9665 results found for 'waterkant'

9665 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 31 March 2011

    The Crown Estate has today, 1 April 2011, launched a discussion process with the renewable energy industry on the design and development of offshore wind and tidal energy in Northern Ireland. The ‘design discussion’ will run until 31 May 2011. Industry views are being sought on how areas of the seabed could be made available […]

  • 20 July 2022
    Ports & Logistics, R&D, Technology

    Saitec Offshore Technologies and RWE have loaded out and launched the prototype DemoSATH floating wind turbine at Punta Sollana quay in the Port of Bilbao, Spain. The DemoSATH unit was loaded onto the semisubmersible barge’s deck by means of Self-Propelled Modular Transporters. The barge was then ballasted down lower into the water until the DemoSATH […]

  • 17 March 2023
    Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    JDR Cable Systems has begun the subsea cable termination and testing works on behalf of its client Parkwind for the Arcadis Ost 1 offshore wind farm in Germany. In 2021, JDR won a contract to supply, test, and terminate 45 kilometres of 33 kV array cable that will connect the wind farm’s 27 MHI Vestas […]

  • 6 November 2020
    Ports & Logistics

    The Port of Tyne has launched a new green energy park which will be used as a strategic base for UK North East’s renewable energy sector. The Tyne Clean Energy Park will provide infrastructure catering for all renewable energy production needs, with a total of 200ha of land soon to become available within its perimeters, […]

  • 5 April 2018
    Authorities, Environment, R&D

    The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is conducting a high-level assessment of all waters offshore the US Atlantic Coast for potential future offshore wind lease locations.

  • 5 August 2013
    Wind Farm Update

    The first great milestone in the construction of the offshore wind farm Borkum Riffgrund 1 is about to be fulfilled: The shipping of the offshore substation. With a total capacity of 3,500 tonnes and a total height of 65 metres, it is in terms of logistics a tremendous achievement to load the topside and the […]

  • 17 May 2011
    Wind Farm Update

      Although the project had faced a critical preparation and mobilisation schedule on Wednesday 20 April 2011, the newly built 5000 mT Heavy Lift Vessel (HLV) Oleg Strashnov sailed on schedule for its maiden trip to the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm location. The vessel was loaded with 4 220 Ton, 25-meter-high transition pieces, each […]

  • 20 June 2011

    If you’ve ever been surfing, or gone swimming in choppy water, you’ve experienced first-hand the striking power of waves. In fact, further offshore, wave activity becomes even more powerful, making it an excellent resource for generating clean, renewable energy. That’s exactly what the Department of Energy and its partner Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) are working […]

  • 21 October 2014
    Business & Finance, Technology

    In a bid to help reduce offshore wind energy costs by 40% by 2020, Tata Steel recently delivered 400 tonnes of 3D profiled and submerged arc welded (SAW) tubular steel to Bladt Industries.  The Danish wind turbine foundation manufacturer will use the steel to build an innovative suction bucket foundation that will be tested at […]

  • 22 June 2016
    Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance

    During the test phase of the DolWin2 offshore grid connection, a cable component had failed repeatedly and TenneT decided to power off the system and has asked ABB to address the issue.  The companies will now investigate whether an individual case or a systemic material error is in question, and then ABB will remove the cause of […]

  • 1 June 2015
    Business & Finance

    Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Plc has named Abergavenny-based Alun Griffiths Ltd as preferred bidder for one of the main civil engineering and construction packages for the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon. The GBP 25 million contract covers ancillary civil engineering for the project’s public realm works. The scope of works includes the breakwater surface, roads, slipways, utilities […]

  • 25 June 2013

    In response to the fast-expanding offshore wind market, DNV KEMA, the energy arm of DNV, has developed a new standard that will help accelerate the development of a new generation of floating offshore wind turbines by establishing design requirements for the floating structure and related systems. According to Johan Sandberg, head of renewable energy at […]

  • 6 May 2013
    R&D, Technology

    Lockheed Martin is progressing with Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.The company has recently signed a memorandum of agreement with Reignwood Group to develop an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) pilot power plant off the coast of southern China. Known as OTEC, this technology generates electricity by leveraging the temperature difference between warm surface water and deep […]

  • 6 February 2018
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Environment

    Rhode Island Governor Gina M. Raimondo has directed the Office of Energy Resources to work with the state’s utilities to issue a procurement for up to 400MW of clean energy by this summer.

