9663 results found for 'waterkant'

9663 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 13 February 2014

    The announcement of the cancellation of the proposed Argyll Array on 11 th December last year, following on from similar news two weeks previously, concerning the Atlantic Array, in the Bristol Channel, both principally due to adverse ground conditions, has highlighted the critical importance of necessary, but ever-more cost effective, site investigation solutions for these […]

  • 15 July 2011
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D, Training & Education

      Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Director Michael R. Bromwich delivered opening remarks at the bureau’s Atlantic Wind Energy Workshop in Herndon, Va. The bureau hosted the three-day workshop as part of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of the Interior and the Deparment of Energy to coordinate environmental monitoring […]

  • 28 July 2011
    Business & Finance

    Progress in internationalisation together with efficiency and sustained performance in all business lines placed Gamesa in a strong growth position in the first half of 2011, with results in line with annual guidance in terms of volume, profitability and debt. Gamesa’s consolidated revenues amounted to 1,297 million euro (+26%) in 1H11, EBIT was 62 million […]

  • 28 June 2022

    The European Union’s Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council has agreed on raising targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency, and has also endorsed accelerated permitting procedures for renewable energy projects. The Council has, among other things, proposed an an obligation for the Member States to have a cross border pilot project within three years and, […]

  • 9 March 2022

    James Hunt (Interconnectors & Cables Lead, Xodus) and Matt Blythe (Co-Founder, Continuum Industries), explain why offshore wind developers need to understand how more detailed and early optioneering on marine export cable routes can generate financial value at EVERY stage of their project The first priority for offshore wind developers that have secured sites in recent […]

  • 16 November 2011

    NRG Bluewater Wind President Peter Mandelstam used the proceeds from the 2001 sale of a wind project he built in Montana to found Bluewater Wind and focus on ocean wind. “I stopped doing on-land projects,” Mandelstam said, “because I could see the market was crowded, all the best sites were going to be taken up […]

  • 14 September 2018

    Blockchain remains a hard to understand concept. Some say it will change the way we do business, others fear what sharing data will mean for future transactions. Offshore WIND spoke to Tom Fürstner founder and CTO of Riddle&Code, who recently cooperated with Brazilian onshore energy provider EDP. So, let us start with: What is Blockchain? […]

  • 2 January 2023
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders

    This year is set to be one of the busiest for offshore wind developers and governments around the world as a multitude of new sites are scheduled to be awarded for offshore wind farm construction. From the much longer list of auctions coming up in 2023, each bearing national and/or global significance, offshoreWIND.biz is bringing […]

  • 10 August 2011
    Business & Finance

    In the first six months of 2011, E.ON, the Düsseldorf energy group, recorded a massive decrease for all key earnings indicators. While group sales rose by approximately 20 percent year-on-year to roughly EUR53 billion, the Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 45 percent to EUR4.3 billion. The main reasons for this are the amendment of the German […]

  • 5 April 2011

    At this year’s Hanover Fair Siemens Energy presented smart, eco-friendly solutions for power generation, transmission and distribution. The highlights included a new 2.3-MW gearless wind turbine for low wind speeds, solutions for the connection of offshore wind farms to the grid using high-voltage direct-current transmission technology (HVDC) as well as a charging point, which can […]

  • 2 April 2019

    By Stefano Santoni – Product & Market Manager, Wind Energy & Heavy Duty Division – DAVI. According to the report of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the global offshore wind market experienced a growth of 4.49GW of new capacity in 2018. The Global Wind Report acknowledges that nowadays there’s a total of 23GW of offshore […]

  • 24 November 2015

    At this year’s EWEA, Offshore WIND took the opportunity to interview Rajai Aghabi, CEO of EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions, a newly launched company specializing in floating wind lidars. Offshore WIND: How did EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions enter the offshore wind market? Was the cooperation with KIC InnoEnergy crucial in launching your company? Rajai Aghabi: EOLOS came […]

