226 results found for '3sun'

226 results found for '3sun'
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  • 26 October 2012

    The Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) Board of Trustees voted yesterday to authorize staff to begin negotiating potential power purchase agreements (PPA) for new generating resources consistent with LIPA’s Electric Resource Energy Plan. The Trustees also authorized actions related to diversifying LIPA’s resource portfolio, including efforts and investments to improve energy efficiency through the Efficiency […]

  • 22 July 2011

    As the demand for energy increases worldwide, the search for renewable and viable sources of power intensifies. Two Ryerson University researchers have taken that search underwater, and using Iran as a test case, have found that oceans and lakes could make an enormous contribution to global energy production.  “Bodies of water are a huge, untapped […]

  • 29 April 2014
    Authorities, R&D

    The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) ships, small boats, and hydrographic services contractors have their sailing orders to survey more than 2,000 square nautical miles in U.S. coastal waters this year, collecting data that will strengthen the foundation of the nation’s environmental intelligence. Most of the vessels are sailing to their initial project […]

  • 20 March 2012

    A newly released NOAA study will help New York state officials make advances in managing their coastal waters and guiding future development of offshore wind energy projects. The study, A Biogeographic Assessment of Seabirds, Deep Sea Corals and Ocean Habitats of the New York Bight, will help the state identify favorable wind energy development sites […]

  • 19 March 2015
    Authorities, Business & Finance

    A new report, published by the UK Centre for Policy Studies, claims that renewable energy policy is the most expensive domestic policy disaster in modern British history.  Read the official press release below: In a new report Central Planning with Market Features: how renewable subsidies destroyed the UK electricity market, published Wednesday 18 March, Rupert Darwall shows that […]

  • 15 July 2014
    Business & Finance

    Global clean energy investment surged to $63.6bn in the second quarter of 2014, up 33% compared to the first quarter and 9% compared to Q2 2013, according to the latest authoritative figures from research company Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Q2 2014 was the strongest quarter for investment since Q2 2012 which reached $69.6bn, and was […]

  • 5 August 2014
    Business & Finance, R&D, Technology

    A renewable energy system which simultaneously utilizes wind, wave, and solar energy is being developed in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Josip Bilic, an innovator who aims at building a cost-effective device that can produce energy from more than one source.   Device Using Multiple Renewable Energy Sources (DUMRES) is based on a synergy between the […]

  • 13 January 2012

      A new strategic alliance between Willis Group Holdings, the global insurance broker, and clean energy financier Narec Capital will unlock fresh opportunities for firms in the renewable energy market to develop and scale up technologies that generate low carbon power from the air, sea and sun. By combining dedicated finance and insurance capacity, Narec […]

  • 18 April 2013

    Green energy is set for big growth across the United Kingdom and Ireland, prompting Lloyd’s to hold its All Island Renewable Energy Conference today at the iconic Titanic Belfast complex in Northern Ireland. Speakers representing stakeholders from across the sector will explore the important finance, investment and risk management issues confronting the renewable energy business. […]

  • 6 March 2013
    Ports & Logistics, R&D

    North Carolinians overwhelmingly support the increased use of clean energy sources like solar or wind energy, according to poll results released on February 28 by the NC Sustainable Energy Association. A recent statewide public opinion survey conducted by Fallon Research found that 75.7% of Republicans, 89% of Democrats, and 81.6% of Independents (82.6% overall) said […]

  • 23 July 2012

    From the Tide Mill at Woodbridge to the Rance in Britanny, the tidal power has been harnessed for centuries. Mark Aspinall, director of 4NRg, based at OrbisEnergy in Lowestoft and managing director of Scour Prevention Systems Ltd, explains why this ancient concept is still relevant today. Nothing seems to divide opinion like renewable energy  Whilst […]

  • 2 May 2013
    R&D, Technology

    New technology for harvesting energy from low velocity ocean and tidal currents multiplies the potential for marine energy. Written by Anders Jansson, CEO, Minesto  Marine energy – for instance energy from tidal and ocean currents – is the ‘best of the best’ amongst green energy sources: it has the greatest potential (in theory, the planet’s […]

  • 29 September 2010

    The strong winds off the Atlantic Ocean could become a cost-effective way to power much of the East Coast — especially North and South Carolina, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Virginia, a new study released Tuesday says.

  • 17 May 2016
    Business & Finance

    Shell has created a new division called New Energies, through which the oil and gas giant will invest in wind energy, along with its hydrogen, biofuels and electrical activities, according to The Guardian. Even though Shell has not yet officially confirmed this, it is expected that the new unit will be unveiled in early June. […]

  • 22 December 2014

    On a bright Sunday morning August 31st around 450 persons gathered in the Felison terminal of the DFDS Seaways in the port of IJmuiden where the Princess Seaways cruise liner was waiting to take them on a day trip to the Eneco Luchterduinen offshore wind farm, Dutch utility Eneco’s second offshore wind farm in Dutch […]

  • 30 December 2011

    The two figures of “100 million” and “10 million” are extremely meaningful to each Chinese people. By the end of October, the total installed capacity of China Guodian Corporation surpassed 100 million kilowatts, among which wind power 10 million kilowatts, the symbolic WTG is located at Jiangsu Rudong Offshore (Intertidal) 150,000 kilowatts Large-Scale Demonstration Wind […]

  • 19 June 2013

    Currently most of the licences for offshore wind farm development zones are granted with a lease period of 20 to 25 years. As a consequence the turbines have to be built to last for at least that period. There are several elements that can affect the life span of a turbine once it is installed […]

  • 27 February 2011

    The wind energy market is experiencing rapid growth worldwide and has doubled in size every 3 years for the past 30 years. It is expected to have generated 331 TWh in 2010 alone, amounting to 1.6% of global energy consumption. This expansion requires new manufacturing plant including facilities for large composite blades. Applied Market Information […]