9667 results found for 'waterkant'

9667 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 23 August 2013
    R&D, Technology

    Rick Arthur from GE wrote an article on the company’s website about a research that GE is conducting to solve the issue of ice accumulation on wind turbines and other offshore infrastructure operating in extremely cold environments: I’m excited to highlight some progress GE Research has made in modeling the formation of ice from water […]

  • 30 September 2012

    Following a review of internal systems at the company’s Tubes Division, the recent report from the Crown Office, ‘Offshore Wind Cost Reduction, Pathways Study’, and demand from the market, the Barrett Steel Group has created the Barrett Offshore Tubes business to provide a dedicated and focused service to the offshore market for oil, gas and […]

  • 9 June 2011
    Business & Finance

    Leif-Arne Langøy has been elected as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors of DNV (Det Norske Veritas). Walter Qvam has been elected as the new Chairman of the DNV Council. In addition, Morten Ulstein has been elected Vice Chairman of the DNV Board. The elections took place at the Council meeting on Wednesday, […]

  • 18 February 2011
    Business & Finance

    Vestas, the global leader in wind technology, has signed an agreement with WindPlus for the deployment of the first offshore project worldwide integrating a wind turbine with a full-scale semi-submersible floating structure. This is the first time this floating platform technology is being used. WindPlus is a joint venture company led by the EDP Group […]

  • 25 August 2011

      Pharos Offshore Group has started construction of a newly designed remotely operated vehicle (ROV) specifically for the offshore wind farm cable market. The new Inter Turbine Array Trencher, the ITAT 800™, is an 800 HP (600 kW) self-propelled trenching ROV that can be more easily manoeuvred by the operators onboard its support ship than […]

  • 4 July 2022
    Authorities, Vessels

    Search and rescue teams looking for the missing crew of the installation vessel Fujing 001 off Yangjiang City in Guangdong Province, China, have found twelve deceased crewmembers, Chinese media reports. The vessel, which was working on an offshore wind farm over the weekend when the area was hit by the typhoon “Chaba” on 2 July, […]

  • 13 March 2014

    Jose Zayas is the Program Manager for the Wind and Water Power Program. In this role, he manages efforts to improve performance, lower costs, and accelerate deployment of wind and water power technologies, which can play a significant role in America’s clean energy future. Working with U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories, academia, and industry, […]

  • 2 July 2012

    Statoil Representatives attended the public reception on Tuesday, June 26, in Rockland, Maine, where Hywind Maine Pilot Offshore Wind Project was introduced. According to Freepressonline.com, the project includes the deployment of four floating wind turbines 12 miles southeast of Boothbay Harbor. The Gulf of Maine has been chosen due to its favorable water depths, wind […]

  • 7 August 2019
    Business & Finance, R&D

    The Manchester Metropolitan University has secured a GBP 124,000 grant from the Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub to test solutions for stabilizing floating offshore wind turbines. In the one-year project, the UK university will develop computer models to test the best methods to stabilize and control the motions of the turbine and its semi-submerged support structure. The project […]

  • 11 September 2014
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance, Technology, Wind Farm Update

    Cuxport has been supporting the Dutch company Ballast Nedam Offshore in the use of an alternative technique to transport and install monopiles at the “Amrumbank West” wind park on behalf of E.ON since the middle of August. The foundation piles are no longer just transported to the offshore site on board the setup vessel, but […]

  • 6 March 2014

    Carnegie Wave Energy Limited has completed the pipeline installation work package of its Perth Wave Energy Project in Western Australia. The installation of the pipelines follows on from the completion of the shore crossing conduit installation earlier in February. The pipeline work package involved the installation of a 400mm diameter high density polyethylene (HDPE) shore […]

  • 26 March 2012

    MARIN’s unique Depressurised Wave Basin (DWB) was officially inaugurated on March 19 by Maxime Verhagen, the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation. Representing the combination of a depressurised towing tank with a wave maker, the DWB creates a world first. The inauguration took place in the presence of representatives from various government ministries, […]

  • 4 February 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    Fugro is set to begin geophysical survey work at the Dublin Array offshore wind project located approximately 10 km from the Irish coastline. The geophysical surveys will characterize the project’s offshore array and export cable search area, with the latter intended to provide options for export cable routes to possible landfall options in the area […]

  • 5 July 2017
    Grid Connection, Operations & Maintenance, Technology

    James Fisher Subsea Excavation (JFSE), part of James Fisher and Sons plc, is providing equipment and personnel to VBMS for several concurrent offshore wind projects.