  • 1 May 2012

    General Cable Corporation, one of the most globally diversified industrial companies, reported today results for the first quarter ended March 30, 2012. Non-GAAP adjusted earnings per share for the first quarter were $0.48. Operating income of $53.4 million exceeded management’s expectation as metal cost headwinds subsided and volume was better than expected during the quarter. […]

  • 20 January 2022
    Business & Finance

    The following is a guest post by Westwood Global Energy Group’s Senior Analysts Michelle Gomez, Bahzad Ayoub and Ruth Chen. The offshore wind sector had another record-breaking year in 2021. Some 18.6 GW of capacity was put into operation – the industry’s highest level of annual capacity additions.   Mainland China’s push to bring capacity […]

  • 5 January 2012

    In recent times, the attention of project developers, policy makers and energy regulators has started shifting towards the construction of (transnational) large scale far offshore wind farms. This is due to their advantages over conventional energy production facilities, being larger in scale, inducing economies of scale; offering less nuisance related to visual or noise pollution […]

  • 29 September 2011
    Business & Finance

      SeaEnergy, the energy ventures company focused on growing oil and gas and renewables businesses, today announces half year results for the six months ended 30 June, 2011. Commenting on today’s announcement Steve Romp, Executive Chairman, said: “SeaEnergy is in a strong position. Following the successful and highly value accretive disposal of SERL to Repsol, […]

  • 5 January 2018
    Authorities, Contracts & Tenders

    As the Trump Administration issued the draft proposal for the 2019-2024 National Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program on 4 January, the move to make more than 90% of OCS available for oil and gas exploration and production saw opposition from several U.S. coastal states, including those that want more renewable energy in their future.

  • 25 October 2012
    Business & Finance

    Seven years ago Dr Peter Poon made a judgement that renewable energy generation was set to be a big issue for business and society in general. So, he got his company Romax Technology to initiate two new and related areas of R&D (research and development). One concerned the drive-train efficiency of vehicles; the other was […]

  • 13 February 2013

    Any activity underwater and on or under the seabed in the various offshore energy sectors can usually be prefixed by the word “subsea”. Subsea activities began in earnest in the 30’s and 40’s of the last century with the first offshore oil wells. It was, however, the Victorian engineers laying communication cables across the seas and building ports to […]

  • 26 July 2018

    By Gareth Ellery, Senior Engineer and Business Development Director, Cathie Associates Within the offshore wind industry, there has been a relentless and necessary drive towards cost reduction and commercialization of offshore wind. This cost reduction has been driven largely by the introduction of competition to the developers and operators of offshore wind farms through power […]

  • 26 October 2020
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    The following article is a guest post by Maren Strandevold, an energy lawyer and an associate at the international commercial law firm Haynes and Boone. In response to the recent offshore wind announcement by the UK’s Prime Minister, Maren Strandevold discusses the need for adequate funding allocated in the correct areas, a streamlined regulatory regime, and […]

  • 24 November 2021
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    15-year offtake Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have been signed for the third phase of the 3.6 GW Dogger Bank, the world’s largest offshore wind farm, SSE Renewables and Equinor said. Dogger Bank Wind Farm will be constructed over 130 kilometres out to sea off the north-east coast of England and is expected to be fully […]

  • 17 October 2016
    Operations & Maintenance

    When you are talking with people working in real estate, there is a small chance you would not hear them saying: “Location, location, location!” at some point. In offshore wind, the same could be said for cost reduction.

  • 23 August 2016

    Being an expert in any industry is a great responsibility. Being an expert in assessing the risk of potentially dangerous situations in an industry is an even greater responsibility. It is not only financial investments that rely on expert advice, lives also depend upon the policies and decisions made by these experts. Costa Renewables is such a company that […]

  • 4 June 2013

    Fred. Olsen United is one of those few players that plays a role in almost all aspects of the offshore wind industry and is able to offer a fully integrated turnkey solution. This diverse company has been active in the offshore wind industry since the early days and is now uniting capabilities to provide a single interface with the client. In 2007, installation […]

  • 7 December 2011

    They say that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. And for The Switch, this holds true. They’ve created every bit of their present success by working closely with their customers, shaping the industry by making permanent magnet generators the technology of choice in the wind power industry and then cutting […]