10000 results found for 'Ocergy'

10000 results found for 'Ocergy'
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  • 3 October 2017
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D

    Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and the University of Hull have established a collaboration which will see the launch of an offshore wind Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Centre of Excellence in the Humber region, UK.

  • 29 June 2015

    HR Wallingford is working with DONG Energy as part of a project to develop the next-generation of wind turbine foundations. Work underway in HR Wallingford’s Fast Flow Facility will help inform the design of a novel suction bucket foundation, and will ultimately lead to more cost effective seabed foundation solutions for the renewable energy industry. […]

  • 24 November 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Ofgem has confirmed funding of £46.4 million for eight projects as part of its cutting-edge innovation competitions for the network companies that deliver energy to homes and businesses. Ofgem runs three innovation competitions to help Britain’s energy networks become smarter and more cost-efficient. The Low Carbon Networks (LCN) Fund, the Gas Network Innovation Competition (NIC) […]

  • 27 June 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Reacting to the publication of the National Audit Office report “Early Contacts for Renewable Electricity”, RenewableUK’s Deputy Chief Executive Maf Smith said: “The NAO acknowledges that the awarding of Contracts for Difference under the FID-ER scheme created more certainty. Increased certainty brings costs down and helps establish an offshore wind supply chain in the UK. […]

  • 2 May 2014
    Operations & Maintenance, Technology, Wind Farm Update

    VIDEO: Alstom’s 6MW Turbine Spinning at Belwind Site Last year in November, Alsom installed 6-MW Haliade™ 150, off Ostend harbour at the Belwind site in Belgium. 40th AREVA Wind Turbine Installed at Global Tech I The construction of towers and nacelles in the North Sea wind farm Global Tech I is running in full gear: […]

  • 24 February 2014

    The marine renewable energy test site, FaBTest, located within Falmouth Bay, Cornwall, has experienced the largest waves since recording begun in 2012. During January and February 2014 alone, the wave buoy maintained by the University of Exeter regularly measured waves in excess of five metres (16 feet) over eight separate storms. The winter storms culminated […]

  • 3 October 2013

    Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG), in partnership with Statoil and Scottish Enterprise will host Meet the Buyer event today at Norwood Hotel, Aberdeen where Statoil will give a presentation about their Hywind Project. The Statoil Hywind project is the world’s first, full-scale, floating wind turbine, located ten kilometres off the south west coast of Norway. […]

  • 16 September 2013
    Training & Education

    Teachers from Hull, East Riding and Teesside schools are being sought to become wind energy champions as Forewind launches the next stage of its innovative education initiative, Champions for Wind. Ten teachers will be awarded bursaries to develop and implement wind energy careers related activities for their students as part of the initiative being run […]

  • 5 March 2013
    Wind Farm Update

    Following the successful commissioning of the second phase of the C-Power offshore wind farm (Thornton Bank Offshore Wind Farm) in late 2012, EDF Energies Nouvelles is announcing the start of construction work on the third phase of the project with 110.7 MW in capacity. Built in Belgium by the partners in the C-Power consortium, the wind […]

  • 15 February 2013
    Business & Finance

      NaiKun Wind Energy Group Inc. has announced its financial results for the three months ended December 31, 2012, a fiscal period in which the Company continued to explore ways to forward the NaiKun Wind Project while controlling its costs. A substantial restructuring was undertaken in the third quarter of fiscal 2010 and the Company […]

  • 4 December 2012
    Business & Finance

    Langlee Wave Power announces the establishment of its Spanish subsidiary Langlee Wave Power S.L.U. It was established as a ZEC company in Las Palmas in 2012, with the purpose to move all the R&D activities of the Norwegian company to the island. Currently, it is employing one Canarian engineer and there is a plan to increase […]

  • 27 July 2012

    Nass&Wind Offshore, one of the leading French developers of offshore wind projects, commissioned a LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) wind meter type device on 19 July installed on the terrace of the aerodrome of the île d’Yeu (France). The laser on this new generation instrument sweeps the sky and measures the absolute speed of wind […]

