321 results found for 'East Anglia Two'

321 results found for 'East Anglia Two'
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  • 18 October 2022
    Contracts & Tenders, Environment, Wind Farm Update

    SSE Renewables and RWE are asking North Essex communities for their feedback on the proposed North Falls offshore wind farm in the North Sea as part of the second round of consultations that are currently underway. North Falls, a 50/50 joint venture between SSE Renewables and RWE, is a proposed extension to the existing 504 […]

  • 18 June 2020
    Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    Spain’s Navantia-Windar consortium has received a firm order from the compatriot energy company Iberdrola for the turbine jacket foundations to be installed on the Saint-Brieuc wind farm offshore France. The contract, valued at EUR 350 million, will see Navantia-Windar manufacture and assemble 62 jacket foundations and the accompanying pin piles which will support the wind […]

  • 11 April 2012
    Authorities, Business & Finance

     The UK Government announced allocation of £20m to engineering and environmental companies for projects aimed at development of tidal and wind energy, EDP 24 published. Apart from mere production of power, these include projects targeted at design and manufacture of indispensable technology in addition to conducting various types of research, necessary to boost the sector. […]

  • 11 May 2018
    Business & Finance

    A number of consented offshore wind projects present a big opportunity to get BiFab back on its feet, according to the Scottish Government. BiFab was acquired by Canadian JV Driver in April as part of the government’s intervention to save the Fife-based company, however, it still needs new contracts to secure its future operation. 

  • 25 June 2015

    Keith Anderson, CEO of ScottishPower Renewables, addressed the Renewable UK Global Offshore Wind Conference in London today. He called for stable regulation and close working between the industry and the Government in order to ensure that the UK gains the maximum benefits from the offshore wind power industry. In his speech, Keith Anderson said: “The […]

  • 10 August 2023
    Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    Iberdrola has chosen the Spanish company Windar Renovables for the manufacture of transition pieces for the 315 MW Windanker offshore wind farm in the German sector of the Baltic Sea. Starting at the end of 2024, Windar will produce 21 transition pieces (TPs) for Windanker at the Avilés facilities and will collaborate with Spanish suppliers […]

  • 4 October 2022
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Contracts & Tenders, Wind Farm Update

    The UK Planning Inspectorate has accepted for examination the application submitted by Equinor on behalf of its partners to develop the Sheringham Shoal and the Dudgeon offshore wind farm extensions situated off the North Norfolk coast. After the application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) was submitted by Equinor in September 2022, the Planning Inspectorate […]

  • 17 January 2023
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    Plenitude, a Benefit Corporation company of the Italian oil and gas major Eni, and Irish floating offshore wind developer Simply Blue Group have entered into an agreement to jointly develop floating wind projects in Italy, with applications for the first two already submitted to the relevant authorities. The two floating offshore wind projects for which […]

  • 26 March 2019
    Business & Finance

    Van Oord’s offshore wind business unit posted record revenue of EUR 706 million in 2018, a 75.2% increase compared to the revenue of EUR 403 million reported in 2017. The increase was attributed to a simultaneous start of four major offshore wind projects: Deutsche Bucht in Germany, Norther in Belgium, East Anglia ONE in the UK, […]

  • 22 July 2015
    Business & Finance

    3sun Group has won the Best Skills Initiative Award and the Scottish Power Renewables (SPR) Offshore Wind Award at this year’s EEEGR Awards. The awards celebrate the best of the East of England’s energy industry, honouring the achievements and developments of companies over the past 12 months. Winners were announced at an awards ceremony on […]

  • 11 April 2022
    Environment, Ports & Logistics, Technology, Vessels

    Boskalis will convert a number of vessels within its Offshore Energy division, including the crane ships Bokalift 1 and Bokalift 2, into hybrid vessels through the retrofitting of energy storage systems, or ‘power packs’. The modifications will be completed over the next two years and will also be carried out on two construction support vessels […]

  • 18 December 2015
    Business & Finance, Wind Farm Update

    UK-based steel structure manufacturer Hutchinson Engineering Limited has won a contract to supply 67 sets of internal and external access ladders, cable ladders, rescue support frames and platforms for the 402 MW Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm. Hutchinson was awarded the contract after a successful audit by Smulders and the Sif Group BV, which was approved by […]