  • 12 February 2014
    Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    DeepOcean today announced that it had bought a geotechnical drilling rig and had established a strategic alliance with Geoquip Marine, in order to enter the offshore geotechnical services market. The new rig is a heave compensated, offshore geotechnical deepwater drilling rig built and commissioned in 2011. The rig is capable of operating in water depths […]

  • 14 June 2012

    Scottish-based FoundOcean Ltd announced it has been awarded the contract for the foundation grouting for Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm Limited, UK. Gwynt y Môr is being built with an installed capacity of 576 megawatts in Liverpool Bay, around 13 kilometres off the North Wales coast; it is one of Europe’s largest offshore wind […]

  • 29 August 2012
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Five marine energy developers will benefit from £7.9 million funding to further develop testing of new wave and tidal prototypes in the seas around Scotland, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced. The second round of WATERS (Wave & Tidal Energy: Research, Development & Demonstration Support) funding is to enable Scottish developers and supply chain […]

  • 28 July 2015

    Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. has deployed its PB40 PowerBuoy off the coast of New Jersey. The deployment is OPT’s first since late 2013 and is a critical step in its intensified efforts to commercialize its technology. The PB40 PowerBuoy weighs 130 tons, is 110 feet in length, operates in 45 meters or more of water, […]

  • 30 May 2022
    Technology, Wind Farm Update

    China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) has towed what it says is the country’s largest floating wind turbine to its designated location in waters south of Guangdong Province. The floater, called Fuyao and developed by CSSC’s subsidiary Haizhuang Wind Power, is equipped with a 6.2 MW typhoon-resistant wind turbine with a rotor diameter of 152 metres. The floating […]

  • 28 April 2015

    The Dutch Energy Agreement can be successful only if the industry, government and researchers active in the field of offshore wind energy and energy production from water work together, Marine Renewable Energy Symposium at Deltares stressed. Acting on the principle ‘dare to share knowledge’, Deltares teamed up with MARIN and TKI Wind op Zee to […]

  • 17 November 2011

    Voith currently is the only manufacturer world-wide to produce thrusters with a power of 1 500 kW based on permanent magnet synchronous machine technology (RIM drives). Recent orders for offshore applications, passenger vessels and yachts underline Voith’s position as global market leader for these systems. With an inner propeller diameter of 2 300 mm, the […]

  • 25 June 2014

    Okayama University’s Shinji Hiejima is looking for industrial partners to commercialize his experimentally proven and patented concept of the Hydro-VENUS system for converting tidal energy into electrical power. Research on converting tidal energy into electricity energy has a long history with the European Marine Energy Centre, in Scotland being one of the major international hubs […]

  • 17 July 2019
    R&D, Technology

    MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine hosted by University College Cork, has been awarded EUR 9 million for the H2020 project MUSICA to build a pilot multi-use floating platform. The platform is described as a decarbonising one-stop shop for small islands, including their marine initiatives (Blue Growth) and ecosystems. MUSICA, which […]

  • 6 August 2014
    R&D, Technology, Training & Education

    A new concept conceived by twelve selected students in the DNV GL Summer Project makes a case for wave-powered desalination to help address global water scarcity challenges. Developed over the past two months by twelve cross-disciplinary fourth-year students, the concept, dubbed Ocean Oasis, is an environmentally friendly off-grid system. It comprises of a wave energy […]

  • 21 November 2011

    The Heavylift vessel Svanen has arrived in Grenaa for the final mobilisation prior installation start at the Anholt Offshore Wind Farm. Blue Water Shipping who will be the local agent for the operators and vessels involved in the projects has been looking forward to the arrival of Svanen. “Although other vessels have already worked on […]

  • 28 March 2023
    Ports & Logistics

    Esbjerg-headquartered Blue Water Shipping has signed a concession agreement with Novaporte, a transportation, logistics, and green energy development in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. Both parties aim to work together, along with equity partner Membertou First Nation, to develop a major marshalling hub in Sydney, Nova Scotia for offshore wind energy servicing the Northeast Atlantic […]