9667 results found for 'waterkant'

9667 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 8 August 2012
    Authorities, Grid Connection, Wind Farm Update

    The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has announced a determination of no competitive interest for the construction of a transmission system between the Rhode Island coastline and Block Island, an important step in evaluating the transmission project proposed by Deepwater Wind that would deliver electrical power from its proposed 30 megawatt Block Island Wind […]

  • 10 May 2011

      Red7Marine’s newly-acquired offshore support vessel DP Reel has sailed into Great Yarmouth port to mark a milestone moment for the rapidly growing company. The £5m investment means the highly versatile vessel will be available to support work for clients in the renewable energy and oil & gas sectors. It comes less than three years […]

  • 8 June 2015

    Grouting or bolting of the connection between monopile and transition piece belong to the past with the introduction of Dutch engineering company KCI’s Double Slip Joint. KCI is completely convinced about this after completing intensive research. The company introduced their new concept at the EWEA OFFSHORE event in Copenhagen last month where it attracted a […]

  • 8 December 2010

    An authority created to promote development of wind power in waters off Virginia is scheduled to meet for the first time. The Virginia… (wavy) [mappress] Source: wavy, December 08, 2010

  • 7 October 2014

    DCNS will participate in the Caribbean Renewable Energy forum in Miami (USA) from October 6 to 8. CREF is the hub for the Caribbean energy markets. It represents an opportunity for DCNS to meet Caribbean decision-takers and industrialists to develop future ocean energy solutions in the region, in particular in the Ocean Thermal Energy Convertors […]

  • 16 August 2011

    Politicians and scientists celebrated water on Monday, despite rain showers that canceled a planned tidal power demonstration.   By Sean Teehan (southcoasttoday) [mappress] Source: southcoasttoday, August 16, 2011;

  • 29 June 2021
    Grid Connection

    Offshore cable-laying work to link the DolWin6 grid connection in the North Sea to the German grid has started, TenneT said. The cable-laying work follows an unexploded ordnance removal campaign where a total of twelve UXOs identified along the sea cable route were removed in May 2021. The 39-kilometre export cable section is expected to […]

  • 7 May 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    Finnish state-owned enterprise Metsähallitus plans to have the Korsnäs offshore wind farm up and running as early as 2028. Metsähallitus, which is currently in the process of selecting a partner to jointly develop the project, said that the wind farm, located some 15 kilometres off the coast of the municipality of Korsnäs, will have a […]

  • 11 November 2020
    Wind Farm Update

    EOLOS has deployed its FLS200 floating LiDAR buoy in the waters where Wales’ first floating offshore wind farm, the 96 MW Erebus, will be built. The Spanish floating LiDAR supplier secured a contract for the Erebus project this summer with Blue Gem Wind, a joint venture between Ireland-based blue economy developer Simply Blue Energy and […]

  • 1 February 2017
    Operations & Maintenance, R&D, Technology

    AkzoNobel, DroneOps and Barrier Group have partnered to develop drone technology for remote inspection of offshore wind farms as well as ballast water tanks on ocean going ships.

  • 1 June 2012

    Last month RYA reported on the rock placements or rock berms that were put in place to protect the export cables from the Kentish Flats and London Array wind farms at the point at which they cross. Throughout UK waters cable crossings are becoming more likely, and already more frequent, as offshore energy installations continue […]

  • 13 September 2011
    Operations & Maintenance

      BARD, Germany’s offshore pioneer seated in Emden, has completed the realignment of the management team which began early 2011. Olaf Struck (46) will join Bernd Ranneberg (50, CEO) and Manuel Althoff (47, CFO) from the 1st of October 2011 as new chief technical officer (CTO) of BARD Holding GmbH. Olaf Struck is a versed […]

  • 1 February 2019
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders

    EOLOS Floating LiDAR Solutions will provide two of its floating LiDARs for the New York Bight metocean campaign, for which NYSERDA just awarded contracts to Ocean Tech Services (OTS) and DNV GL. The Spanish company will supply the technology as part of its collaboration with the U.S.-based OTS. EOLOS said it is now working on the two […]

  • 3 July 2023
    Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    Skyborn Renewables and state-owned enterprise Metsähallitus have entered into a reservation agreement, granting five years of exclusive rights to develop the 2 GW Pooki wind farm offshore Finland. Development works are scheduled to commence as early as August 2023. The reservation agreement gives Skyborn Renewables the exclusive right to continue surveys in the area, where the […]

  • 5 December 2017
    Business & Finance

    According to a report at Zion Market Research, global offshore wind energy market size was valued at USD 20.3 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach USD 57.2 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 16.2% between 2017 and 2022. 