  • 24 June 2011

      Marine Designs Limited, a subsidiary of A&P Group, announced at this month’s Seawork International 2011 exhibition that it has been awarded a contract to build and install their award winning Dockmaster pontoon system within the Grimsby Fish Docks. As part of an ongoing agreement between the Grimsby Fish Dock Enterprise and Centrica the companies […]

  • 2 February 2016

    In 2000, the offshore wind industry was pioneering ways of installing 2MW turbines in water depths of just 15 meters, only a few miles off the coast. Today, 15 years later, a single turbine can produce a higher output than all the turbines combined in earlier wind farms, the blades are at least 4 times […]

  • 24 October 2016
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Operations & Maintenance, Vessels

    DONG Energy has added a new category covering geotechnical investigation services in Northern European waters to the DONG Energy’s Tendering System (DETS). DETS has been established as a scheme in order to improve efficiency and reduce costs of sourcing various services related to offshore wind farms. The system was originally launched in April 2014 as the […]

  • 14 March 2018
    R&D, Technology

    Dutch research institute Deltares has developed a new tool to model water replenishment and the chemical reactions of internal ICCP systems.

  • 30 April 2012

    The Crown Estate has announced three further agreements for lease for wave and tidal energy projects. The sites result from the third application window in the leasing process for projects in connection with the Scottish Government’s Saltire Prize (in Scottish waters) and demonstration projects (all around the UK), which opened in October 2011. Voith Hydro […]

  • 26 August 2014

    On 19 August 2014 a new catamaran was christened at Knock Jetty in Emden. The ship’s godmother, Insa Stoidis-Connemann from Leer, gave the name “Windea Two” to the “Twin Axe Bow” type catamaran from Damen Shipyards and she wished: “Safe voyages for the crew and always a handbreadth of water under the keel for the […]

  • 5 September 2023
    Authorities, Fixed-Bottom, Floating Wind, Outlook & Strategy, Planning & Permitting, Wind Farm Update

    The South Australian (SA) government has rejected a proposal by Skyborn Renewables and Australis Energy for an offshore wind farm to be built off the state’s coast and has also submitted a document to the federal government in which it expresses its opposition to the Southern Ocean offshore wind development zone being in the state’s […]

  • 15 September 2023
    Floating Wind, Project Updates, Wind Farm Update

    A floating Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) buoy has been launched at the Stromar floating wind farm site offshore Scotland. The E38 EOLOS LiDAR was deployed at the Stromar site off the coast of Caithness, approximately 50 kilometres from the Port of Wick on 8 September. Equipped with fully independent and remote sensing devices, the […]

  • 17 June 2011

      The effort to capture wind power more than 40 miles off the Maine coast using massive floating wind turbines continues on schedule – with lab trials at the University of Maine just completed in May, a first-in-the-nation offshore wind test lab opening at the University of Maine in Orono in October and preparations under […]

  • 21 May 2012
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Trident Energy, the independent developer of generator solutions for the offshore renewable energy industry, announced that it has been awarded a Scottish Enterprise SMART: SCOTLAND R&D grant to help fund the forthcoming sea trials of its linear generator technology. Together with on-going commitments from existing investors and new funding, the £225k SMART: SCOTLAND grant will […]

  • 1 May 2012

    Vessels on display at Seawork 2012 International [22-24 May 2012] have immediate access to Southampton Water, and visitors to this event who are involved in the offshore wind industry should be sure to visit the Tidal Transit berth [V34] to go aboard Eden Rose.  Eden Rose, the second of Tidal transit’s fleet of wind farm […]

  • 12 February 2019
    Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    Experimental wind power developer Makani, owned by Google parent company Alphabet, has partnered with the energy giant Shell to bring its energy kites to offshore environments. After five years of development at X and more than a decade of development in total, Makani is now an independent company and is partnering with Shell to expand […]