9667 results found for 'waterkant'

9667 results found for 'waterkant'
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  • 11 August 2011

      The amount of wind blowing off the California coast has high potential. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory atmospheric scientists are working with a Norwegian company to leverage that wind as a valuable energy source. LLNL has signed a memorandum of understanding with Sway, a renewable energy company that has developed floating towers for placing wind […]

  • 19 February 2018

    GustoMSC has commissioned the jacking system for GeoSea’s multi-purpose self-propelled jack-up vessel Apollo at the Uljanik Shipyard in Croatia.

  • 9 January 2013

    A new Department of Energy research facility will help eliminate a major hurdle for offshore wind and ocean power development and bring the U.S. closer to tapping the more than the estimated 4,000 gigawatts of wind power blowing along the nation’s coasts and the more than 1.2 terrawatt-hours of energy that could be generated by […]

  • 5 November 2010

    Seawork International, Europe’s largest on-the-water commercial marine exhibition and conference (14-16 June 2011, Port of Southampton, UK)… (seawork) [mappress] Source: seawork, November 05, 2010

  • 28 April 2010
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment

    The ex-Kingstonians planning to erect 60 to 90 wind turbines west of Wolfe Island in the waters of Lake Ontario have pegged the price of the   [mappress] Source: thewhig, April 28, 2010;

  • 20 July 2012

    New milestones in the effort to transform the region into an international hub of ocean-related energy technology research and development were hailed last week at a press conference held by the UMass Dartmouth-based New England Marine Renewable Energy Center (MREC). Several marine energy technology devices were on display at the event, which was held at […]

  • 7 August 2012
    Grid Connection

    In just a few weeks, a remarkable new Fugro trenching system will start its first offshore deployment, working for Centrica on the 270MW, 75-turbine Lincs offshore windfarm. Fugro-Salt Subsea of Aberdeen has already run a series of successful jetting and cutting trials with the first of its state of-the-art Q1400 machines built by Soil Machine […]

  • 23 March 2022
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Environmental Resources Management’s (ERM) ERM Dolphyn and Source Energie have entered into a partnership to jointly develop projects in the Celtic Sea that incorporate floating wind and green hydrogen production, with an aim to participate in the Crown Estate’s planned floating wind leasing round. Source Energie has been working for some time to identify both medium- […]

  • 28 May 2015
    R&D, Technology

    The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) and CENSIS, the Innovation Centre for Sensor & Imaging Systems, are collaborating to support innovation and development of new sensor technologies. By helping innovative sensor technologies develop through technology readiness levels (TRL) and providing independent performance verification as technologies enter the market, the partnership aims to fast track novel […]

  • 2 April 2013

    South Boats IOW Ltd. and Seacat Services Ltd., both of the Isle of Wight, UK announced a two boat order for the construction of a further pair of South Catamaran 24m offshore wind farm crew transfer vessels. These new vessels will be built by South Boats IOW at their Cowes facility and will be delivered […]

  • 17 January 2011

    HVC, the Alkmaar-based energy provider to municipalities and water districts, is acquiring a 15% interest in the 600 MW BARD-Nederland wind farm in the North Sea located 55 kilometres to the northeast of Schiermonnikoog. The deal was announced today by HVC General Manager Wim van Lieshout and Typhoon Offshore board member Dirk Berkhout, who has […]

  • 24 June 2022
    Environment, R&D, Technology

    Subsea 7 has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Dutch hydrogen technology developer, OneSea Energy, to collaborate in the field of floating offshore green hydrogen production. The Memorandum of Understanding provides that OneSea and Subsea 7 will move forward together in exploring and developing field-specific solutions for offshore hydrogen production. Both companies will […]

  • 8 March 2022
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Denmark’s Copenhagen Energy A/S has set in motion the plan to develop an offshore wind farm with a capacity in excess of 3 GW off Western Australia. Leeuwin Offshore Wind Pty Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Copenhagen Energy, is proposing the construction, operation, and decommissioning of the Leeuwin offshore wind farm within Geographe Bay, off […]

  • 10 April 2020

    A regional development agency from Taranaki, New Zealand, has published a paper on the offshore wind potential in the waters off Taranaki coast.

