10000 results found for 'Ocergy'

10000 results found for 'Ocergy'
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  • 4 June 2018
    Business & Finance

    UK-based consultancy companies ITPEnergised and Xero Energy informed on 31 May that they had merged to provide environmental, grid, electrical and engineering services to the energy, transport, property and construction sectors in the UK and overseas.

  • 20 February 2015
    Business & Finance

    Dong Energy has invested GBP 5.5 billion into the UK since 2004, with over GBP 4 billion committed to offshore wind. The company released these figures in today’s “Dong Energy in the UK“ report. Dong built its first UK offshore wind farm in 2004. By now, wind turbines installed by the company could supply power […]

  • 28 May 2013

      Deputy Rob Duhamel, Jersey Minister for Planning and Environment, thinks that Jersey needs to harness the potential of the tides that are flowing around the island, reports BBC. Duhamel said: “A key issue was recognising that we have energy dense waters and it is a resource that could be exploited.“ “But any exploiting of […]

  • 7 May 2012

    The fact that Ireland is one of the countries that has the best waves is not a secret, but how to make use of those waves in terms of making energy? TheJournal.ie reports that this has been a crucial question for many years now and Ireland has invested a vast amount of money and time […]

  • 23 March 2012

    Ireland is on the threshold of becoming an exporter of energy. Having traditionally imported fuel or burned locally-produced peat to provide energy, Ireland is now looking at bringing in €6bn a year in export revenues in less than a decade. The source of this potential “windfall” is the increasing number of wind farms around the […]

  • 27 February 2011

    The wind energy market is experiencing rapid growth worldwide and has doubled in size every 3 years for the past 30 years. It is expected to have generated 331 TWh in 2010 alone, amounting to 1.6% of global energy consumption. This expansion requires new manufacturing plant including facilities for large composite blades. Applied Market Information […]

  • 15 February 2011

    President Obama unveiled his proposed budget Monday, which calls for boosting funding to the Department of Energy by nearly 12 percent. (nytimes) [mappress] Source: nytimes , February 15, 2011

  • 27 November 2023
    Business development, R&D, Research & Development

    Software developer Exceedence, Simply Blue Group, and Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) have joined forces to support a project called FASTWIND (Financial Analysis using Satellite Technology for Offshore Wind Energy) which aims to use satellite data from European Space Agency’s (ESA) satellite network to conduct resource management and energy yield analysis. Funded by ESA, FASTWIND is […]

  • 5 June 2015

    The UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary Amber Rudd today chose to mark World Environment Day by visiting the Thames Barrier, where she commented on today’s announcement on ScottishPower Renewables and Siemens’ deal for East Anglia ONE. Commenting on the deal, Amber Rudd said: “This massive financial investment is great news for East Anglia and for Hull, […]

  • 4 June 2014

    On 3 June 2014 the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) hosted the first EU Energy Day dedicated to ocean energy in partnership with Ocean Energy Europe, the trade association for ocean renewables in Europe.  At the Orkney Ocean Energy Day, as part of the EU’s Sustainable Energy Week calendar of events, representatives from the European […]

  • 30 November 2012

    The key measure of the UK’s new Energy Bill will be to introduce a government-owned entity that will buy electricity at an agreed “strike price” from low carbon generators and recover the costs from electricity customers via electricity suppliers. The government-owned entity will buy the electricity under a contracts-for-difference mechanism feed-in-tariff (CfD FiT) that will […]

  • 19 December 2011

    Work to create Scotland’s flagship Energy Park in Fife continues as Minister for Energy, Enterprise and Tourism, Fergus Ewing, visited the site to officially open the new access road, review progress on the project and hear first-hand, future investment plans for the Park. Since acquiring the former rig yard in 2005, Scottish Enterprise in conjunction […]

  • 25 May 2011

      Argyll and Bute Council and HIE were amongst the 570 exhibitors from 20 countries packing the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre for…   (hie) [mappress] Source: hie, May 25, 2011

