9666 results found for 'waterkant'

9666 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 7 May 2014

    As a part of the Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, the Energy Department today announced the selection of three pioneering offshore wind demonstrations to receive up to $47 million each over the next four years to deploy innovative, grid-connected systems in federal and state waters by 2017. These projects – located off the coast of New […]

  • 30 August 2017
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Vessels

    The UK government has extended the recently introduced concession to the immigration rules to allow the employment of non-European Economic Area nationals who are joining vessels engaged in the construction and maintenance of offshore wind projects in UK territorial waters.

  • 8 January 2019

    The Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) has obtained additional federal consistency oversight regarding offshore wind development projects in the federal waters off its coast, as well as that of Massachusetts.  The CRMC has been granted this jurisdiction expansion by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) through a new Geographic Location Description (GLD 2018) […]

  • 24 November 2023
    Contracts & Tenders, Supply Chain

    The Danish Energy Agency has tasked Energinet with undertaking site conditions assessments for the development of five future offshore wind farm areas within the Danish EEZ, namely North Sea I, Hesselø South, Kriegers Flak II North, Kriegers Flak II South, and Kattegat. The metocean conditions assessment will result in a report for each area, which […]

  • 29 April 2021

    The U.S. State of Maine has introduced legislation to establish a 10-year moratorium on new offshore wind projects located in State waters. Proposed moratorium would preserve State waters for fishing and recreation and prioritize offshore wind in Federal waters farther off the Maine coast, the Governor Janet Mills Administration said. The Federal waters of the […]

  • 17 July 2013
    Business & Finance

    Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy Limited (CWE) announces that it has made a commitment for the manufacturing and installation of the offshore foundations for the Perth Wave Energy project. The contract for the installation of the foundations was awarded to Fugro Seacore (Australia) Pty Ltd (Fugro Seacore). As a provider of geotechnical services and […]

  • 6 November 2012
    Training & Education

    Shortages in key areas of the German offshore wind supply chain will be the focus of a high profile seminar in Grimsby later this month. The German offshore wind market is set to grow from a current 200MW to 25,000MW in 2030, with forecasts of installed offshore output of between 7,000MW and 12,000MW by 2020. […]

  • 9 September 2020
    Contracts & Tenders, Grid Connection

    Transmission system operator TenneT has issued a contract notice for geophysical and geotechnical surveys of its existing and future offshore power cable routes. The contract covers the existing power cable routes off the Netherlands and Germany, as well as the future cable routes within German waters and the German EEZ. The purpose of the surveys […]

  • 29 March 2016
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Training & Education

    Stockton University is today playing host to a forum to discuss how New Jersey can benefit from expanding offshore wind industry on the U.S. East Coast. The Offshore Wind Energy Forum kicks off after the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) federal sale last November of two leases for offshore wind energy development of 344,000 […]

  • 12 September 2014

    Horizon Geosciences are currently undertaking a site investigation of the seabed just off the UK South Coast, as Navitus Bay Development Limited has contracted the geotechnical survey specialists to take samples of seabed material that will help determine the most suitable type of foundation for the turbines at the proposed wind park. While carrying out geotechnical surveys, […]

  • 25 January 2012

    DOE released on January 18 two resource assessments showing that waves and tidal coastal currents could contribute significantly to U.S. electricity production. The West Coast, including Alaska and Hawaii, has especially high potential for wave energy development, while significant opportunities for wave energy also exist along the East Coast. Additionally, parts of both coasts have […]

  • 2 April 2012

    Wave energy developer, Carnegie Wave Energy Limited, advises that it is in the final stages of negotiations over the location of its grid-connected, CETO commercial demonstration project. The Company will update the market more fully once negotiations are complete. The CETO system distinguishes itself from other wave energy devices by operating out of sight and […]

