series. The hull design is based on […]

  • 10 April 2015

    The first BlueTEC Tidal Energy platform was formally named by the Mayor of Texel, the Netherlands yesterday. The floating platform, which holds tidal turbines below the sea surface, will soon be positioned near the island of Texel – supplying clean electricity to the Dutch grid. This first BlueTEC will serve as a demonstration platform targeted […]

  • 6 March 2015
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Energinet.dk, the Danish power transmission company has appointed Hollandia Offshore with the procurement, fabrication, load out and transport of the Horns Rev C Jacket. The Jacket is to be installed in the Horns Rev 3 Offshore wind farm near the Danish Coast. The scheduled delivery date is April 2016. The Jacket is designed for a […]

  • 6 December 2011

    The Crown Estate welcomes the announcement from DECC that it has granted planning consent for the Westermost Rough, Round 2 wind farm off the coast of Yorkshire, which could provide up to 245 MW of generating capacity. Rob Hastings, Director of the Marine Estate at The Crown Estate said: “The consenting of the Westermost Rough […]

  • 12 May 2023
    Wind Farm Update

    The first of 62 Siemens Gamesa SG 8.0-167DD wind turbines has been installed on the 496 MW Saint-Brieuc offshore wind farm site in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc in Brittany, some 16.3 kilometres from the Breton coast. The operation was carried out from the jack-up vessel Brave Tern of the Norwegian company Fred. Olsen Windcarrier. The […]

  • 26 March 2014
    Business & Finance

    Dr. Eddie O’Connor, CEO Mainstream Renewable Power, has welcomed the announcement of Siemens’ investment of £160m with its port partner Associated British Ports (ABP) in a manufacturing facility at Hull on the Humber in the UK. ABP are investing £150m. Commenting on the announcement Dr O’Connor said: “This investment is to be welcomed for several […]

  • 13 October 2011

    The European offshore wind sector will continue to lead the world market for the foreseeable future, according to a new report showing that the region will have 75% of global installations in six years. Conducted by Pike Research, the report launched on Tuesday found revenues from offshore wind power production around the world would reach […]

  • 14 April 2014
    Business & Finance, R&D

    On the occasion of Thetis MRE, international convention of Marine Renewable Energy (MRE), held in Cherbourg – France, the representatives of West Normandy Marine Energy (WNME) and the Channel Islands Marine Renewable Energy Group (CIMREG) have signed a Framework of Cooperation on MRE. Basse-Normandie Region and the Manche Department have developed a strong relationship with […]

  • 4 March 2014

    On Thursday evening, March 6, DONG Energy’s Benj Sykes will be part of a panel debate at Durham Energy Institute discussing whether the UK can keep the lights on. Here, he explains part of his opening arguments around offshore wind, one of DONG Energy’s key business areas and how the technology will contribute to UK […]

  • 22 August 2012

    With the new 6.3 version of Sesam GeniE, DNV Software introduces an innovative method of strength analysis through the entire lifecycle of fixed offshore structures. The solution improves the efficiency and reliability of the critical data handling, increasing the operation’s security and profitability. This launch makes Sesam GeniE the most comprehensive tool for strength analysis […]

  • 18 October 2011
    Business & Finance

      Reef Subsea AS announced that its new UK subsidiary, Reef Subsea Power & Umbilical Ltd. – based in North East England – is able to provide subsea installation and trenching services to its clients in both the Offshore Oil & Gas and Renewables markets. The company has just announced an order for a new […]

  • 23 January 2023
    Grid Connection

    Amprion Offshore has reported that it plans to complete LanWin1 and LanWin3, the two offshore grid connection systems in Germany, two and three years earlier than initially planned. Additionally, the company announced that it will rename the offshore converter platforms to BalWin1 and BalWin2 to indicate a change in the wind farm areas to be […]

  • 27 January 2022
    Authorities, Environment, Wind Farm Update

    Japanese energy company JERA has submitted the Primary Environmental Impact Consideration Document for the Happo Town and Noshiro City Offshore Wind Power Generation Project in Akita Prefecture to Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. JERA believes that the favorable wind conditions and shallow seabed off Happo and Noshiro make the area suitable for the […]

  • 13 February 2020
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Transmission systems operator TenneT has entered into an ”innovation partnership” with a number of companies to develop a 2GW offshore grid connection system. Given that such a platform does not exist, a new platform design and a high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system that allows increased power transfer is required, TenneT said. To realise […]

  • 12 February 2020
    Jobs & Recruitment, Training & Education

    Teesside University and innogy’s Sofia Offshore Wind Farm have signed an agreement setting out how they will work together to build local skills and capabilities to equip students for careers in the offshore wind sector. The 1.4 GW Sofia project will be constructed on a 593km2 site 195 kilometres from shore on Dogger Bank in […]