  • 27 October 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment

    EU Heads of State have agreed upon a climate and energy framework, which fails to provide industrial leadership for Europe. The framework’s new targets for greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy and energy efficiency will do little to capitalise on the security, employment and export potential of new sectors such ocean renewable energy, according to Ocean […]

  • 30 October 2013
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Businesses developing innovative solutions for wave, tidal and offshore wind technologies are to get extra help from the UK’s innovation agency, it was announced today. Speaking at the European Ocean Energy Conference in Edinburgh, Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker revealed that up to £7m of support will be available through the Technology Strategy […]

  • 1 May 2013
    Business & Finance

    The Energy Department announced up to $13 million in funding to develop and test advanced components and technologies to boost the performance of marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) energy systems. The Department plans to select up to 10 awards aimed at developing advanced controls, power systems, and device structures specifically for MHK applications, which harness energy […]

  • 15 April 2013
    R&D, Technology

    A major stakeholder in Blue Power Energy Conor Haughey has appointed Beary Capital Partners to advise him on a €1.5m fundraising for wave energy development, Independent.ie informs. Blue Power Energy, in which Haughey holds 65 per cent stake, is seeking the investment to commercialize its newly developed way of capturing the power of waves, by […]

  • 30 November 2011
    Grid Connection

    The planned construction of offshore wind power parks in the North Sea and Baltic Sea can only prosper if specialist port services providers, suppliers and manufacturers work together closely and if the public sector provides the necessary financial support. That was the conclusion reached at the Rhenus Midgard press conference at the “2011 EWEA OFFSHORE” […]

  • 8 December 2010

    Power conversion specialist Converteam and SSE (Scottish and Southern Energy) have entered into an agreement to jointly develop innovative fully direct current (DC) technologies to reduce total cost of ownership of offshore wind power generation and distribution by 10-20%. The partners aim to demonstrate the benefits of Converteam’s advanced DC technologies (4) in the reduction […]

  • 29 December 2022
    Business & Finance

    Oil and gas company Neptune Energy and offshore wind developer Ørsted have partnered up to explore powering new integrated energy hubs in the UK North Sea with offshore wind-generated electricity. The two parties and Goal7 have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to examine the potential to supply renewable electricity from Ørsted’s Hornsea offshore wind projects […]

  • 29 November 2012

    Energi Coast, North East England’s Renewables Group, has welcomed the Government’s commitment to supporting offshore wind projects in the Energy Bill published today, but warned that the failure to establish a cap on Carbon Emissions by 2030 will only prolong the uncertainty of the supply chain. It was announced ahead of the Bill that £7.6billion […]

  • 20 December 2011

    The Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) and the South Korean POSCO Power have officially joined forces. By signing a Memorandum of Understanding on 15 December, both parties have agreed on future collaboration in wind, solar and bio-energy. The joint POSCO-ECN collaboration will focus mainly on the application of ECN’s extensive know-how and experience […]

  • 23 March 2011

    A new Green Investment Bank worth €1.18 billion (£1 billion) will “tackle risk the market cannot currently finance”, allowing new types of investment in green infrastructure, UK Energy Minister Charles Hendry told Wind Directions magazine recently. The Bank is due to become operational by September 2012. At the same time, the UK is considering moving […]

  • 14 July 2010

    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory last month published the most comprehensive study to date of the country’s offshore wind resource. The study, Assessment of Offshore Wind Energy Resources for the United States, compiles data on Hawaii and much of the lower 48 continguous states. In most situations, mapping was conducted up to 50 nautical miles […]

  • 27 November 2014
    Business & Finance

    TC’s Energy today signed a contract with Swedish company Seabased for a 14MW wave energy farm in Ghanaian waters. The contract, which is pending approval by the Swedish agency EKN, is worth over EUR 43 million. The wave farm is the first step towards total targeted installed capacity of 1000MW. The contract was signed by […]

  • 2 June 2014

    As five hundred leaders from the electricity industry across the European Union gather in London for their annual convention, Angela Knight, CEO of Energy UK – the host organisation – called for decisions about meeting energy needs to be made with sensible timescales and price tags attached. At the EURELECTRIC Convention, which runs on Monday […]