  • 28 February 2012
    Grid Connection, Technology

    ORPC recently announced that it will begin the installation of its first grid-connected, Commercial TidGen™ Power System at a 60-acre site in Cobscook Bay near Seward Neck, Lubec. The Company hopes to begin on-water deployment of its Cobscook Bay Tidal Energy Project around March 7 following issuance of a license by the Federal Energy Regulatory […]

  • 6 September 2012
    Jobs & Recruitment

    Approximately 300 people attended a rally last Friday on Tybee Island to promote offshore wind energy. The event, called the “Wind Works: for Jobs, for Georgians” rally was sponsored by the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) and the Sierra Club. The coalition of groups and individuals came together on Labor Day weekend to promote […]

  • 3 May 2022
    Contracts & Tenders

    Dublin-based Gazelle Wind Power (Gazelle) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbG (VCE) to support its 2 MW floating wind pilot project in the Canary Islands. Under the MoU, VCE will provide design services, including load capacity determination, inspection planning, performance assessment, and others, as well as monitoring and […]

  • 11 June 2018
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, R&D, Technology, Wind Farm Update

    German energy company EnBW and Seattle-based Trident Winds have formed a joint venture to develop the Morro Bay floating wind project off the coast of Central California.

  • 22 August 2014
    Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    RenewableUK is today hailing the announcement that funding has been secured to build the first phase of the world’s largest tidal energy array in the Pentland Firth region in North Scotland. The MeyGen project has a capacity of up to 398MW and will provide clean electricity for 175,000 homes and 100 jobs in the area […]

  • 12 November 2013
    R&D, Technology

    Tidal Energy Ltd will unveil the next steps for the DeltaStream Demonstration Project at Ramsey Sound at a public exhibition on 22nd and 23rd November at St Davids City Hall. The Welsh tidal energy company will also introduce plans for a proposed new project at St Davids Head. Assembly and testing of the DeltaStream device […]

  • 2 November 2011

    The piece of work “Zèfir: in search of deep water offshore wind energy”, carried out by students from the Cor de Maria school in Valls, has been awarded the first prize in the Sustainability category. Over 12,000 people of all ages took part in the 12th edition of the science competition “Ciencia en Acción”, which […]

  • 3 June 2014
    Authorities, R&D, Technology

    The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has issued a lease to Florida Atlantic University (FAU) for marine hydrokinetic technology testing offshore Florida to evaluate the use of turbines powered by ocean currents. “This is the first time a lease has been issued to test ocean current energy equipment in Federal waters,” said BOEM […]

  • 1 August 2012

    To date, 2012 was a record year for renewable energies in Germany. During the first six months of this year they exceeded for the first time the 25-percent mark. According to first estimations of the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft – BDEW) renewable energies amounting to 67.9 billion […]

  • 19 April 2017
    R&D, Technology

    The DNV GL-led joint industry project, WIN WIN (WINd powered Water INjection), has completed its first phase and determined that wind power could be used to power offshore water injection.

  • 23 May 2014

    International renewable energy consultancy Natural Power has recently undertaken an industry first use of Drop Down Video (DDV) surveys at Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm. E.ON’s Robin Rigg Wind Farm, located in the Solway Firth is the first commercial wind farm in Scottish waters. The technology, designed and deployed by sub-sea camera experts Envision Mapping […]

  • 15 April 2012

    OGN, already a major player in the oil and gas offshore construction sector, has received a vote of confidence from the Department of Energy and Climate Change for its move into offshore wind technology. And the North East economy shares in the benefit with the creation of up to 1000 long term jobs. OGN subsidiary, […]

  • 30 November 2018
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Environment

    A bill promoting the commercial use of offshore wind in Japanese waters has passed both houses of Japan’s National Diet.

  • 10 July 2015

    Fairbanks Nijhuis, part of Pentair, has introduce a bi-directional turbine optimised  for generating energy from tides while being  almost 100% fish-friendly. “The bi-directional turbine is an evolution of our low head turbine. The big difference between the two is that the existing turbine is only suitable for use in rivers because water can only pass […]