  • 5 January 2012

    Infocast’s highly acclaimed 5th North American Offshore Wind Development & Finance Summit 2012 returns to the Almas Temple Club in Washington D.C. from January 23-26, 2012. This well-timed annual Summit takes place as the wind industry seeks to take advantage of the massive energy opportunity that offshore wind represents and to overcome major hurdles in […]

  • 29 June 2011
    Business & Finance

    Ocean Power Technologies, Inc.  (“OPT” or the “Company”) today announced that it will release fiscal fourth quarter and full year 2011 financial results before the market opens on Thursday, July 14, 2011. A conference call to review these results will be held at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time that day (3:00 p.m. British Summer Time). Charles […]

  • 24 November 2021
    Business & Finance, Environment

    While oil and gas majors are increasingly entering new offshore wind and green hydrogen projects, it is but a small portion of the overall pie, to quote David Linden from Westwood Global Energy Group. As a reaction to the energy transition, the oil and gas majors are diversifying and now have more of an energy […]

  • 10 October 2011

      Deepwater Wind this week officially submitted its plan to develop a utility-scale offshore wind farm off the coasts of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, in response to the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE)’s Call for Information and Nominations for offshore wind energy projects in the federal […]

  • 14 February 2011
    Business & Finance

    NaiKun Wind Energy Group Inc. (TSX-Venture: NKW) today announced its financial results for the three months ended December 31, 2010, a fiscal period during which the Company realized the full impact of its restructuring and continued to progress the new strategies it began during the last quarter of fiscal 2010, all in an effort to […]

  • 21 May 2020
    Authorities, R&D

    Four US institutions have received USD 1.1 million in grants to conduct fisheries studies which will guide the ongoing development of the offshore wind industry in North America. The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) (USD 496,688), the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (USD 200,000), and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) (USD 400,000) […]

  • 17 August 2012

    Hamburg has developed into Europe’s wind energy capital. It has attracted leading manufacturers and component suppliers, and other companies involved in the wind industry to settle in this international port and trading city. These companies are playing a major part in implementing Germany’s energy transformation. The international energy markets are watching Germany’s progress very carefully […]

  • 31 March 2023
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    An application to build the up to 4.1 GW Berwick Bank, the UK’s largest offshore wind farm, capable of providing enough electricity to power more than five million homes, has commenced determination, SSE Renewables said. Located roughly 38 kilometers off the East Lothian coast of Scotland, Berwick Bank is the largest offshore wind farm planning […]

  • 10 August 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Environment, R&D, Technology

    Crown Estate Scotland has opened the Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) offshore wind leasing process aimed at promoting innovations and decarbonising the UK’s oil and gas sector. A two-week registration window opened on Wednesday, 10 August. The application window will open later this month. Offshore wind developers are being invited to put forward […]

  • 10 May 2021
    Business & Finance

    German energy company EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG reported a drop in first-quarter earnings in 2021 compared to the previous year, attributed partly to poorer wind conditions than in Q1 2020. EnBW generated revenue of some EUR 6.83 billion (previous year EUR 5.58 billion), and an operating result (adjusted EBITDA) of EUR 814.1 million, a decrease […]

  • 15 August 2017
    Business & Finance

    ODE, Northland Power and Yushan Energy jointly hosted a delegation of Civic Leaders and industrialists from Taiwan during their recent offshore wind fact finding mission to the UK.

  • 20 July 2016

    The new German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) means troubled waters for the German offshore wind industry, according to a press release jointly issued by AGOW (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Offshore-Windenergie), Stiftung OFFSHORE-WINDENERGIE, VDMA Power Systems, BWE (Bundesverband WindEnergie) and WAB. The number of new offshore wind installations in Germany was relatively moderate in the first half of the year, […]

  • 1 March 2013

    One of the most comprehensive surveys ever carried out into the environmental impact of tidal powered turbines on marine wildlife has begun off the island of Eday in Orkney. The environmental monitoring and measuring survey is a key part of the Energy Technologies Institute’s (ETI) ReDAPT (Reliable Data Acquisition Platform for Tidal) project. A team […]

  • 25 November 2011

    Prysmian Group, world leader in the energy and telecom cables and systems industry, will present its latest full range of products and services for the wind power industry at “EWEA Offshore 2011”, the world’s largest offshore wind energy event that will take place in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) from November 29 to December 1 (booth 9238). […]