  • 21 September 2015
    Wind Farm Update

    In the presence of the Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Erwin Sellering, and numerous guests from the worlds of business and politics, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG has officially put its second offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea into operation. Following a construction period of around two years, EnBW Baltic 2 with its 80 wind turbines […]

  • 25 August 2014
    Business & Finance, Technology

    The world’s largest tidal power development, which will be installed in the Inner Sound of the Pentland Firth, secured a funding package of over £50m and the construction of the first phase will now begin. Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is backing the MeyGen project with a £3.3m grant.  Calum Davidson, HIE Director of Energy and Low […]

  • 4 September 2012

    Rock has been used for ports and coastal protection purposes for centuries – for dikes and breakwaters, groins and scour protection. Yet in the past several decades the uses of rock have taken on new dimensions in the execution of maritime infrastructure construction. Previously referred to as rock dumping, today the term Subsea Rock Installation […]

  • 7 June 2017
    Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    A new wind turbine installation and maintenance technology being developed by SENSE Offshore Limited could cut the cost of energy from future deepwater sites by around 9% and from nearshore sites by 4%, the Innovate UK Energy Catalyst study shows.

  • 14 November 2016
    Grid Connection, R&D, Technology, Training & Education

    German researchers have started trialing a 1:10 scale model of the StEnSea (Stored Energy in the Sea) undersea compressed air energy storage system designed to temporarily store electricity generated by offshore wind turbines. After several years’ research work, the StEnSea project, funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, has now entered the test phase. In the framework […]

  • 29 March 2022

    SeaTwirl has been granted concession for an offshore site in Bokn municipality, Norway, where the Swedish company plans to install its S2x floating wind platform. SeaTwirl, together with Marin Energi Testsenter AS (MET), applied for a five-year concession with Norwegian Waterways and Energy Directorate to install its 1 MW S2x vertical-shafted turbine with associated anchors […]

  • 22 January 2021

    The Greek wind energy association ELETAEN has launched public consultation for a legislative framework for the development of offshore wind in Greece. The consultation period will run until 1 February and is part of the implementation of the project “Necessary legislative adjustments to promote offshore wind energy in Greece”, funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 […]

  • 8 February 2019
    Business & Finance, Vessels

    The Tokyo-based Penta-Ocean Construction Co. has taken delivery of Japan’s first offshore wind turbine installation vessel, which is now ready for first work. Penta-Ocean Construction, who ordered the CP-8001 vessel from Japan Marine United Corporation (JMU) in 2016, held the completion ceremony last week. According to the vessel designer GustoMSC, the delivery marks an important milestone […]

  • 10 March 2017
    Grid Connection, R&D, Vessels

    Fugro has completed a seabed survey for the Viking Link, one of the longest DC electricity interconnectors that will link the UK and Danish electricity transmission systems. The Viking Link, a joint venture between the UK’s National Grid and Denmark’s Energinet, is a proposed 1,400-megawatt high voltage direct current electricity link, which passes under the […]

  • 22 June 2011

      Turn a glass upside down and plunge it into a sink filled with water.   By Michael Kanellos (greentechmedia) [mappress] Source: greentechmedia, June 22, 2011;

  • 4 July 2022
    Authorities, Vessels

    A search and rescue (SAR) operation is underway offshore China’s Guangdong Province for 26 people who went missing after an offshore wind installation vessel sank amid typhoon “Chaba” that hit the coast near the city of Yangjiang. On Saturday (2 July) the vessel Fujing 001 was avoiding the typhoon at the anti-typhoon anchorage in the waters […]