  • 16 May 2014

    Renewable energy alternatives and improvements in energy security through the introduction of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) can positively impact Fiji and the Pacific region’s economies. This was highlighted by the Minister for Public Utilities (Water, Energy) Works and Transport Timoci Natuva during a presentation today on Sustainable Utilisation of Ocean Thermal Energy in the […]

  • 1 September 2013

    A delegation of Humber companies working in the offshore wind supply chain is to visit Denmark next week on a fact-finding, networking trade mission. Organised by Team Humber Marine Alliance (THMA) and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), nearly 20 businesses and organisations will tour the main production facilities of Siemens Wind Power in Brande. Mark O’Reilly, […]

  • 1 July 2011
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Wave energy developer, Carnegie Wave Energy Limited, advise that it has received its third milestone payment under its $12.5 million grant from the State Government of Western Australia. Carnegie has drawn down a further $1,257,452 under the financial assistance agreement following successful installation and operation of the commercial scale CETO unit and completion of conceptual […]

  • 22 May 2014
    Business & Finance, Technology

    Dong Energy has contracted SPT Offshore for the structural and geotechnical design of suction bucket foundations for potentially five transformer substations, namely Burbo Bank Extension, Race Bank and Walney Extension. The 4 suction buckets will potentially form the foundation of 4-leg jackets supporting high-voltage transmission substations weighing approx. 2500 ton each. The water depths vary […]

  • 16 October 2013

    Seatower AS has as the leading pioneer within gravity based offshore foundations opened an office in Glasgow in Scotland. They see the Scottish market as the most interesting offshore wind market currently, and with the plans for Round 3 and deep water sites near Scotland, this is where mass manufacturing and deployment of selffloating GBS […]

  • 8 October 2013

    Danish MT Højgaard is speaking at the Offshore Wind Construction, Installation & Commissioning Conference in Hamburg from 14 to 15 October. On 14 October MT Højgaard will be giving a presentation on the study of the foundation types XL-monopiles and jackets – seen from an EPCI perspective. The presentation takes as its point of departure […]

  • 19 December 2012
    Business & Finance, Grid Connection

    Fred. Olsen Renewables Ltd. has confirmed that it has signed a grid connection offer of 1GW for Codling Wind Park, with co-owners Hazel Shore Ltd satisfying the typical power requirements of more than 160,000 homes. The Irish Waters project, which is situated in shallow waters, currently consented for 220 turbines with a further 200 turbines […]

  • 17 December 2012

    The installation vessel Sea Worker has arrived at Grenaa and is now working side by side with Sea Power to utilise the weather windows allowing installation. Sea Worker is a jack-up vessel capable of rising above the water surface on its 73 metre long legs when installing the wind turbine components. The vessel has no […]

  • 5 November 2012

    The Crown Estate plans to develop a demonstration offshore wind project in water depths of about 100 metres, off the Scotland’s west coast. The authority held a consultation with around 50 stakeholders and public bodies, planning to issue a licence to a developer who would construct the demonstration project comprising floating wind turbines. Senior development […]

  • 24 April 2020
    Operations & Maintenance, Vessels

    Three persons were injured, one seriously, after a crew transfer vessel (CTV) allided with a wind turbine at the Borkum Riffgrund 1 offshore wind farm in the German North Sea. The 26-metre CTV Njord Forseti reported the incident at 6:25 pm local time, Thursday, 23 April, German Maritime Search and Rescue Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur […]

  • 16 December 2010
    Business & Finance

    SeaEnergy PLC is pleased to announce that its 80% subsidiary SeaEnergy Renewables Limited (SERL) has signed an Interim Development Agreement (IDA) with The Crown Estate regarding certain Inch Cape wind farm development activities. The IDA formalises the Heads of Terms agreement announced in September 2010, stating that The Crown Estate will directly invest up to […]

  • 16 June 2011

    Plans for an offshore wind development project in federal waters south of Martha’s Vineyard continue to move ahead, state and federal … By Janet Hefler (mvtimes) [mappress] Source: mvtimes, June 16, 2011