  • 9 July 2013

    Shortage of skills is the biggest challenge facing the energy industry and a Norwich conference heard that recruiting more women could help resolve the problem. The need to develop more expertise to cope with growing demand for engineers in the East of England was a constant theme throughout the People: Powering The Future conference held […]

  • 10 November 2015
    Grid Connection

    The central theme of the sixth annual Offshore WIND Conference held last month in Amsterdam was “Building an industry without borders.” According to a study published by the European Commission titled “Study of the benefits of a meshed offshore grid in Northern Seas region,” a meshed offshore grid would cut costs by between EUR 30 […]

  • 9 July 2015
    Operations & Maintenance, Wind Farm Update

    Dudgeon Offshore Wind Ltd has awarded the contract to build its onshore operations and maintenance (O&M) base to East Anglian construction company R G Carter. The company has been contracted to build the wind farm’s new O&M base at Berth 9 located next to the River Yare within the Great Yarmouth port. Work commenced in […]

  • 4 November 2015
    Business & Finance

    JDC Corporate Finance, East Anglia’s corporate advisory firm, has secured a £5.4million minority investment in Hull-based GEV Group, from Maven Capital Partners. As a global company comprising four divisions and with a key focus upon the renewables sector, the investment will support the company’s implementation of its significant growth plans, whilst enabling the exit of […]

  • 17 June 2013

    Tidal Transit has just celebrated the completion of 10,000 safe passenger transfers from its two personnel transfer vessels to wind turbines situated in the North Sea. The Ginny Louise and Eden Rose sail to the wind farms on most days from either Wells-next-the Sea or Great Yarmouth to transfer wind farm maintenance technicians and their […]

  • 1 August 2023
    Collaboration, Contracts & Tenders, Floating Wind, Outlook & Strategy

    Spanish state-owned Navantia Seanergies and SeAH have signed a collaboration agreement for the development of offshore wind in countries on the Asian continent. The collaboration between the two companies focuses on the manufacture of complete floats, components or materials manufactured in Korea or in countries where SeAH has facilities, or could be installed, such as […]

  • 5 March 2012

    More than 320 delegates attended the biggest ever conference staged by EEEGR (the East of England Energy Group) but it was the scale of the challenges and the potential of the multibillion pounds opportunities for the region which engaged them most. They were urged to make sure the East of England took its chance to […]

  • 14 May 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    A 200-strong delegation from EEEGR (the East of England Energy Group) was promised Government support and recognition for the region’s energy industry, at a House of Commons reception held yesterday. Business Secretary Vince Cable said there was a determination that a higher portion of the billions of pounds to be invested by international companies in […]

  • 7 February 2013

    Leading Scottish engineering company, Steel Engineering has selected Tymor Marine as a supply chain partner to support the delivery of major renewable contracts for Samsung at The Energy Park at Methil in Fife and for ScottishPower Renewables and Vattenfall at the East Anglia offshore wind zone off the Norfolk and Suffolk coast. With offices in […]

  • 21 November 2011

    Vattenfall has appointed Peter Wesslau as the new Country Manager for Vattenfall’s UK operations. Peter Wesslau is on the management team of Business Division Renewables and will be based in London. Vattenfall will now further boost its investments in wind power. Vattenfall will further increase its investments in wind power in the UK and has […]

  • 9 December 2014
    Environment, R&D

    Forewind is one of five international offshore wind energy developers to jointly initiate an ambitious research programme into how the harbour porpoise population in the North Sea is likely to be affected by the construction of offshore wind farms. The programme, called Disturbance Effects on the Harbour Porpoise Population in the North Sea (DEPONS) will […]

  • 7 September 2011

    The POWER (Pushing Offshore Wind Energy Regions) cluster is a 3 year €4,998,942 project which aims to help develop the offshore wind industry in the North Sea region of Europe. It involves 18 partners from six European countries – Germany, the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. The POWER Cluster project has recently concluded […]

  • 28 June 2013

    Coastline Surveys has been awarded a substantial contract at Seawork this week to carry out berth seabed and cable burial surveys for a European wave energy test site. The company has invited Innovatum to provide its new Cougar XT ROV fully equipped with a magnetic cable tracking system to assist on the project. The ROV […]

  • 21 March 2017
    Contracts & Tenders, Vessels

    With the ever-increasing size of the offshore wind turbine components, the vessels installing them need to catch up with the industry. For this purpose, Van Oord has been upgrading two of its installation vessels working in the offshore wind sector.