2699 results found for 'hohe see'

2699 results found for 'hohe see'
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  • 16 September 2013

    Energi Coast took part in a Tees Valley Unlimited-hosted visit by Business and Energy Minister Michael Fallon MP, who saw first-hand how the area is capitalising on new business opportunities. During his time in Tees Valley, Mr Fallon toured the UK’s largest advanced gasification energy-from-waste plant and a leading safety training facility, as well as […]

  • 4 January 2023
    Authorities, Wind Farm Update

    Finland’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has granted Ilmatar Offshore a research permit for two offshore wind areas in Finland’s exclusive economic zone. The granted permit applies to two areas, one of which is located approximately 30 kilometers from Jakobstad and the other approximately 70 kilometres southwest of Vaasa. Ilmatar Offshore previously announced that […]

  • 7 February 2022
    Operations & Maintenance, Ports & Logistics, Wind Farm Update

    Inch Cape Offshore Limited, a joint venture between the Edinburgh-based Red Rock Power Limited and Ireland’s energy company Electricity Supply Board (ESB), has selected Montrose Port as the future operations and maintenance (O&M) base for the Inch Cape offshore wind farm. Should the Inch Cape project be awarded a Contract for Difference (CfD) this summer, […]

  • 18 March 2021
    Wind Farm Update

    Ørsted said that the full-scale offshore construction activities at the 900 MW Greater Changhua 1 & 2a wind farms are moving full speed ahead after the developer secured all the permits and EIA approvals for the project. Ørsted will begin export and array cable laying, installation of the offshore substations and foundations in 2021, and […]

  • 6 August 2015

    The Crown Estate has welcomed the UK Government’s approval of Dogger Bank Teesside A & B offshore wind project. Head of Offshore Wind for The Crown Estate, Huub den Rooijen said: “Today’s announcement marks a great success for the future of the UK’s infrastructure development and is testimony to the hard work of Forewind and the […]

  • 14 January 2015
    Authorities, Business & Finance, Environment

    Climate change represents a serious threat to our welfare society, the business community and individual citizens. However, with the Climate Change Act – passed by the Danish Parliament on January 12 – Denmark is taking its share of responsibility for limiting climate change, according to Minister for Climate, Energy and Building Rasmus Helveg Petersen.  The Climate […]

  • 8 May 2014
    Business & Finance

    Dominion Virginia Power has been awarded an additional $47 million from the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to help fund the construction of a 12-megawatt demonstration project, consisting of two 6-megawatt offshore wind turbines on innovative substructures that will produce enough electricity to power up to 3,000 homes. “This was a highly competitive process […]

  • 2 April 2013
    Wind Farm Update

    The Lincs Offshore Wind Farm is celebrating the successful installation of the project’s final turbine.  The 75th Siemens 3.6MW turbine was installed today by specialist jack-up vessel MPI Resolution, completing the installation programme which began on 14 July 2012, and bringing the wind farm up to its full installed capacity of 270MW. Lincs Project Director […]

  • 12 June 2012
    Business & Finance

    3sun Group, a specialist provider of products and services to the energy industry, has announced that its recently launched inspection division, 3sun Inspection Services, has secured over £1 million in contract wins. The Group is exhibiting at Renewable UK’s Global Offshore Wind show 13-14 June at stand 505. The division, launched late 2011, has secured […]

  • 8 June 2012

    Building more gas power plants could release hundreds of millions of pounds a year for greater cuts in emissions, more home insulation and additional low carbon research and development, a new report by leading think tank Policy Exchange has found. A more balanced approach to electricity generation over the next decade – which enables the […]

  • 13 April 2012
    Authorities, Environment

    Scotland’s natural marine carbon sinks are being put at risk by badly planned renewable energy projects. This is the core message that will be presented tomorrow (Thursday 12 April) to key EU and Scottish Government stakeholders at a meeting in the European Parliament, Brussels. The meeting, to be arranged and chaired by Scottish Conservative Euro […]

  • 22 February 2012

    GREEN energy is set to change the landscape of Hull forever. With Green Port Hull and its creation of jobs, the city is standing at the forefront of the green revolution. An event has been held in Hull to help people understand what green energy means to them and how they can make changes in […]

  • 12 October 2010
    Wind Farm Update

    Today the Danish Climate and Energy Minister Lykke Friis officially inaugurated E.ON’s offshore wind farm Rösand II. Rödsand lies between the German island of Fehmarn and the Danish island of Lolland and is currently the largest of E.ON’s six offshore wind farms and one of the largest operating in the world today. With a capacity […]

  • 18 August 2011

    As part of Interior’s “Smart from the Start” offshore wind energy initiative to spur rapid and responsible siting, leasing and construction of new wind projects, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (BOEMRE) Director Michael R. Bromwich today announced the initial steps to develop commercial wind energy […]

  • 7 March 2023
    Authorities, Business development, Contracts & Tenders, Research & Development

    The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) has given the green light on the state’s third solicitation of offshore wind capacity. This third solicitation seeks to award between 1.2 GW and 4 GW of offshore wind capacity, building on the previously awarded 3.75 GW. The application window opened on 6 March and bids will […]

  • 4 July 2022

    The European and Ukrainian solar and wind associations have called on the leaders from both Ukraine and the EU to embrace renewables – including solar and onshore and offshore wind – and renewable hydrogen in the country’s post-war reconstruction. The associations today (4 July) released a joint statement calling on Ukrainian and the EU leaders […]

  • 28 April 2020
    R&D, Technology, Wind Farm Update

    Van Oord has installed a Slip Joint foundation at the Borssele Wind Farm Site V offshore the Netherlands. It is the first time anywhere that a submerged Slip Joint was used on a full-sized offshore wind turbine on a fully commercial basis, Van Oord said. After years of developing the system in cooperation with its […]

  • 24 September 2015

    U.S. Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Director Abigail Ross Hopper yesterday announced that an area of 343,833 acres (cca. 1,391km²) seven nautical miles off the New Jersey coast will be offered for commercial wind energy development in a competitive lease sale on November 9, 2015. The New Jersey Wind Energy […]

  • 28 May 2014
    Business & Finance

    Today in Zamudio (Vizcaya, Spain) Gamesa held its Shareholders’ General Meeting, at second call, at which its stockholders ratified the company’s 2013 financial and management performance, among other motions. Ignacio Martín, Executive Chairman of Gamesa, briefly overviewed the company’s earnings performance in 2013, underscoring its enhanced profitability, having recorded a net profit of €45 million […]

  • 22 May 2014
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    Scottish Enterprise announced £3.5 million of new investment in Scotland’s growing renewable energy sector, Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said. Four projects are being supported through the enterprise agency’s Renewable Energy Investment Fund (REIF). Islay Energy Community Benefit Society will receive a £735k loan to install a community owned 330Kw turbine on the island, with the […]

  • 8 May 2014

    A coalition of leading environmental and conservation organizations — Conservation Law Foundation (CLF), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and National Wildlife Federation (NWF) — and Deepwater Wind announced an agreement to implement additional protections for endangered North Atlantic right whales during pre-construction activities for the Deepwater ONE offshore wind farm, which will be developed off […]

  • 8 April 2013

    Australian-based specialist renewables technology company, Bombora Wave Power (“Bombora”) has launched its patented Wave Energy Converter Device (WECD), designed to harvest wave energy in an eco-friendly way and to produce zero-emission electricity. The WECD uses a simple, low impact and resilient design that offers inherent survivability from storms as well as resilience to rogue waves […]

  • 20 February 2013

    President Obama on February 12 highlighted clean energy and challenged the nation to become even more energy efficient during his State of the Union address to Congress. During the speech marking the start of his second term of office, President Obama spoke about a range of clean energy topics, including cars and transportation, energy efficiency, […]

  • 27 February 2023
    Infrastructure, Operations & Maintenance, Ports & Logistics, R&D, Research & Development, Technology, Transition, Vessels

    EnBW, bp, and the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult will jointly investigate the use of zero- or low-emission support vessels at offshore wind farms. EnBW and bp are jointly developing three offshore wind projects in two UK locations – Morven, a potential 2.9 GW lease area off the east coast of Scotland, and Morgan and […]

  • 31 January 2023
    Business & Finance, Ports & Logistics, Wind Farm Update

    Vineyard Wind, a joint venture between Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), has entered into a partnership with Shoreline Offshore to build a berthing and fueling area for crew transfer vessels (CTVs). The work will involve deploying two floating barges on Pope’s Island, New Bedford, and Shoreline Offshore upgrading its existing facilities, including adding fuel […]

  • 12 October 2022
    Technology, Wind Farm Update

    Marine Power Systems (MPS) and WavEC, one of the co-managers of the Aguçadoura test site offshore Viana do Castelo, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on deploying MPS modular floating platform technology, PelaFlex, at the Portuguese test site. The news comes shortly after MPS signed a collaboration agreement with RWE which will, inter alia, […]